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Minnesota Governor's Proposed Biennial Operating Budget

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

The Minnesota state budget operates on a two-year cycle, or biennium, covering two fiscal years. The structure and mechanisms of budgeting for the State of Minnesota are found in Article XI of Minnesota's Constitution. Minnesota Statutes 16A.11 requires that the governor submit a proposed state operating budget, including a budget message, to the Minnesota Legislature in January or February of odd-numbered years.

Following the release of the governor's proposed budget, the process moves to the Legislature. Appropriation bills are introduced in the legislature and make their way through the legislative process. The appropriations bills that are approved by the legislature and signed into law by the governor make up the state’s operating budget. The final operating budget does not appear in a single law but is made up of a number of separate appropriations laws. For more detailed information about Minnesota’s state budget, see the Legislative Library’s guide to the State Budget Process.

Below is a compilation of the proposed operating budget documents of Minnesota governors, beginning with the late 1990s. Included for each biennium are the original proposals for state agencies as well as updates and revisions to those proposals.

2024-2025 Governor's Budget Recommendations

Publisher: Minn. Management & Budget

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Governor's 2024-25 Supplemental Budget Recommendation

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Health Care Access Fund

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Premium Security Plan Account

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] 2022-23 Biennium Where the General Fund Dollars Come From?

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Current Biennium: FY 2022-23 General Fund Budget: Estimates of Nondedicated Revenues

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] General Fund Balance Analysis: Comparisons to February 2023 Forecast

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] General Fund Balance Analysis

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] 2024-25 Biennial Budget Update - Federal Fund Changes

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget Recommendations, Non-General Funds

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Governor's Revised 2024-25 Biennial Budget Recommendations, General Fund

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Changes to Governor's Original General Fund Recommendations

[Governor's 2024-25 Revised Biennial Budget] Revised Recommendations by Agency

Board of Accountancy
Administration [revised]
Office of Administrative Hearings
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Agriculture [revised]
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
Board of Animal Health [revised]
Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Minnesota State Arts Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Attorney General [revised]
Board of Barber Examiners
Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board [revised]
Cannabis Expungement Board
Cannabis Management Office
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board [revised]
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Department of Commerce [revised]
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Corrections [revised]
Board of Cosmetologist Examiners
Court of Appeals [revised]
Board of Dentistry
Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Minnesota Council on Disability
District Courts [revised]
Education [revised]
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Employment and Economic Development [revised]
Board of Executives for Long Term Services and Supports
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Office of the Foster Youth Ombudsperson
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office [revised]
State Guardian ad Litem Board
Health [revised]
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Minnesota Office of Higher Education [revised]
Minnesota Historical Society [revised]
Housing Finance
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Human Services [revised]
Minnesota Humanities Center
Indian Affairs Council
State Board of Investment
Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation [revised]
Board on Judicial Standards
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry [revised]
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Legal Professional Boards
Minnesota Legislature [revised]
Lottery [revised]
MNsure [revised]
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy [revised]
Mayo Clinic: Alix School of Medicine and Family Medicine Residency
Bureau of Mediation Services [revised]
Board of Medical Practice
Metropolitan Council - Environment [revised]
Metropolitan Council - Transportation [revised]
Department of Military Affairs [revised]
Minnesota IT Services (MNIT) [revised]
Minnesota Management and Budget [revised]
Minnesota Management and Budget Non-Operating [revised]
Minnesota State [revised]
Minnesota State Retirement System [revised]
Minnesota Zoological Garden [revised]
Department of Natural Resources [revised]
Board of Nursing
Board of Occupational Therapy Practice
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Office of Ombudsperson for American Indian Families
Office of the Ombudsperson for Corrections
Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Board of Optometry
Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training [revised]
Perpich Center for Arts Education [revised]
Board of Pharmacy [revised]
Board of Physical Therapy
Board of Podiatric Medicine
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency [revised]
Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
Board of Psychology
Board of Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority [revised]
Department of Public Safety - Public Safety [revised]
Department of Public Safety - Transportation [revised]
Public Utilities Commission
Minnesota Racing Commission
Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Science Museum of Minnesota
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State [revised]
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Board of Social Work
Minnesota State Academies [revised]
State Auditor
Supreme Court [revised]
Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds [revised]
Tax Court
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
Transportation [revised]
Uniform Laws Commission
University Of Minnesota [revised]
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs [revised]
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Board of Water and Soil Resources [revised]
Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals

General Fund

Non-General Fund Recommendations

General Fund Balance Analysis

General Fund Balance Analysis by Omnibus Bill

Where [do] the General Fund Dollars Come From?

Estimates of Nondedicated Revenues

Health Care Access Fund

Premium Security Plan Account

Making Minnesota the Best State for Kids [Fact sheet]

Investing in Minnesota's Economic Future [Fact sheet]

Protecting the Health and Safety of Minnesotans [Fact sheet]

One Minnesota Budget [Fact sheet]

Governor's Budget Recommendations

Board of Accountancy
Office of Administrative Hearings
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
Board of Animal Health
Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Minnesota State Arts Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Attorney General
Board of Barber Examiners
Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Cannabis Expungement Board
Cannabis Management Office
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Department of Commerce
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Board of Cosmetologist Examiners
Court of Appeals
Board of Dentistry
Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Minnesota Council on Disability
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Employment and Economic Development
Board of Executives for Long Term Services and Supports
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Office of the Foster Youth Ombudsperson
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
State Guardian ad Litem Board
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Minnesota Historical Society
Housing Finance
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Human Services
Minnesota Humanities Center
Indian Affairs Council
State Board of Investment
Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
Board on Judicial Standards
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Legal Professional Boards
Minnesota Legislature
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy
Mayo Clinic: Alix School of Medicine and Family Medicine Residency
Bureau of Mediation Services
Board of Medical Practice
Metropolitan Council - Environment
Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Department of Military Affairs
Management and Budget
Minnesota Management and Budget Non-Operating
Minnesota State Retirement System
Minnesota State
Minnesota Zoological Garden
Minnesota IT Services (MNIT)
Department of Natural Resources
Board of Nursing
Board of Occupational Therapy Practice
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Office of Ombudsperson for American Indian Families
Office of the Ombudsperson for Corrections
Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Board of Optometry
Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Board of Pharmacy
Board of Physical Therapy
Board of Podiatric Medicine
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
Board of Psychology
Board of Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Department of Public Safety - Public Safety
Department of Public Safety - Transportation
Public Utilities Commission
Minnesota Racing Commission
Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Science Museum of Minnesota
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Board of Social Work
Minnesota State Academies
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Tax Court
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
Uniform Laws Commission
University Of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Board of Water and Soil Resources
Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals

State Agency Base Operating Budgets with Background Materials

Board of Accountancy
Office of Administrative Hearings
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
Board of Animal Health
Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Minnesota State Arts Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Attorney General
Board of Barber Examiners
Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Department of Commerce
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Board of Cosmetologist Examiners
Court of Appeals
Board of Dentistry
Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Minnesota Council on Disability
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Employment and Economic Development
Board of Executives for Long Term Services and Supports
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Office of the Foster Youth Ombudsperson
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
State Guardian ad Litem Board
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Minnesota Historical Society
Housing Finance
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Human Services
Minnesota Humanities Center
Indian Affairs Council
State Board of Investment
Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
Board on Judicial Standards
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Legal Professional Boards
Minnesota Legislature
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy
Mayo Clinic: Alix School of Medicine and Family Medicine Residency
Bureau of Mediation Services
Board of Medical Practice
Metropolitan Council - Environment
Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Department of Military Affairs
Minnesota Management and Budget Non-Operating
Minnesota Management and Budget
Minnesota State Retirement System
Minnesota State
Minnesota Zoological Garden
Minnesota IT Services (MNIT)
Department of Natural Resources
Board of Nursing
Board of Occupational Therapy Practice
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Office of Ombudsperson for American Indian Families
Office of the Ombudsperson for Corrections
Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Board of Optometry
Peace Officer Standards and Training Board
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Board of Pharmacy
Board of Physical Therapy
Board of Podiatric Medicine
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
Board of Psychology
Board of Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Department of Public Safety - Public Safety
Department of Public Safety - Transportation
Public Utilities Commission
Minnesota Racing Commission
Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Science Museum of Minnesota
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Board of Social Work
Minnesota State Academies
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Tax Court
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
Uniform Laws Commission
University Of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Board of Water and Soil Resources
Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals

2022-2023 Governor's Budget Recommendations.

Publisher: Minnesota Management & Budget

COVID-19 Recovery Budget

Health Care Access Fund

2020/2021 Estimates of Nondedicated Revenues

2020/2021 Where [do] the General Fund Dollars Come From?

General Fund Balance Analysis Expenditures by Omnibus Bill

General Fund Balance Analysis

Non-General Fund Recommendations

General Fund

Governor's Budget Recommendations

Board of Accountancy
Office of Administrative Hearings
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
Board of Animal Health
Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Minnesota State Arts Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Attorney General's Office
Board of Barber Examiners
Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Department of Commerce
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Board of Cosmetology
Court of Appeals
Board of Dentistry
Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Disability Council
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Employment and Economic Development
Board of Executives for Long Term Services and Supports
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
State Guardian ad Litem Board
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Minnesota Historical Society
Housing Finance
Minnesota Humanities Center
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Human Services
Indian Affairs Council
State Board of Investment
Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
Board on Judicial Standards
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Legal Professional Boards
Minnesota Legislature
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy
Mayo Clinic: Alix School of Medicine and Family Medicine Residency
Bureau of Mediation Services
Board of Medical Practice
Metropolitan Council - Environment
Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Department of Military Affairs
Minnesota Management and Budget
Minnesota Management and Budget Non-Operating
Minnesota State
Minnesota State Retirement System
Office of MN.IT Services
Department of Natural Resources
Board of Nursing
Board of Occupational Therapy Practice
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental
Ombudsperson for Corrections
Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Board of Optometry
Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Board of Pharmacy
Board of Physical Therapy
Board of Podiatric Medicine
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Board of Private Detectives and Protective Agents
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
Board of Psychology
Board of Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Department of Public Safety - Public Safety
Department of Public Safety - Transportation
Public Utilities Commission
Minnesota Racing Commission
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Science Museum of Minnesota
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Board of Social Work
Minnesota State Academies
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Tax Court
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
Uniform Laws Commission
University Of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Board of Water and Soil Resources
Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals
Minnesota Zoological Gardens

State Agency Base Operating Budgets with Background Materials

Board of Accountancy
Administrative Hearings Office
African Heritage Minnesotans Council
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Amateur Sports Commission
Animal Health Board
Architecture and Engineering Board
Arts Board
Attorney Generals Office
Barber Examiners Board
Behavioral Health and Therapy Board
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
Chiropractic Examiners Board
Conservation Corps
Cosmetologist Examiners Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Court of Appeals
Dentistry Board
Dietetics and Nutrition Practice Board
Disability Council
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Employment and Economic Development
Executives for Long Term Services and Supports Board
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
Guardian ad Litem Board
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Higher Education Office
Historical Society
Housing Finance Agency
Human Rights
Human Services
Humanities Center
Indian Affairs Council
Investment Board
Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Judicial Standards Board
Labor and Industry
Legal Professional Boards
Marriage and Family Therapy Board
Mayo Clinic
Mediation Services Bureau
Medical Practice Board
Metropolitan Council - Environment
Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Military Affairs
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Minnesota Management and Budget Non-Operating
Minnesota Management and Budget
Minnesota State Retirement System
Minnesota State
MNIT Services
Natural Resources
Nursing Board
Occupational Therapy Board
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Ombudsperson for Families
Optometry Board
Peace Officer Standards and Training Board
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Pharmacy Board
Physical Therapy Board
Podiatric Medicine Board
Pollution Control Agency
Private Detective and Protective Agents Board
Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board
Psychology Board
Public Defense Board
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Public Safety
Public Safety - Transportation
Public Utilities Commission
Racing Commission
Science Museum
Secretary of State
Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Social Work Board
State Academies
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Aids, Credit and Refunds
Tax Court
Teachers Retirement Association
Uniform Laws Commission
University of Minnesota
Veterans Affairs
Veterinary Medicine Board
Water and Soil Resources Board
Workers Compensation Court of Appeals
Zoological Gardens

2020-2021 Governor's Budget Recommendations.

Publisher: Minnesota Management & Budget

Interim Stadium Reserve Balance

Interim Health Care Access Fund

Interim Selected Updated CFS Statements:

Interim Current Biennium: General Fund Budget Estimates of Non-dedicated Revenues

Interim General Fund Detail

Interim General Fund Summary

Interim Budget Projection [data presentation]

Supplemental Budget: Additional Federal Funds

Supplemental Budget: Health Care Access Fund

Supplemental Budget: Consolidated Fund Statement

Supplemental Budget: All Funds by Agency: Recommendations

Supplemental Budget: All Funds by Agency

Supplemental Budget: General Fund Pie Charts

Supplemental Budget: General Fund Balance Analysis: Comparisons to 2020 February Forecast

Supplemental Budget: General Fund Balance Analysis

Supplemental Budget: General Fund Balance Financial Summaries

Supplemental Budget: General Fund Summary

Supplemental Budget: 3/25 Revisions Transmittal Letter

Supplemental Budget: 3/22 Revisions Transmittal Letter

Supplemental Budget: 3/12 Transmittal Letter

Health Care Access Fund: Governor's Revised Budget Recommendations [FY 2020-21]

Revised Budget for One Minnesota: Fiscal Years 2020-21

Revised Budget for One Minnesota: Fiscal Years 2020-21

Revised Budget for One Minnesota: Fiscal Years 2020-21

Governor's Revised FY2020-FY2021 Budget Financial Summaries

Governor's Revised FY2020-FY2021 Budget Pie Charts

Governor's Revised Budget: Changes to Original General Fund Recommendations [FY 2020-FY 2021]

General Fund Balance Analysis: March 2019 Governor's Recommendations [summary; FY 2020-FY 2021]

Federal Funds Summary [Governor's Revised Budget Recommendations FY 2020-21]

General Fund Balance Analysis: March 2019 Governor's Recommendations [detail; FY 2020-FY 2021]

Governor's Revised Budget Recommendations

Accountancy Board
Office of Administrative Hearings
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
Board of Animal Health
Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Minnesota State Arts Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Attorney General's Office
Board of Barber Examiners
Board of Behavorial Health and Therapy
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Department of Commerce
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Board of Cosmetologist Examiners
Court of Appeals
Board of Dentistry
Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Minnesota State Council on Disability
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Department of Employment and Economic Development
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
State Guardian ad Litem Board
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Office of Higher Education
Minnesota Historical Society
Housing Finance
Minnesota Humanities Center
Human Rights
Human Services
Minnesota Humanities Center
Indian Affairs Council
Investment Board
Board of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Board on Judicial Standards
Labor and Industry
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Legal Professions Boards
Minnesota Legislature
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy
Mayo Clinic: Medical School and Family Medicine Residency Program
Bureau of Mediation Services
Board of Medical Practices
Metropolitan Council - Environmental
Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Department of Military Affairs
Minnesota Management and Budget
Minnesota Management & Budget Non-Operating
Minnesota State
Minnesota State Retirement System
Office of MN.IT Services
Department of Natural Resources
Board of Nursing
Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators
Board of Occupational Therapy
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Board of Optometry
Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Board of Pharmacy
Board of Physical Therapy
Board of Podiatric Medicine
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Board of Private Detectives and Protective Agents
Board of Professional Educators Licensing and Standards
Board of Psychology
Board of Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Department of Public Safety - Public Safety
Department of Public Safety - Transportation
Public Utilities Commission
Minnesota Racing Commission
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Science Museum of Minnesota
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Board of Social Work
Minnesota State Academies
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Tax Court
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
Uniform Laws Commission
University of Minnesota
Veterans Affairs
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Board of Water and Soil Resources
Workers Compensation Court of Appeals
Minnesota Zoological Gardens

Governor's Budget Recommendations

Accountancy Board
Office of Administrative Hearings
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
Board of Animal Health
Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Minnesota State Arts Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Attorney General's Office
Board of Barber Examiners
Board of Behavorial Health and Therapy
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Department of Commerce
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Board of Cosmetologist Examiners
Court of Appeals
Board of Dentistry
Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Minnesota State Council on Disability
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Department of Employment and Economic Development
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
State Guardian ad Litem Board
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Office of Higher Education
Minnesota Historical Society
Housing Finance
Minnesota Humanities Center
Human Rights
Human Services
Minnesota Humanities Center
Indian Affairs Council
Investment Board
Board of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Board on Judicial Standards
Labor and Industry
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Legal Professions Boards
Minnesota Legislature
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy
Mayo Clinic: Medical School and Family Medicine Residency Program
Bureau of Mediation Services
Board of Medical Practices
Metropolitan Council - Environmental
Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Department of Military Affairs
Minnesota Management and Budget
Minnesota Management & Budget Non-Operating
Minnesota State
Minnesota State Retirement System
Office of MN.IT Services
Department of Natural Resources
Board of Nursing
Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators
Board of Occupational Therapy
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Board of Optometry
Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Board of Pharmacy
Board of Physical Therapy
Board of Podiatric Medicine
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Board of Private Detectives and Protective Agents
Board of Professional Educators Licensing and Standards
Board of Psychology
Board of Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Department of Public Safety - Public Safety
Department of Public Safety - Transportation
Public Utilities Commission
Minnesota Racing Commission
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Science Museum of Minnesota
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Board of Social Work
Minnesota State Academies
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Tax Court
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
Uniform Laws Commission
University of Minnesota
Veterans Affairs
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Board of Water and Soil Resources
Workers Compensation Court of Appeals
Minnesota Zoological Gardens

Minnesota FY2018-2019 Proposed Biennial Operating Budget Documents.

Publisher: Minnesota Management & Budget

Supplemental Budget : Budget for a Better Minnesota Handout Links

Supplemental Budget: Budget for a Better Minnesota Handout

Supplemental Budget: Press Release

Supplemental Budget: Premium Security Plan Account

Supplemental Budget: Health Care Access Fund

Supplemental Budget: Where the General Fund Dollars Come From/Where the General Fund Dollars Go

Governor's Revised Budget: General Fund Balance Analysis: Comparisons to February 2018 Forecast (Analysis Detail)

Governor's Revised Budget: General Fund Balance Analysis: Expenditures by Omnibus Bill - Summary

Supplemental Budget General Fund Budget (Financial Summaries)

Supplemental Budget All Funds by Agency

Supplemental Budget General Fund Summary

Supplemental Budget Transmittal Letter

Update #2 - Governor's Revised Budget Recommendations

Transmittal Letter
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Administration
Governor's Budget Revisions - Administrative Hearings Office
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Agriculture
Governor's Budget Revisions - Arts Board
Governor's Budget Revisions - Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Barber Examiners
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Commerce
Governor's Budget Revisions - District Courts
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Education
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Employment and Economic Development
Governor's Budget Revisions - Explore Minnesota Tourism
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Health
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota Historical Society
Governor's Budget Revisions - Housing Finance Agency
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Human Services
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Judicial Standards
Governor's Budget Revisions - Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota Management and Budget Non-Operating
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota State Retirement System
Governor's Budget Revisions - MNsure
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Natural Resources
Governor's Budget Revisions - Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training
Governor's Budget Revisions - Perpich Center for Arts Education
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Pharmacy
Governor's Budget Revisions - Pollution Control Agency
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Private Detectives
Governor's Budget Revisions - Public Facilities Authority
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Public Safety
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Public Safety - Transportation
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Revenue
Governor's Budget Revisions - Supreme Court
Governor's Budget Revisions - Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Governor's Budget Revisions - Tax Court
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Transportation
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Water and Soil Resources

Update #1 - Federal Fund Changes

Governor's Budget Recommendations

Office of Administrative Hearings
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
Board of Animal Health
Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Minnesota State Arts Board
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Attorney General
Board of Barber Examiners
Board of Behavorial Health and Therapy
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Department of Commerce
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Board of Cosmetologist Examiners
Court of Appeals
Board of Dentistry
Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Minnesota State Council on Disability
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Department of Employment and Economic Development
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Office of Higher Education
Minnesota Historical Society
Housing Finance
Minnesota Humanities Center
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Human Services
Indian Affairs Council
Investment Board
Board on Judicial Standards
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs
Legal Professions Boards
Minnesota Legislature
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy
Mayo Clinic: Medical School and Family Medicine Residency Program
Bureau of Mediation Services
Medical Practices, Board of
Metropolitan Council - Environmental
Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Department of Military Affairs
Minnesota Management and Budget
Minnesota Management & Budget Non-Operating
Minnesota State
Minnesota State Retirement System
Office of MN.IT Services
Department of Natural Resources
Board of Nursing
Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Office of Ombudsperson for Families
Board of Optometry
Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Board of Pharmacy
Board of Physical Therapy
Board of Podiatric Medicine
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Board of Private Detectives and Protective Agents
Board of Psychology
Board of Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Employment Relations Board
Public Facilities Authority
Department of Public Safety - Public Safety
Department of Public Safety - Transportation
Public Utilities Commission
Minnesota Racing Commission
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Science Museum of Minnesota
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Board of Social Work
Minnesota State Academies
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Tax Court
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
Board of Teaching
Uniform Laws Commission
University of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Board of Water and Soil Resources
Workers Compensation Court of Appeals
Minnesota Zoological Gardens

Minnesota FY2016-2017 Proposed Biennial Operating Budget Documents.

Publisher: Minnesota Management & Budget

Governor Dayton's FY 2016-17 Supplemental Budget Recommendations (March 2016):

Supplemental Budget Update #3

Supplemental Budget Update #2

Supplemental Budget Update #1

Supplemental Budget Transmittal Letter #1 March 19, 2015
Governor's Revised FY 2016-17 Budget Recommendation (Individual Recommendations)
Governor's Supplemental Budget Recommendations by Bill Area
Governor's Supplemental Budget Recommendations by Theme
Governor's Supplemental Budget Recommendations (non-general fund)
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Administration
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Agriculture
Governor's Budget Revisions - Arts Board
Governor's Budget Revisions - Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Commerce
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Corrections
Governor's Budget Revisions - Council on Black Minnesotans
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Dentistry
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Education
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Employment and Economic Development
Governor's Budget Revisions - Office of the Governor
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Health
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota Historical Society
Governor's Budget Revisions - Housing Finance
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Human Rights
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Human Services
Governor's Budget Revisions - Indian Affairs Council
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota Legislature
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota Management and Budget Non-Operating
Governor's Budget Revisions - Metropolitan Council - Environmental
Governor's Budget Revisions - Metropolitan Council - Transportation
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Military Affairs
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota State Academies
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Governor's Budget Revisions - MNsure
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Natural Resources
Governor's Budget Revisions - Office of Higher Education
Governor's Budget Revisions - Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Governor's Budget Revisions - Perpich Center for Arts Education
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Pharmacy
Governor's Budget Revisions - Pollution Control Agency
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Public Safety - Transportation
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Public Safety
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Revenue
Governor's Budget Revisions - Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Transportation
Governor's Budget Revisions - University of Minnesota
Governor's Budget Revisions - Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Governor's Budget Revisions - Board of Water and Soil Resources
Governor's Budget Revisions - Minnesota Zoological Gardens

FY2016-2017 Original Proposed Biennial Operating Budget Documents

Administrative Hearings
Amateur Sports
Animal Health
Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design
Council on Asian Pacific Americans
Attorney General
Agriculture Utilization Research Institute
Barber Examiners
Behaviorial Health
Council on Black Minnesotans
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning
Council on Chicano Latino Affairs
Conservation Corps
Court of Appeals
District Courts
Emergency Medical Services
Employment and Economic Development
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control
Guardian Ad Litem
Higher Education
Historical Society
Housing Finance
Human Rights
Human Services
Indian Affairs
Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Judicial Standards
Labor and Industry
Legal Professions
Management and Budget
Marriage and Family
Mayo Clinic
Mediation Services
Medical Practices
Metropolitan Council Environmental
Metropolitan Council Transportation
Military Affairs
Natural Resources
Nursing Home Administrators
Ombudsman for Mental Health
Ombudspersons for Families
Peace Officer Standards and Training
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Physical Therapy
Podiatric Medicine
Pollution Control
Private Detectives
Public Defense
Public Employees Retirement
Public Facilities
Public Safety
Public Safetiy Transportation
Public Utilities
Science Museum
Secretary of State
Sentencing Guidelines
Social Work
State Academies
State Auditor
State Colleges and Universities
State Retirement System
Supreme Court
Tax Aid Credits and Refunds
Tax Court
Teachers Retirement
Uniform Law
University of Minnesota
Veterans Affairs
Veterinary Medicine
Water and Soil Resources
Workers Compensation Court
Zoological Gardens

Minnesota biennial budget FY 2014-2015.

Publisher: Minnesota Management and Budget

Governor's Supplemental Budget Recommendations

Supplemental Budget Update #1

Governor's Budget Recommendation

[Minnesota FY2012-2013 proposed biennial operating budget documents].

Publisher: Minnesota Management and Budget

Preliminary Budget Information

Accountancy Board
Administration Department
Administrative Hearings Office
Agricultural Utilization Ressearch Institute
Agriculture Department
Amateur Sports Commission
Animal Health Board
Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design Board
Arts Board
Asian-Pacific Minnesotans Council
Attorney General
Barber Examiners Board
Behavioral Health and Therapy Board
Black Minnesotans Council
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board
Chicano Latino Affairs Council
Chiropractic Examiners Board
Combative Sports Commission
Commerce Department
Corrections Department
Cosmetologist Examiners Board
Court of Appeals
Dentistry Board
Dietetics and Nutrition Practice Board
Disability Council
Education Department
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Employment and Economic Development Department
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
Guardian Ad Litem Board
Health Department
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Housing Finance Agency
Human Rights Department
Human Services Department
Humanities Commission
Indian Affairs Council
Investment Board
Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Judicial Standards Board
Labor and Industry Department
Legal Professions Boards
Marriage and Family Therapy Board
Mayo Medical School
Mediation Services Bureau
Medical Practice Board
Metropolitan Council
Military Affairs Department
Minnesota Conservation Corps
Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Management and Budget
Minnesota State Academies
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Minnesota State Retirement System
Natural Resources Department
Nursing Home Administrators Board
Nursing Board
Office of Enterprise Technology
Office of Higher Education
Ombudsperson for Families
Ombudsperson for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Optometry Board
Peace Officer Standard and Training Board
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Pharmacy Board
Physical Therapy Board
Podiatry Board
Pollution Control Agency
Private Detective Board
Psychology Board
Public Defense Board
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Public Safety Department
Public Utilities Commission
Racing Commission
Revenue Department
Science and Technology Authority
Science Museum
Secretary of State
Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Social Work Board
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Court
Teachers Retirement Association
Transportation Department
Trial Courts
Uniform Laws Commission
University of Minnesota
Veterans Affairs Department
Veterinary Medicine Board
Water and Soil Resources Board
Workers Compensation Court of Appeals
Zoological Board

Governor's Budget Recommendation

[Minnesota FY2010-2011 proposed biennial operating budget documents].

Publisher: Minnesota Management & Budget

Governor's Revised Recommendations (March 2010)

Governor's Supplemental Recommendations (Feb. 2010)

Revisions (March 2009)

Governor's Budget Recommendation (Jan. 2009)

Forecast Base Budget (Dec. 2008)

Accountancy Board
Administration Department
Administrative Hearings Office
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Agriculture Department
Amateur Sports Commission
Animal Health Board
Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design Board
Arts Board
Asian-Pacific Minnesotans Council
Attorney General
Barber/Cosmetologist Examiners Board
Behavioral Health and Therapy Board
Black Minnesotans Council
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board
Chicano Latino Affairs Council
Chiropractic Board
Combative Sports Commission
Commerce Department
Corrections Department
Court of Appeals
Dentistry Board
Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Disability Council
Education Department
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Employment and Economic Development Department
Explore Minnesota Tourism
Gambling Control Board
Governor's Office
Health Department
Higher Education Facilities Authority
Housing Finance Agency
Human Rights Department
Human Services Department
Humanities Commission
Indian Affairs Council
Investment Board
Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
Judicial Standards Board
Labor and Industry Department
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources
Legal Professions Boards
Marriage and Family Therapy Board
Mayo Medical School
Mediation Services Bureau
Medical Practice Board
Metropolitan Council
Military Affairs Department
Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota State Academies
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Minnesota State Retirement System
Minnesota Conservation Corps
Minnesota Management and Budget
Natural Resources Department
Nursing Home Administrators Board
Nursing Board
Office of Enterprise Technology
Office of Higher Education
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Ombudsperson for Families
Optometry Board
Peace Officers Board
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Pharmacy Board
Physical Therapy Board
Podiatry Board
Pollution Control Agency
Private Detective Board
Psychology Board
Public Defense Board
Public Employees Retirement Association
Public Facilities Authority
Public Safety Department
Public Utilities Commission
Racing Commission
Revenue Department
Science Museum
Secretary of State
Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Social Work Board
State Auditor
Supreme Court
Tax Court
Teachers Retirement Association
Transportation Department
Trial Courts
Uniform Laws Commission
University of Minnesota
Veterans Affairs Department
Veterinary Medicine Board
Water and Soil Resources Board
Workers Comp Court of Appeals
Zoological Board
Capital Projects

Minnesota FY2008-2009 proposed biennial operating budget documents.

Publisher: Minnesota Dept. of Finance

Supplemental Budget Update, 2008 March

Supplemental Budget Update, 2007 March

Governor's Budget Recommendation Revised Pages (O-Z)

Governor's Budget Recommendation Revised Pages (H-N)

Governor's Budget Recommendation Revised Pages (A-G)

Governor's Budget Recommendation (O-Z)

Governor's Budget Recommendation (H-N)

Governor's Budget Recommendation (A-G)

Preliminary Biennial Budget

2006-07 Governor's operating budget recommendations

Publisher: Minnesota Dept. of Finance

Governor's recommendations

Budget summary and policy highlights

Preliminary information

[Minnesota FY2004-2005 proposed biennial operating budget documents].

Publisher: Dept. of Finance

[Transportation rev. Governor's recommendation]

[State and local finance rev. Governor's recommendation]

[Supplemental recommendations]

Price of government

Budget update #1

Budget update #2

Budget update #3

Budget update #4

Supplemental Budget Update #3 - Additional Federal Funds

Background documents, v.1-3

Budget summary and policy highlights

[State and local finance summary]


[Criminal justice]

[E-12 education]

[Economic development]

[Environmental and agriculture]

[Health and human services]

[Higher education]

[State government]

[State government rev. Governor's recommendation]

[Environment and agriculture rev. Governor's recommendation]

[Economic development rev. Governor's recommendation]

[Criminal justice rev. Governor's recommendation]

[E-12 education rev. Governor's recommendation]

[Health and human services rev. Governor's recommendation]

[Higher education rev. Governor's recommendation]

Proposed biennial budget presented by Governor to Legislature.

Publisher: Proposed biennial budget presented by Governor to Legislature.

2002/2003 - Economic Development

2002/2003 - Environment & Natural Resources

2002/2003 - Health & Human Services

2002/2003 - Health & Human Services Change Order #1

2002/2003 - Children, Families & Learning Change Order #1

2002/2003 - Change Order #1 (Agency Budget Revisions )

2002/2003 - Executive Budget Summary

2002/2003 - Children, Families & Learning

2002/2003 - Criminal Justice

2002/2003 - Transportation & Other Agencies

2002/2003 - State Government

2002/2003 - Information Technology Initiatives & Inventory Report

2002/2003 - Change Order #5 (Department of Agriculture and Board of Animal Health)

2002/2003 - Change Order #6 (State Operated Services, Departmental Earnings)

2002/2003 - State and Local Finance Reform (Revised)

2002/2003 - Change Order #2 (Supplemental Budget Items, Errata and Changes)

2002/2003 - Change Order #3 (Federal Funds)

2002/2003 - Change Order #4 (Military Affairs)

2002/2003 - Fund Statements

2002/2003 - State and Local Finance Reform: Taxes, Aids & Credits

2002/2003 - Preliminary Unallotment

2002/2003 - Unallotment

2002/2003 - Higher Education

2000/2001 - Higher Education

2000/2001 - Transportation & Other Agencies

2000/2001 - Criminal Justice

2000/2001 - Education, Children & Families

2000/2001 - Environment & Natural Resources

2000/2001 - Health & Human Services

2000/2001 - Change Order #1 (Other Agency Budget Revisions)

2000/2001 - Fund Statements

2000/2001 - Economic Development

2000/2001 - Excutive Budget Summary

2000/2001 - State and Local Finance Summary

2000/2001 - Change Order #1 (Federal Funds)

2000/2001 - Change Order #2 (Federal Funds)

2000/2001 - State Government

1998/1999 - Change Order #2

1998/1999 - State Government

1998/1999 - Transportation & Other Agencies

1998/1999 - Information Technology

1998/1999 - Environment and Natural Resources

1998/1999 - Health and Human Services

1998/1999 - Executive Budget Summary

1998/1999 - Fund Statements

1998/1999 - Economic Development

1998/1999 - Criminal Justice

1998/1999 - Children, Families and Learning

1998/1999 - Change Order #3

1998/1999 - Change Order #4

1998/1999 - Change Order #1

1998/1999 - State and Local Finance Summary

1998/1999 - Higher Education

1996/1997 - Higher Education

1996/1997 - Executive Budget Summary

1996/1997 - State & Local Finance Summary

1996/1997 - Change Order #1

1996/1997 - Change Order #2

1996/1997 - Change Order #3

1996/1997 - Change Order #4

1996/1997 - Change Order #5

1996/1997 - Fund Statements

1996/1997 - State Government

1996/1997 - Environment & Natural Resources

1996/1997 - Criminal Justice

1996/1997 - Health & Human Services

1996/1997 - Transportation & Other Agencies

1996/1997 - Education & Education Aids

1996/1997 - Children & Family Services

1994/1995 - Overheads

1994/1995 - Major Revenues, Local Government Aids and Property Tax Relief

1994/1995 - Fund Statements

1994/1995 - State Government

1994/1995 - Jobs and Commerce

1994/1995 - Education and Children

1994/1995 - Executive Budget Summary

1994/1995 - Education and Children Supplement

1994/1995 - Environment and Natural Resources

1994/1995 - Human Development

1994/1995 - Suppl. Fed. Funds - Change Order #8

1992/1993 - State Government Affairs

1992/1993 - Human Development

1992/1993 - Environment & Natural Resources

1992/1993 - Education Finance

1992/1993 - Executive Budget Summary

1992/1993 - Change Order #1

1992/1993 - Post-Secondary Education

1992/1993 - Infrastructure & Regulation

1992/1993 - Fund Statements

1990/1991 - State Departments Volume 1

1990/1991 - Post-Secondary Education

1990/1991 - Forecast and Baseline Estimates

1990/1991 - Education Aids and the Department of Education

1990/1991 - Human Resources

1990/1991 - Transportation and Semi- State Departments Errors Omissions Summary

1990/1991 - Fund Statements

1990/1991 - Transportation and Other Agencies

1990/1991 - State Departments Volume 2

1987/1989 - Transportation and Other Agencies

1987/1989 - State Departments Volume 1

1987/1989 - Post-secondary Education

1987/1989 - Education Aids and the Department of Education

1987/1989 - Human Resources

1987/1989 - Fund Statements

1985/1987 - Transportation and Other Agencies

1983/1985 - Health, Welfare, Corrections

1983/1985 - Fund Statements

1981/1983 - Revisions

1979/81 - Education Aids

Term Connector: