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Journal of the Senate 1989-1990
76th Legislature, 1989-1990 Regular Session
Full Index
Bills of the Senate [Numerical Index]
Index to Senate Bills by Author
Miscellaneous Index
Senate Record of Chapter Numbers
Senate Record of Companion Bills as Introduced
Senate Record of House Bills
Senate Record of Non-Revisor Companion Bills
Topical Index of Senate Bills and House Bills
1989-1990 Regular Session - 1990
Communications Received Subsequent to Adjournment
Wednesday, April 25, 1990 - 96th Legislative Day
- pages 9338-9455
Tuesday, April 24, 1990 - 95th Legislative Day
- pages 8975-9337
Monday, April 23, 1990 - 94th Legislative Day
- pages 8409-8974
Friday, April 20, 1990 - 93rd Legislative Day
- pages 8366-8408
Thursday, April 19, 1990 - 92nd Legislative Day
- pages 8365-8365
Wednesday, April 18, 1990 - 91st Legislative Day
- pages 8298-8364
Tuesday, April 17, 1990 - 90th Legislative Day
- pages 8259-8297
Thursday, April 12, 1990 - 89th Legislative Day
- pages 8224-8258
Wednesday, April 11, 1990 - 88th Legislative Day
- pages 7994-8223
Monday, April 9, 1990 - 87th Legislative Day
- pages 7959-7993
Friday, April 6, 1990 - 86th Legislative Day
- pages 7827-7958
Thursday, April 5, 1990 - 85th Legislative Day
- pages 7753-7826
Wednesday, April 4, 1990 - 84th Legislative Day
- pages 7688-7752
Tuesday, April 3, 1990 - 83rd Legislative Day
- pages 7654-7687
Monday, April 2, 1990 - 82nd Legislative Day
- pages 7573-7653
Friday, March 30, 1990 - 81st Legislative Day
- pages 7544-7572
Thursday, March 29, 1990 - 80th Legislative Day
- pages 7435-7543
Wednesday, March 28, 1990 - 79th Legislative Day
- pages 7412-7434
Tuesday, March 27, 1990 - 78th Legislative Day
- pages 7378-7411
Monday, March 26, 1990 - 77th Legislative Day
- pages 7346-7377
Friday, March 23, 1990 - 76th Legislative Day
- pages 7155-7345
Thursday, March 22, 1990 - 75th Legislative Day
- pages 7028-7154
Wednesday, March 21, 1990 - 74th Legislative Day
- pages 6875-7027
Tuesday, March 20, 1990 - 73rd Legislative Day
- pages 6782-6874
Monday, March 19, 1990 - 72nd Legislative Day
- pages 6734-6781
Thursday, March 15, 1990 - 71st Legislative Day
- pages 6665-6733
Wednesday, March 14, 1990 - 70th Legislative Day
- pages 6577-6664
Monday, March 12, 1990 - 69th Legislative Day
- pages 6433-6576
Thursday, March 8, 1990 - 68th Legislative Day
- pages 6390-6432
Wednesday, March 7, 1990 - 67th Legislative Day
- pages 6297-6389
Monday, March 5, 1990 - 66th Legislative Day
- pages 6245-6296
Thursday, March 1, 1990 - 65th Legislative Day
- pages 6181-6244
Monday, February 26, 1990 - 64th Legislative Day
- pages 6132-6180
Thursday, February 22, 1990 - 63rd Legislative Day
- pages 6091-6131
Monday, February 19, 1990 - 62nd Legislative Day
- pages 6069-6090
Thursday, February 15, 1990 - 61st Legislative Day
- pages 6048-6068
Tuesday, February 13, 1990 - 60th Legislative Day
- pages 6047-6047
Monday, February 12, 1990 - 59th Legislative Day
- pages 6015-6046
76th Legislature, 1989 1st Special Session
Full Index
Bills of the Senate [Numerical Index]
Index to Senate Bills by Author
Miscellaneous Index
Senate Record of Companion Bills as Introduced
Senate Record of House Bills
1989 1st Special Session
Communications Received Subsequent to Adjournment
Friday, September 29, 1989 - 3rd Legislative Day
- pages 27-50
Thursday, September 28, 1989 - 2nd Legislative Day
- pages 10-26
Wednesday, September 27, 1989 - 1st Legislative Day
- pages 3-9
76th Legislature, 1989-1990 Regular Session
1989-1990 Regular Session - 1989
Communications Received Subsequent to Adjournment
Monday, May 22, 1989 - 58th Legislative Day
- pages 4902-6002
Saturday, May 20, 1989 - 57th Legislative Day
- pages 4087-4901
Friday, May 19, 1989 - 56th Legislative Day
- pages 3876-4086
Thursday, May 18, 1989 - 55th Legislative Day
- pages 3782-3875
Wednesday, May 17, 1989 - 54th Legislative Day
- pages 3726-3781
Tuesday, May 16, 1989 - 53rd Legislative Day
- pages 3632-3725
Monday, May 15, 1989 - 52nd Legislative Day
- pages 3584-3631
Friday, May 12, 1989 - 51st Legislative Day
- pages 3503-3583
Thursday, May 11, 1989 - 50th Legislative Day
- pages 3387-3502
Wednesday, May 10, 1989 - 49th Legislative Day
- pages 3270-3386
Tuesday, May 9, 1989 - 48th Legislative Day
- pages 3204-3269
Monday, May 8, 1989 - 47th Legislative Day
- pages 3161-3203
Friday, May 5, 1989 - 46th Legislative Day
- pages 3122-3160
Thursday, May 4, 1989 - 45th Legislative Day
- pages 3097-3121
Wednesday, May 3, 1989 - 44th Legislative Day
- pages 2953-3096
Tuesday, May 2, 1989 - 43rd Legislative Day
- pages 2574-2952
Monday, May 1, 1989 - 42nd Legislative Day
- pages 2444-2573
Friday, April 28, 1989 - 41st Legislative Day
- pages 2407-2443
Thursday, April 27, 1989 - 40th Legislative Day
- pages 2248-2406
Wednesday, April 26, 1989 - 39th Legislative Day
- pages 2247-2247
Tuesday, April 25, 1989 - 38th Legislative Day
- pages 2208-2246
Monday, April 24, 1989 - 37th Legislative Day
- pages 2173-2207
Friday, April 21, 1989 - 36th Legislative Day
- pages 2061-2172
Thursday, April 20, 1989 - 35th Legislative Day
- pages 1960-2060
Wednesday, April 19, 1989 - 34th Legislative Day
- pages 1959-1959
Tuesday, April 18, 1989 - 33rd Legislative Day
- pages 1815-1958
Monday, April 17, 1989 - 32nd Legislative Day
- pages 1639-1814
Thursday, April 13, 1989 - 31st Legislative Day
- pages 1561-1638
Wednesday, April 12, 1989 - 30th Legislative Day
- pages 1405-1560
Monday, April 10, 1989 - 29th Legislative Day
- pages 1191-1404
Thursday, April 6, 1989 - 28th Legislative Day
- pages 914-1190
Monday, April 3, 1989 - 27th Legislative Day
- pages 827-913
Thursday, March 30, 1989 - 26th Legislative Day
- pages 786-826
Tuesday, March 28, 1989 - 25th Legislative Day
- pages 761-785
Wednesday, March 22, 1989 - 24th Legislative Day
- pages 696-760
Monday, March 20, 1989 - 23rd Legislative Day
- pages 641-695
Thursday, March 16, 1989 - 22nd Legislative Day
- pages 550-640
Monday, March 13, 1989 - 21st Legislative Day
- pages 515-549
Thursday, March 9, 1989 - 20th Legislative Day
- pages 463-514
Wednesday, March 8, 1989 - 19th Legislative Day
- pages 462-462
Monday, March 6, 1989 - 18th Legislative Day
- pages 412-461
Thursday, March 2, 1989 - 17th Legislative Day
- pages 383-411
Monday, February 27, 1989 - 16th Legislative Day
- pages 313-382
Thursday, February 23, 1989 - 15th Legislative Day
- pages 283-312
Monday, February 20, 1989 - 14th Legislative Day
- pages 239-282
Thursday, February 16, 1989 - 13th Legislative Day
- pages 216-238
Monday, February 13, 1989 - 12th Legislative Day
- pages 177-215
Thursday, February 9, 1989 - 11th Legislative Day
- pages 154-176
Monday, February 6, 1989 - 10th Legislative Day
- pages 139-153
Thursday, February 2, 1989 - 9th Legislative Day
- pages 122-138
Monday, January 30, 1989 - 8th Legislative Day
- pages 106-121
Thursday, January 26, 1989 - 7th Legislative Day
- pages 86-105
Monday, January 23, 1989 - 6th Legislative Day
- pages 77-85
Thursday, January 19, 1989 - 5th Legislative Day
- pages 58-76
Thursday, January 12, 1989 - 4th Legislative Day
- pages 43-57
Monday, January 9, 1989 - 3rd Legislative Day
- pages 27-42
Wednesday, January 4, 1989 - 2nd Legislative Day
- pages 17-26
Tuesday, January 3, 1989 - 1st Legislative Day
- pages 1-19
Full Volumes - 1989-1990
Volume 1
- pages 1 - 2060
Volume 2
- pages 2061 - 4086
Volume 3
- pages 4087 - 6014 (1989 Regular Session); pages 1 - 66 (1989 1st Special Session; includes special session index)
Volume 4
- pages 6015 - 7752
Volume 5
- pages 7753 - 9464
Volume 6 (index)
- pages 9465 - 10531
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