Minnesota is usually well represented in the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Notable Document Awards each year; this year is no exception with four award winners from Minnesota.
The awards are sponsored by NCSL's Legislative Research Librarians staff section. "The award recognizes excellence in documents that explore topics of interest to legislators and staff, and present substantive material in an outstanding format." The Minnesota award winners are:
Flame Retardants and Firefighter Exposure and Health. Minnesota Department of Health Environmental Surveillance and Assessment Section, 2016.
A 2015 Minnesota law required the Minnesota Department of Health, in consultation with the State Fire Marshall, to prepare a report about flame-retardant chemicals and the health and safety effects of exposures, particularly in firefighting settings. With a review of state, federal, and international regulations, a summary of exposure and health findings, and a comprehensive literature review, this document presents a wealth of information on this issue, an issue that has not been studied elsewhere.
Minnesota State Capitol: Overview of the Fine Art. Minnesota Historical Society, 2015.
Each piece of artwork featured in this guide is accompanied by a color photograph, a note about its location in the Capitol, the date installed, a brief description of the piece, and a biographical note on the author.
United States Constitutional Amendment Process: Legal Principles for State Legislatures. (By Matt Gehring) Minnesota House Research Department, 2016.
This report serves as a "reference guide for finding and understanding applicable law related to amending the U.S. Constitution."
United States Constitutional Amendments: Minnesota's Legislative History. (By Matt Gehring) Minnesota House Research Department, 2016.
Of the 33 proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution submitted to the states by Congress, 27 have been ratified by three-fourths of the states; Minnesota has ratified 18. This report outlines the amendment process, the procedural issues, and Minnesota's amendment ratification history.