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Legislative Time Capsule - 76th Legislature (1989-1990)

Session Dates (All Sessions)

  Convened Adjourned Calendar Days Legislative Days - House Legislative Days - Senate
1/3/1989 5/22/1989 140 58 58
1989 1st Special Session
Pass a tax bill to replace the one vetoed by Governor Perpich in June. Matters considered: Property tax relief; statewide solid waste recycling program (financed by 6% tax on garbage collection fees). Note: The House met in the Senate chamber due to the remodeling of the House chamber.
9/27/1989 9/29/1989 3 3 3
2/12/1990 4/25/1990 73 38 38

Legislation (All Sessions)

  House - Bills Introduced Senate - Bills Introduced Laws Resolutions
1989 1801 1665 353   Search 6
1989 1st Special Session 25 11 2   Search 0
1990 1032 977 255   Search 1

Other Information

Vetoes (All Sessions)

  Full Bills Vetoed
(including pockets)
Pocket Vetoes Bills with Line Item Vetoes [# of lines vetoed] TOTAL
Full Bills Vetoed + Lines Vetoed
Full Bills Vetoed + Bills with Lines Vetoed
1989 3 0 1   [6] 9 4
1989 1st Special Session 0 0 0   [0] 0 0
1990 1 0 2   [4] 5 3


Speaker of the House Robert E. Vanasek  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
House Majority Leader Dee Long  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Ann Wynia  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
House Minority Leader William H. Schreiber  (Independent Republican)
President of the Senate Jerome M. Hughes  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Majority Leader Roger D. Moe  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Minority Leader Duane D. Benson  (Independent Republican)


Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives Edward A. Burdick
House Sergeant-at-Arms Andrew R. Remke
Secretary of the Senate Patrick E. Flahaven
Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Sven K. Lindquist

Election Results

- Selected election results are available at this page.

Party Control of the House of Representatives (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/3/1989 Convenes [Total seats possible = 134] 134 53 81 0 28
1/4/1989 Resignation Rep. Gordon Voss (DFL, 52A) resigned to take an appointment as chief administrator of Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. 133 53 80 0 27
2/9/1989 Special election Linda Runbeck (IR) won the special election for District 52A on Feburary 4, 1989. She was sworn in on February 9, 1989. 134 54 80 0 26
9/1/1989 Resignation Rep. Ann Wynia (DFL, 63B) resigned to take an appointment as the Minnesota Commissioner of Human Services. 133 54 79 0 25
11/22/1989 Special election Alice Hausman (DFL) won the special election for District 63B on November 7, 1989. She was sworn in on November 22, 1989. 134 54 80 0 26
2/12/1990 Convenes [Total seats possible = 134] 134 54 80 0 26
3/13/1990 Resignation Rep. Jeff Conway (DFL, 30B) resigned amidst criminal felony charges. There was no special election. 133 54 79 0 25
8/13/1990 Resignation Rep. Tony Bennett (IR, 53A) resigned to take an appointment as U.S. Marshal. There was no special election. 132 53 79 0 26
11/6/1990 Election 134 54 80 0 26
1/7/1991 Resignation Rep. Joe Quinn (DFL, 50B) was appointed district judge on January 4, 1991. His resignation date is uncertain. He was elected to the 77th session, but did not serve his term. 133 54 79 0 25
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

Party Control of the Senate (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/3/1989 Convenes [Total seats possible = 67] 67 23 44 0 21
1/3/1989 Special election Pat McGowan (IR) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 48 on December 20, 1988. He was sworn in on January 3, 1989. 67 23 44 0 21
1/3/1989 Special election Pat Pariseau (IR) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 37 on November 8, 1988. She was sworn in on January 3, 1989. 67 22 45 0 23
1/15/1990 Resignation Sen. Donna Peterson (DFL, 61) resigned after being hired (effective January 16, 1990) as a lobbyist for the University of Minnesota. Her official term end date is uncertain. 66 23 43 0 20
2/3/1990 Resignation Sen. Glen Taylor (IR, 24) resigned effective February 3, 1990 to devote more time to his business interests. 65 22 43 0 21
2/12/1990 Special election Former House member, Mark Piepho (IR) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 24 on February 3, 1990. He was sworn in on February 12, 1990. 66 23 43 0 20
2/12/1990 Convenes District 61 was vacant at the convening of the Legislature due to a resignation. [Total seats possible = 67] 66 23 43 0 20
2/15/1990 Special election Carol Flynn (DFL) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 61 on February 10, 1990. She was sworn in on February 15, 1990. 67 23 44 0 21
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

House Committees


Senate Committees


Governor (Full List)

Rudy Perpich (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)