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Legislative Time Capsule - 82nd Legislature (2001-2002)

Session Dates (All Sessions)

  Convened Adjourned Calendar Days Legislative Days - House Legislative Days - Senate
1/3/2001 5/21/2001 139 59 59
2001 1st Special Session
Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, major bills not passed during regular session.
6/11/2001 6/29/2001 19 9 9
1/29/2002 5/20/2002 112 56 57
  The House adjourned on Saturday, May 18, 2002 but the Senate did not adjourn until Monday, May 20, 2002.    
2002 1st Special Session
Flood relief for Roseau, Minnesota; also considered sales tax on aggregate materials and charitable deducting.
9/19/2002 9/19/2002 1 1 1

Legislation (All Sessions)

  House - Bills Introduced Senate - Bills Introduced Laws Resolutions
2001 2565 Search 2407 Search 208   Search 5
2001 1st Special Session 35 Search 36 Search 12   Search 0
2002 1176 Search 1075 Search 183   Search 2
2002 1st Special Session 14 Search 9 Search 3   Search 0

Other Information

Vetoes (All Sessions)

  Full Bills Vetoed
(including pockets)
Pocket Vetoes Bills with Line Item Vetoes [# of lines vetoed] TOTAL
Full Bills Vetoed + Lines Vetoed
Full Bills Vetoed + Bills with Lines Vetoed
2001 10 0 0   [0] 10 10
2001 1st Special Session 1 0 5   [16] 17 6
2002 8 0 1   [107] 115 9
2002 1st Special Session 0 0 0   [0] 0 0


Speaker of the House Steven A. Sviggum  (Republican)
House Majority Leader Timothy James Pawlenty  (Republican)
House Minority Leader Thomas W. Pugh  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
President of the Senate Donald B. Samuelson  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Majority Leader Roger D. Moe  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Minority Leader Richard Day  (Republican)


Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives Edward A. Burdick
House Sergeant-at-Arms Shawn M. Peterson
Secretary of the Senate Patrick E. Flahaven
Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Sven K. Lindquist

Election Results

- Selected election results are available at this page.

Party Control of the House of Representatives (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/3/2001 Convenes [Total seats possible = 134] 134 69 65 0 4
8/3/2001 Resignation Rep. Stephen Wenzel (DFL, 12B) resigned to take an appointment as state director of rural development for the US Dept of Agriculture. 133 69 64 0 5
11/15/2001 Special election Greg Blaine (R) won the special election for a House seat in District 12B on November 6, 2001. He was sworn in on November 15, 2001. 134 70 64 0 6
1/29/2002 Convenes [Total seats possible = 134] 134 70 64 0 6
1/30/2002 Death Rep. Darlene Luther (DFL, 47A) 133 70 63 0 7
3/8/2002 Special election John Jordan (R) won the special election for a House seat in District 47A on March 4, 2002. He was sworn in on March 8, 2002. 134 71 63 0 8
8/2/2002 Resignation Rep. James Clark (R, 23A) resigned for familial reasons. 133 70 63 0 7
11/5/2002 Election 134 82 52 0 30
1/6/2003 Resignation Rep. Dan McElroy (R, 40A) was elected to serve in the 83rd Legislature but resigned before it began to become the Commissioner of Finance. 133 81 52 0 29
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

Party Control of the Senate (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/3/2001 Party/Caucus change Sen. Bob Lessard (independent, 3) joins Independence Party. 67 27 39 1 12
* During this time, Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
1/3/2001 Convenes [Total seats possible = 67] 67 27 39 1 12
* During this time, Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
12/28/2001 Death Sen. Sam Solon (DFL, 7) 66 27 38 1 11
* During this time, Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
1/2/2002 Resignation Sen. Randy Kelly (DFL, 67) resigned effective January 2, 2002. He was elected to the position of Mayor of Saint Paul. 65 27 37 1 10
* During this time, Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
1/29/2002 Convenes Districts 7 and 67 were vacant at the convening of the Legislature. [Total seats possible = 67] 65 27 37 1 10
* During this time, Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
2/4/2002 Special election Mee Moua (DFL) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 67 on January 29, 2002 in a special election. She was sworn in on February 4, 2002. 67 27 39 1 12
* During this time, Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
2/4/2002 Special election Yvonne Prettner Solon (DFL) won seat that had been held by her husband in the special election for a Senate seat in District 7 on January 29, 2002. She was sworn in on February 4, 2002. 67 27 39 1 12
* During this time, Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
7/9/2002 Party/Caucus change Sen. Sheila Kiscaden (R, 30) became a member of the Independence party. 67 26 39 2 13
* During this time, Senator Sheila Kiscaden and Senator Bob Lessard did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. They are not included in the calculation of the margin.
12/13/2002 Party/Caucus change Sen. Sheila Kiscaden (Independence, 30) joins the Republican caucus. (Sen. Bob Lessard is the other Ind. Party member; he is retiring at the end of the term. He did not caucus with either party.) 67 26 39 2 12
* The margin reflects the fact that one member of the Independence party, Senator Sheila Kiscaden, caucused with the Republican caucus and the other Independence party member, Senator Bob Lessard, was not a member of either caucus.
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

House Committees


Senate Committees


Governor (Full List)

Jesse Ventura (Reform)