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Legislative Time Capsule - 74th Legislature (1985-1986)

Session Dates (All Sessions)

  Convened Adjourned Calendar Days Legislative Days - House Legislative Days - Senate
1/8/1985 5/20/1985 133 65 65
1985 1st Special Session
Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, education, operation of state and local governments, major bills not passed during regular session.
6/19/1985 6/21/1985 3 3 3
2/3/1986 3/21/1986 47 23 26
  House adjourned on 3/17/1986    
1986 1st Special Session
Legislature had adjourned without completing action on budget, revenues, and farm security loan guarantees.
4/2/1986 4/2/1986 1 1 1

Legislation (All Sessions)

  House - Bills Introduced Senate - Bills Introduced Laws Resolutions
1985 1692 1567 309   Search 5
1985 1st Special Session 18 31 18   Search 2
1986 890 755 166   Search 2
1986 1st Special Session 3 2 3   Search 0

Other Information

Vetoes (All Sessions)

  Full Bills Vetoed
(including pockets)
Pocket Vetoes Bills with Line Item Vetoes [# of lines vetoed] TOTAL
Full Bills Vetoed + Lines Vetoed
Full Bills Vetoed + Bills with Lines Vetoed
1985 1 0 0   [0] 1 1
1985 1st Special Session 0 0 0   [0] 0 0
1986 1 0 0   [0] 1 1
1986 1st Special Session 0 0 0   [0] 0 0


Speaker of the House David M. Jennings  (Independent Republican)
House Majority Leader Connie M. Levi  (Independent Republican)
House Minority Leader Fred C. Norton  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
President of the Senate Jerome M. Hughes  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Majority Leader Roger D. Moe  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Minority Leader Glen A. Taylor  (Independent Republican)
James E. Ulland  (Independent Republican)


Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives Edward A. Burdick
House Sergeant-at-Arms Walter C. Strand
Secretary of the Senate Patrick E. Flahaven
Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Marvin F. Raiola
Sven K. Lindquist

Election Results

- Selected election results are available at this page.

Party Control of the House of Representatives (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/8/1985 Convenes [Total seats possible = 134] 134 69 65 0 4
2/3/1986 Convenes [Total seats possible = 134] 134 69 65 0 4
11/19/1986 Death Rep. Ben Omann (IR, 16A) died shortly after winning the election unopposed. 133 68 65 0 3
12/5/1986 Resignation Rep. Carol Dyke (IR, 28A) resigned to move to South Dakota. There was no special election; she was not re-elected in the Nov. 1986 election. 132 67 65 0 2
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

Party Control of the Senate (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/8/1985 Convenes [Total seats possible = 67] 67 25 42 0 17
1/9/1985 Resignation Sen. James Ulland (IR, 8) resigned to become a senior vice president of First Bank Systems. 66 24 42 0 18
2/11/1985 Special election Jim Gustafson (IR) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 8 on February 5, 1985. He was sworn in on February 11, 1985. 67 25 42 0 17
3/7/1985 Party/Caucus change Sen. Charles Berg (IR) becomes independent. 67 24 42 1 18
* During this time, Senator Charlie Berg did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
2/3/1986 Convenes [Total seats possible = 67] 67 24 42 1 18
* During this time, Senator Charlie Berg did not caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats. He is not included in the calculation of the margin.
5/1/1986 Party/Caucus change Sen. Charles Berg (independent) becomes DFL. The exact date in May is uncertain. 67 24 43 0 19
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

House Committees


Senate Committees


Governor (Full List)

Rudy Perpich (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)