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Minnesota Governors, 1849-Present

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

This list of Minnesota governors was compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library from Minnesota legislative manuals and other sources, including previous library compilations and several histories of Minnesota. The table below includes links to gubernatorial vetoes, executive orders, and speeches, when available. 

The Library also has information about Minnesota Governor's Salary, 1983-Present, Minnesota Lieutenant Governors, 1858-Present, Minnesota Lieutenant Governors who Became Governor by SuccessionGovernor's Proposed Capital Budgets, and Governor's Proposed Biennial Operating Budgets.

While efforts have been made to verify this information in more than one source, errors are possible. Please report any errors to Library staff.

GovernorAssumed OfficeGovernor NumberPartyResidenceOccupationBiographyExecutive OrdersVetoesSpeeches
Tim Walz 1/7/2019 41st Democratic-Farmer-LaborMankatoTeacherBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Mark Dayton 1/3/2011 40th Democratic-Farmer-LaborMinneapolisPoliticianBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Tim Pawlenty 1/6/2003 39th RepublicanEaganLawyerBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Jesse Ventura 1/4/1999 38th ReformMaple GroveRadio PersonalityBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Arne Carlson 1/7/1991 37th Independent-RepublicanShoreviewAuditorBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Rudy Perpich 1/3/1983 36th Democratic-Farmer-LaborHibbingDentistBiography Executive Orders (2nd Term) Vetoes (2nd Term) Speeches
Al Quie 1/4/1979 35th Independent-RepublicanDennisonFarmerBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Rudy Perpich 12/29/1976 34th Democratic-Farmer-LaborHibbingDentistBiography Executive Orders (1st Term) Vetoes (1st Term) Speeches
Wendell Anderson 1/4/1971 33rd Democratic-Farmer-LaborSt. PaulLawyerBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Harold LeVander 1/2/1967 32nd RepublicanSouth St. PaulLawyerBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Karl Rolvaag 3/25/1963 31st Democratic-Farmer-LaborSt. PaulLogger, Miner, Ranch hand, insurance executiveBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Elmer Andersen 1/2/1961 30th RepublicanSt. PaulBusiness ExecutiveBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Orville Freeman 1/5/1955 29th Democratic-Farmer-LaborMinneapolisLawyerBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
C. Elmer Anderson 9/27/1951 28th RepublicanBrainerdMagazine DistributerBiography Vetoes
Luther Youngdahl 1/8/1947 27th RepublicanMinneapolisLawyerBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Edward Thye 4/27/1943 26th RepublicanNorthfieldFarmerBiography Executive Orders Vetoes Speeches
Harold Stassen 1/2/1939 25th RepublicanSouth St. PaulLawyerBiography Vetoes Speeches
Elmer Benson 1/4/1937 24th Farmer-LaborAppletonBanker, BusinessmanBiography Executive Orders Speeches
Hjalmar Petersen 8/24/1936 23rd Farmer-LaborAskovNewspapermanBiography Executive Orders
Floyd Olson 1/6/1931 22nd Farmer-LaborMinneapolisSalesman, Laborer, Miner, LawyerBiography Executive Orders Speeches
Theodore Christianson 1/6/1925 21st RepublicanDawsonEditor, Publisher, Writer, LawyerBiography Executive Orders Speeches
J. A. O. Preus 1/5/1921 20th RepublicanMinneapolisLawyer, BusinessmanBiography Executive Orders Speeches
J. A. A. Burnquist 12/30/1915 19th RepublicanSt. PaulLawyerBiography Executive Orders Speeches
Winfield Hammond 1/5/1915 18th DemocratSt. JamesTeacher, LawyerBiography Speeches
A.O. Eberhart 9/21/1909 17th RepublicanMankatoLawyer, Insurance, Real EstateBiography Speeches
John Johnson 1/4/1905 16th DemocratSt. PeterNewspaper EditorBiography Speeches
Samuel Van Sant 1/7/1901 15th RepublicanWinonaLog rafting companyBiography
John Lind 1/2/1899 14th Populist/Democratic Silver RepublicanNew UlmLawyer, TeacherBiography
D.M. Clough 1/31/1895 13th RepublicanMinneapolisLumbermanBiography
Knute Nelson 1/4/1893 12th RepublicanAlexandriaLawyerBiography Speeches
William Merriam 1/9/1889 11th RepublicanSt. PaulBankerBiography Speeches
Andrew McGill 1/5/1887 10th RepublicanSt. PeterTeacher, Editor, LawyerBiography Speeches
Lucius Hubbard 1/10/1882 9th RepublicanRed WingTinsmith, Editor, Grain Merchant, MillerBiography
John Pillsbury 1/7/1876 8th RepublicanMinneapolisHardware Merchant, Lumberman, Flour Miller, Railroad ContractorBiography Speeches
Cushman Davis 1/7/1874 7th RepublicanSt. PaulLawyerBiography
Horace Austin 1/9/1870 6th RepublicanSt. PeterTeacher, LawyerBiography Speeches
William Marshall 1/8/1866 5th RepublicanSt. AnthonyMerchant, Farmer, Publisher, BankerBiography Speeches
Stephen Miller 1/11/1864 4th RepublicanWorthingtonRailroads, MerchantBiography Speeches
Henry Swift 7/10/1863 3rd RepublicanSt. PeterTeacher, Lawyer, Real Estate, InsuranceBiography Speeches
Alexander Ramsey 1/2/1860 2nd RepublicanSt. PaulLawyerBiography Speeches
Henry Sibley 5/24/1858 1st DemocratSt. PaulFur Trader, BusinessmanBiography Speeches
Samuel Medary 4/23/1857 (Territorial) 3rd Democrat Teacher, EditorBiography Speeches
Willis Gorman 5/15/1853 (Territorial) 2nd DemocratSt. PaulLawyerBiography
Alexander Ramsey 6/1/1849 (Territorial) 1st WhigSt. PaulLawyerBiography