Minnesota Information
- Atlas of Minnesota Online - Interactive maps present statistics related to agriculture, people, economics, income, poverty, housing, health, education, infrastructure, public safety, environment, natural resources, and civic engagement in Minnesota. From the Center for Rural Policy and Development.
- Geographic Information Services - An office of the Minnesota Legislature, it provides demographic data and maps for Minnesota's state House and Senate districts as well as Minnesota Congressional districts.
- John R. Borchert Map Library - Located at the University of Minnesota, the library's website provides links to many current and historical maps of Minnesota, the U.S., and the world.
- Metropolitan Council - Extensive data and maps for the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.
- Minnesota Compass - "Minnesota Compass is a social indicators project that measures progress in our state, its seven regions, 87 counties and larger cities. Compass tracks trends in topic areas such as education, economy and workforce, health, housing, public safety, and a host of others."
- Minnesota Research Data Center - Provides access to U.S. Census micro data sets, arranged by demographic data, economic data, and linked business and household data. Also provides non-census public health data.
- Minnesota Population Center - A University of Minnesota interdisciplinary cooperative project for demographic research. Includes multiple data series for the United States and World.
- Minnesota State Demographic Center - The Center is the main provider of demographic data and analysis for the state of Minnesota. Find current Minnesota population estimates and U.S. Census data. For quick data access, see data by topic and data by place. To learn about census planning in Minnesota see, the Center's Projections.
Federal Information
Other United States and International Information
- Central Intelligence Agency's The World Factbook - "The World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities."
- Geographic Codes Lookup - Geographic codes (primarily FIPS codes) for each state. Includes codes for counties and county subdivisions, places (cities), metropolitan and urbanized areas, and school districts. Also provides links to demographic profiles of the areas. See also, U.S. Census Bureau Geocoder.
- Grantmakers Concerned With Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) - Provides immigration data for states as well as a variety of immigration policy information.
- Migration Policy Institute - Detailed immigration statistics and maps for the United States and selected other countries.
- Modern Language Association Language Map - The MLA Language Map uses data from the United States Census and American Community Surveys to display the locations and numbers of speakers of thirty languages in the United States. Comparative tables and graphs provide a snapshot of changes between 2000 and 2010 in American language communities, showing speakers’ ages and ability to speak English.
- Population Reference Bureau - Provides world population data sheets and Datafinder, a database that includes data on the United States and the world.
- Social Explorer - "220 years of demographic data, 25,000 maps, hundreds of profile reports, 40 billion data elements and 335,000 variables".
- United Nations Statistics Division - Provides a range of statistics on demographic and social topics.
- U.S. Census and Demographic Information: Introduction to Census Data - Provided by the University of Michigan, this site links to a variety of demographic information.
- Where to Write for Vital Records - Contact information for the offices in each state and territory that issue birth, death, marriage, and divorce records. Compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The sites listed on this page are not created, maintained, or endorsed
by the Minnesota Legislature.