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Legislative Time Capsule - 71st Legislature (1979-1980)

Session Dates (All Sessions)

  Convened Adjourned Calendar Days Legislative Days - House Legislative Days - Senate
1/3/1979 5/21/1979 139 59 59
1979 1st Special Session
The legislature ran out of time before passing three bills in the regular session. Prior agreement was reached between legislative leaders and governor. Matters considered: workers' compensation, energy, and transportation appropriations.
5/24/1979 5/24/1979 1 1 1
1/22/1980 4/12/1980 82 40 40

Legislation (All Sessions)

  House - Bills Introduced Senate - Bills Introduced Laws Resolutions
1979 1643 1600 340   Search 3
1979 1st Special Session 1 3 3   Search 0
1980 859 839 278   Search 0

Other Information

Vetoes (All Sessions)

  Full Bills Vetoed
(including pockets)
Pocket Vetoes Bills with Line Item Vetoes [# of lines vetoed] TOTAL
Full Bills Vetoed + Lines Vetoed
Full Bills Vetoed + Bills with Lines Vetoed
1979 5 0 0   [0] 5 5
1979 1st Special Session 0 0 0   [0] 0 0
1980 5 1 3   [16] 21 8


Speaker of the House Fred C. Norton  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Rodney Newell Searle, Sr.  (Independent Republican)
House Majority Leader Irvin N. Anderson  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
House Minority Leader Rodney Newell Searle, Sr.  (Independent Republican)
President of the Senate Edward J. Gearty  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Majority Leader Nicholas D. Coleman  (Democratic-Farmer-Labor)
Senate Minority Leader Robert O. Ashbach  (Independent Republican)


Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives Edward A. Burdick
House Sergeant-at-Arms Lawrence W. Bothwell
Secretary of the Senate Patrick E. Flahaven
Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Eugene P. Daly

Election Results

- Selected election results are available at this page.

Party Control of the House of Representatives (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/3/1979 Convenes Tie [Total seats possible = 134] 134 67 67 0 0
* In 1979, the parties were evenly divided. An article from the January 8, 1979 Minneapolis Tribune described how the leadership of the Minnesota House would be handled: "Under an agreement tentatively approved late Sunday, the Independent-Republicans will elect the speaker of the House from their ranks. To balance his power, the DFL will get the chairmanship -- and a one-vote majority -- of both the rules and tax committees; the DFL will also get the chairmanship of the appropriations committee."
5/18/1979 Unseating Rep. Robert Pavlak (IR, 67A) was unseated by vote of the House on charges of unfair campaign practices. 133 66 67 0 1
6/26/1979 Special election Frank J. Rodriguez, Sr. (DFL) won the special election for District 67A on June 19, 1979. He was sworn in on June 26, 1979. 134 66 68 0 2
12/5/1979 Resignation Rep. Stanley Enebo (DFL, 60B) resigned to become associate director of PERA. 133 66 67 0 1
1/17/1980 Special election Donna Peterson (DFL) won the special election for District 60B on January 17, 1980. Her swearing in date is uncertain. 134 66 68 0 2
1/22/1980 Convenes [Total seats possible = 134] 134 66 68 0 2
6/1/1980 Resignation Rep. Leo Adams (DFL, 44B) appointed to Public Service Commission. His actual term end date is uncertain due to the appointment. There was no special election. 133 66 67 0 1
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

Party Control of the Senate (All Sessions)

Date Event Note Total Seats C/R/IR L/DFL Other Margin
1/3/1979 Convenes [Total seats possible = 67] 67 20 47 0 27
4/25/1979 Death Sen. Robert Lewis (DFL, 41) 66 20 46 0 26
7/9/1979 Special election Irv Stern (DFL) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 41 on June 19, 1979. He was sworn in on July 9, 1979. 67 20 47 0 27
8/1/1979 Death Sen. Eugene Stokowski (DFL, 55). 66 20 46 0 26
11/12/1979 Special election Anne Stokowski (DFL) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 55 on November 6, 1979. She was sworn in on November 12, 1979. 67 20 47 0 27
11/26/1979 Resignation Sen. John Chenoweth (DFL, 66) resigned to become director of Minneapolis Municipal Employees Retirement Association. 66 20 46 0 26
1/16/1980 Special election Former House member, Emery Barrette (IR) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 66 on January 8, 1980. He was sworn in on January 16, 1980. 67 21 46 0 25
1/20/1980 Death Sen. Ed Schrom (DFL, 16). 66 21 45 0 24
1/22/1980 Convenes District 16 was vacant at the convening of the Legislature due to a death. [Total seats possible = 67] 66 21 45 0 24
2/28/1980 Special election Ben Omann (IR) won the special election for a Senate seat in District 16 on February 22, 1980. He was sworn in on February 28, 1980. 67 22 45 0 23
5/1/1980 Resignation Sen. William McCutcheon (DFL, 67) resigned to become St. Paul police chief. The term end day is unclear. No special election was held. 66 22 44 0 22
7/1/1980 Resignation Sen. Bob Dunn (IR, 18) resigned to become chairman of Waste Management Board; no special election. 65 21 44 0 23
C=Conservative  R=Republican  IR=Independent Republican  L=Liberal  DFL=Democratic-Farmer-Labor

House Committees


Senate Committees


Governor (Full List)