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Newly Acquired Minnesota State Government Reports

This list is drawn from the Legislative Reference Library's acquisition database. The items have been received, but not yet cataloged. It is intended as an alerting service for those librarians and researchers who are actively acquiring documents and need timely notice of the publication of new reports. For a monthly email reminder of Newly Acquired Minnesota State Government Reports, sign up by going to the Minnesota Legislative Library News Lists page and choose "Newdocs." For notification of individual new reports, sign up for the Newly Acquired Minnesota State Government Reports RSS feed.

This checklist fulfills the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 3.195, subdivision 3.

Other Editions

New State Government Reports From August 2024

Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (Region 3)

Arrowhead Regional Development Commission Annual Report. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 462.393 Subd. 1

City of Grand Rapids - Grand Rapids Police Department

Gazelka, Daniel E. Independent Auditor's Report: Grand Rapids Police Department [Body-Worn Camera Program (BWCs)]. Publication Date: August 16, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

City of Owatonna - Owatonna Police Department

Lembcke, Lynn. [Independent Audit of the Owatonna Police Department's Portable Recording System (Body-worn Cameras (BWCs))]. Publication Date: June 23, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

City of Paynesville - Paynesville Police Department

Lembcke, Lynn. [Independent Audit of the Paynesville Police Department's Portable Recording System (Body-worn Cameras (BWCs))]. Publication Date: June 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

City of Rogers - Rogers Police Department

Gazelka, Daniel E. Independent Auditor's Report: Rogers Police Department [Body-Worn Camera Program (BWCs)]. Publication Date: August 7, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Dakota County - Dakota County Sheriff's Office

Lembcke, Lynn. Independent Audit of the Dakota County Sheriff's Office Portable Recording System (body-worn cameras (BWCs)). Publication Date: August 28, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center Authority

Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center Authority Operating Budget. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: 1998 Minn. Laws Chap. 404 Sec. 64 Subd. 5

East Central Regional Development Commission (Region 7E)

East Central Regional Development Commission Annual Report. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 462.393 Subd. 1

Explore Minnesota Tourism (Minn. Office of Tourism)

2023 Minnesota Halo Effect Research. Publication Date: 2023.

Game and Fish Fund Budgetary Oversight Committee

Citizen Oversight Report on Game and Fish Fund Expenditures. Publication Date: August 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 97A.055 Subd. 4b

Kandiyohi County - Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office

Lembcke, Lynn. Independent Auditor's Report: Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office Body-Worn Camera Program. Publication Date: July 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board

Annual Report. Publication Date: July 2024.

Lynn Lembcke Consulting

Lembcke, Lynn. [Independent Audit of the Owatonna Police Department's Portable Recording System (Body-worn Cameras (BWCs))]. Publication Date: June 23, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Lembcke, Lynn. [Independent Audit of the Paynesville Police Department's Portable Recording System (Body-worn Cameras (BWCs))]. Publication Date: June 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Lembcke, Lynn. Independent Audit of the Dakota County Sheriff's Office Portable Recording System (body-worn cameras (BWCs)). Publication Date: August 28, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Independent Audit of the Mille Lacs County Sheriff's Office Portable Recording System (body-worn cameras (BWCs)). Publication Date: August 11, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Lembcke, Lynn. Independent Audit of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement's (AGE) Portable Recording System (Body-worn Cameras (BWCs)). Publication Date: July 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Lembcke, Lynn. Independent Auditor's Report: Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office Body-Worn Camera Program. Publication Date: July 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Metropolitan Council

Final Population and Household Estimates. Publication Date: July 2024.

Metropolitan Council Transportation Financial Review. Publication Date: August 2024.
Mandated by: 2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 127 Art. 3 Sec. 105 (Minn. Stat. 473.13 Subd. 6(b))

Metropolitan Council's Annual Population Estimates Methodology. Publication Date: May 2024.

Twin Cities Metropolitan Region Housing Report Card. Publication Date: April 2024.
Mandated by: 1995 Minn. Laws Chap. 255 Art. 1 Sec. 5 Subd. 10 (Minn. Stat. 473.254 Subd. 10)

Mille Lacs County - Mille Lacs County Sheriff's Office

Independent Audit of the Mille Lacs County Sheriff's Office Portable Recording System (body-worn cameras (BWCs)). Publication Date: August 11, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Minn. Board of Accountancy

State Board of Accountancy Affirmative Action Plan. Publication Date: January 1, 2023.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 43a.191 Subd. 2

Minn. Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design

Minn. Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design Affirmative Action Plan. Publication Date: August 28, 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 43A.191 Subd. 2

Minn. Dept. of Agriculture

VanLieshout, Lawrence. Pesticide Management Plan Status Report. Publication Date: August 27, 2024.
Mandated by: 1999 Minn. Laws Chap. 86 Art. 3 Sec. 5 (Minn. Stat. 18B.045)

McDevitt, Matt. Rural Finance Authority Lending Projection. Publication Date: June 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2020 Minn. Laws 5th Spl. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 5 Sec. 3 (Minn. Stat. 41B.025 Subd. 9)

Minn. Dept. of Agriculture - Rural Finance Authority

McDevitt, Matt. Rural Finance Authority Lending Projection. Publication Date: June 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2020 Minn. Laws 5th Spl. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 5 Sec. 3 (Minn. Stat. 41B.025 Subd. 9)

Minn. Dept. of Children, Youth, and Families - Child Safety and Permanency Administration

Minnesota's Child Maltreatment Report. Publication Date: August 1, 2024.
Mandated by: 2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 71 Art. 1 Sec. 99 (Minn. Stat. 626.556 Subd. 16(b))
Mandated by: 2020 Minn. Laws 1st Spl. Sess. Chap. 2 Art. 7 Sec. 24 (Minn. Stat. 260E.24 Subd. 6)
Mandated by: 1999 Minn. Laws Chap. 139 Art. 1 Sec. 7 (Minn. Stat. 260.775)
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 257.0725
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 256M.80 Subd. 2

Minn. Dept. of Commerce

Minnesota Department of Commerce Report on Exodus Lending Activities. Publication Date: August 15, 2024.
Mandated by: 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 57 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 3(i)

Minn. Dept. of Education

State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report: Part C For State Formula Grant Programs Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Minnesota. Publication Date: February 1, 2024.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 116 Art. 5 Sec. 9 (Minn. Stat. 125A.28)
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 125A.28

Minn. Dept. of Education - State Interagency Coordinating Council

State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report: Part C For State Formula Grant Programs Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Minnesota. Publication Date: February 1, 2024.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 116 Art. 5 Sec. 9 (Minn. Stat. 125A.28)
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 125A.28

Minn. Dept. of Health

An Evaluation of the Safe Harbor Initiative in Minnesota: Phase 5. Publication Date: September 2023.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 108 Art. 12 Sec. 45 (Minn. Stat. 145.4718)

Family Home Visiting Program: Report to the Minnesota Legislature. Publication Date: May 2024.
Mandated by: 2001 Minn. Laws 1st Spl. Sess. Chap. 9 Art. 1 Sec. 53 Subd. 8 (Minn. Stat. 145A.17 Subd. 8)

Minn. Dept. of Health - Minn. Dept. of Health. Injury and Violence Prevention Unit

Safe Harbor 2016 Mid-Year Report. Publication Date: March 14, 2016.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 108 Art. 12 Sec. 45 (Minn. Stat. 145.4718)

Minn. Dept. of Health - Safe Harbor, Violence Prevention Unit, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Division

An Evaluation of the Safe Harbor Initiative in Minnesota - Phase 4 Supplemental Materials. Publication Date: 2021.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 108 Art. 12 Sec. 45 (Minn. Stat. 145.4718)

An Evaluation of the Safe Harbor Initiative in Minnesota - Phase 4: Report to Commissioner. Publication Date: 2021.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 108 Art. 12 Sec. 45 (Minn. Stat. 145.4718)

An Evaluation of the Safe Harbor Initiative in Minnesota: Phase 5. Publication Date: September 2023.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 108 Art. 12 Sec. 45 (Minn. Stat. 145.4718)

Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources

Groundwater Atlas of Hubbard County, Minnesota (Part B). Publication Date: 2024.

Groundwater Atlas of Wadena County, Minnesota (Part B). Publication Date: 2024.

Minn. Dept. of Public Safety

Fire Standard Compliant Cigarette Program. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: 2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 54 Art. 7 Sec. 11 Subd. 6 (Minn. Stat. 299F.851)

Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force Legislative Report. Publication Date: February 1, 2024.
Mandated by: 2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 54 Art. 7 Sec. 6 (Minn. Stat. 299A.681 Subd. 13)

Minnesota Triennial Highway Safety Plan. Publication Date: 2024.

Uniform Crime Report. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: 2020 Minn. Laws 2nd Spl. Sess. Chap. 1 Sec. 11 (Minn. Stat. 626.5534 Subd. 2) (Minn. Stat. 626.5534 Subd. 1)
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.5532
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.5531 Subd. 2
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.553 Subd. 2
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 299C.52 Subd. 5
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 299C.18

Minn. Dept. of Public Safety - Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division

Lembcke, Lynn. Independent Audit of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement's (AGE) Portable Recording System (Body-worn Cameras (BWCs)). Publication Date: July 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Minn. Dept. of Public Safety - Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA)

Legislative Report: Automatic Expungements Under the Adult-Use Cannabis Act. Publication Date: July 9, 2024.
Mandated by: 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 63 Art. 5 Sec. 2 Subd. 5 (Minn. Stat. 609A.055 Subd. 5)

Uniform Crime Report. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: 2020 Minn. Laws 2nd Spl. Sess. Chap. 1 Sec. 11 (Minn. Stat. 626.5534 Subd. 2) (Minn. Stat. 626.5534 Subd. 1)
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.5532
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.5531 Subd. 2
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.553 Subd. 2
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 299C.52 Subd. 5
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 299C.18

Minn. Dept. of Public Safety - Minn. Division of Emergency Management

Annual Report to the Legislature: The Readiness of State Government to Respond to Discharges of Oil or Hazardous Substances. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: 1991 Minn. Laws Chap. 305 Sec. 8 Subd. 4 (Minn. Stat. 115E.08 Subd. 4)

Minn. Dept. of Revenue

Solid Waste Management Tax. Publication Date: August 27, 2024.
Mandated by: 1997 Minn. Laws Chap. 231 Art. 13 Sec. 18 Subd. 5 (Minn. Stat. 297H.13 Subd. 5)

Minn. Legislature - Legislative Commission on Data Practices

Lembcke, Lynn. [Independent Audit of the Owatonna Police Department's Portable Recording System (Body-worn Cameras (BWCs))]. Publication Date: June 23, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Lembcke, Lynn. Independent Audit of the Dakota County Sheriff's Office Portable Recording System (body-worn cameras (BWCs)). Publication Date: August 28, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Lembke, Lynn. Independent Audit Report of the Madelia Police Department Portable Recording System (Body Worn Cameras). Publication Date: July 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Minn. Legislature - Legislative Coordinating Commission

Tracking Minnesota's Legacy and Trust Funds. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: 2021 Minn. Laws 1st Spl. Sess. Chap. 6 Art. 6 Sec. 2 Subd. 12

Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives - House Research

Kleman, Chris. Apportionment of Corporate Franchise Tax. Publication Date: August 2024.

Johnson, Ben. Bail and Pretrial Release in Minnesota. Publication Date: August 2024.

Kleman, Chris. Corporate Franchise Tax. Publication Date: August 2024.

Johnson, Ben. Dangerous Dogs in Minnesota. Publication Date: August 2024.

Swanson, Jared. Disparity Reduction Credit. Publication Date: July 2024.

Johnson, Ben. Domestic Abuse Laws in Minnesota. Publication Date: August 2024.

Klarqvist, Elisabeth and Colbey Sullivan. Food Safety System: An Overview. Publication Date: August 2024.

Williams, Sean. Minnesota's Child Credit and Working Family Credit. Publication Date: August 2024.

Swanson, Jared. Property Tax 101: Administration. Publication Date: August 2024.

Swanson, Jared. Property Tax 101: Basic Terms and Concepts. Publication Date: August 2024.

Johnson, Ben. Statutes of Limitations in Criminal Cases. Publication Date: August 2024.

Williiams, Sean. Taxation of Student Loan Forgiveness. Publication Date: August 2024.

Sullivan, Colbey and Elisabeth Klarqvist. Unallotment: Executive Branch Power to Reduce Spending to Avoid a Deficit. Publication Date: August 2024.

Minn. Legislature - Office of the Legislative Auditor

Minnesota Department of Agriculture: Incentives and Grants for Renewable Energy and Renewable Chemicals Programs: Performance Audit. Publication Date: August 2024.

Minn. Management & Budget

Compensation Inequities in the Executive Branch. Publication Date: January 13, 2023.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 43A.05 Subd. 5

Minnesota Local Government Pay Equity Compliance Report. Publication Date: January 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 471.999

Offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Personnel Costs Supported by Appropriations to Other Agencies. Publication Date: August 30, 2024.
Mandated by: 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 62 Art. 1 Sec. 3

Minn. Office of Administrative Hearings

Data Practices Hearings. Publication Date: August 19, 2024.
Mandated by: 2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 297 Sec. 3 Subd. 7 (Minn. Stat. 13.085 Subd. 7)

Minn. Sentencing Guidelines Commission

Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines and Commentary. Publication Date: August 1, 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 244.09 Subd. 5

Minn. State - Pine Technical and Community College

Pine Technical and Community College Affirmative Action Plan. Publication Date: July 6, 2023.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 43A.191 Subd. 2

Pine Technical and Community College Affirmative Action Plan. Publication Date: 2020.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 43A.191 Subd. 2

Pine Technical and Community College Affirmative Action Plan. Publication Date: July 29, 2016.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 43A.191 Subd. 2

Pine Technical and Community College Affirmative Action Plan. Publication Date: January 25, 2021.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 43A.191 Subd. 2

Minn. State Agricultural Society

Minnesota State Fair 2024 Transportation Plan. Publication Date: August 1, 2024.
Mandated by: 2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 104 Art. 1 Sec. 109(a)

Minn. State Court Administrator

Minnesota Judicial Branch Annual Report. Publication Date: 2024.

Minn. State Law Library

Minnesota State Law Library Annual Report. Publication Date: 2024.

Minn. State Supreme Court - Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility

Annual Report. Publication Date: July 2024.

Minn. Workers' Compensation Advisory Council

Recommendations of the Workers' Compensation Advisory Council. Publication Date: May 8, 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 175.007 Subd. 2

Mississippi River Parkway Commission

Mississippi River Parkway Commission Annual Report. Publication Date: August 22, 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 161.1419

Office of Higher Education (Minn. Office of Higher Education)

[Minitex Year in Review] FY2014 Minitex Arithmetic. Publication Date: 2015.

[Minitex] FY2015 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2016.

Minitex FY2016 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2017.

Minitex FY2017 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2018.

Minitex FY2018 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2019.

Minitex FY2019 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2020.

Minitex FY2020 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2021.

Minitex FY2021 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2022.

Minitex FY2022 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2023.

Minitex FY2023 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2024.

Office of the Attorney General

Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force Legislative Report. Publication Date: February 1, 2024.
Mandated by: 2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 54 Art. 7 Sec. 6 (Minn. Stat. 299A.681 Subd. 13)

Office of the State Auditor

Minnesota County Finances: Revenues, Expenditures and Debt. Publication Date: April 4, 2024.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 6.75

Rampart Audit LLC

Gazelka, Daniel E. Independent Auditor's Report: Grand Rapids Police Department [Body-Worn Camera Program (BWCs)]. Publication Date: August 16, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

Gazelka, Daniel E. Independent Auditor's Report: Rogers Police Department [Body-Worn Camera Program (BWCs)]. Publication Date: August 7, 2024.
Mandated by: 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 171 Sec. 5 Subd. 9 (Minn. Stat. 13.825 Subd. 9)

ServeMinnesota (Serve Minnesota)

Proven Practices: Mathematica Finds Positive Outcomes for Math Corps. Publication Date: June 2023.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 116 Art. 3 Sec. 24 (Minn. Stat. 124D.42 Subd. 9)

Proven Practices: Paired Intervention Delivery Proven Effective for 2nd and 3rd Grade Students. Publication Date: - May 2023.
Mandated by: 2011 Minn. Laws Chap. 11 Art. 2 Sec. 38 (Minn. Stat. 124D.42 Subd. 8(c))

ServeMinnesota Annual Report. Publication Date: 2024.
Mandated by: 2000 Minn. Laws Chap. 254 Sec. 28 Subd. 2 (Minn. Stat. 124D.45)
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 116 Art. 3 Sec. 24 (Minn. Stat. 124D.42 Subd. 9)
Mandated by: 2011 Minn. Laws Chap. 11 Art. 2 Sec. 38 (Minn. Stat. 124D.42 Subd. 8(c))

University of Minnesota

[Minitex Year in Review] FY2014 Minitex Arithmetic. Publication Date: 2015.

[Minitex] FY2015 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2016.

Minitex FY2016 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2017.

Minitex FY2017 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2018.

Minitex FY2018 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2019.

Minitex FY2019 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2020.

Minitex FY2020 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2021.

Minitex FY2021 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2022.

Minitex FY2022 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2023.

Minitex FY2023 Year in Review. Publication Date: 2024.

University of Minnesota - Minn. Council on Economic Education

The Minnesota Council on Economic Education FY2024 Grant Impact Report on Two Grants Supporting K-12 Teacher Professional Development to Deliver the Minnesota Economic Standards and to Support Personal Finance Education. Publication Date: August 2, 2024.
Mandated by: 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 57 Art. 3 Sec. 75(c)

Wilder Research Center

Snapshots on Minnesota Youth: 2022 Minnesota Student Survey Whole Child Report. Publication Date: June 2023.