| Last Date Received | Mandate Description | Item Title | Agencie(s) | Session Law | Statute | Next Due Date | Subjects
| Committee/Agency Jurisdiction
Lists, by city, of residential buildings that:
(1) have at least one story used for human occupancy that is 75 feet or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access;
(2) were not subject to a requirement to include a sprinkler system at the time the building was constructed; and
(3) have not been retrofitted with a sprinkler system.
Report on Residential High-Rise Buildings without Fire Sprinkler Systems
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety - Fire Marshal Division
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 37 Art. 6 Sec. 13(b)
| 08/29/2027 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Housing & Real Estate
Housing Policy and Finance Jobs Jobs and Economic Development/Growth Labor and Industry and Education
Report of the state fire marshal on the effectiveness of the test method and performance standard for cigarettes
Fire Standard Compliant Cigarette Program
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 54 Art. 7 Sec. 11 Subd. 6
| 01/02/2027 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Substance Use/Misuse - Tobacco/Smoking
Report that identifies all prevention, presuppression, and suppression costs of emergency firefighting and other firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year.
Annual Report on Emergency Firefighting Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 60 Art. 1 Sec. 3 Subd. 4(a)
| 01/15/2026 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Environment and Natural Resources Finance
Report on findings from an evaluation of conditions under which apartment buildings with a single means of egress above three stories up to 75 feet would achieve life safety outcomes equal to or superior to currently adopted codes, using research techniques that include smoke modeling, egress modeling, an analysis of fire loss history in jurisdictions that have already adopted similar provisions, and interviews with fire services regarding fire suppression and rescue techniques in such buildings; and contextualize the life safety outcomes from the single-egress evaluation to life safety outcomes in other types of housing, and must include recommendations for code updates for single-egress buildings evaluated.
Minn. Dept. of Labor and Industry
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 127 Art. 15 Sec. 46
| 12/31/2025 |
Building Codes & Construction Fires & Fire Fighters Housing & Real Estate
Housing Judiciary
Prospectus for the supplemental investment fund, with separate exhibits for each investment account
Minnesota Non-Retirement Funds: Trusts and Other Participating Entities, Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEBs), Qualifying Government Entities Investment Prospectus
Minn. State Board of Investment
11A.17 Subd. 11
| 09/01/2025 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Prospectus for the supplemental investment fund, with separate exhibits for each investment account
Minnesota Supplemental Investment Fund: Investment Prospectus
Minn. State Board of Investment
11A.17 Subd. 11
| 09/01/2025 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Prospectus for the supplemental investment fund, with separate exhibits for each investment account
Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Plan July 1, 2020 Investment Prospectus
Minn. State Board of Investment
11A.17 Subd. 11
| 09/01/2025 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Prospectus for the supplemental investment fund, with separate exhibits for each investment account
Minnesota Non-Retirement Funds: Trusts and Other Participating Entities, Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEBs), Qualifying Government Entities Investment Prospectus
Minn. State Board of Investment
11A.17 Subd. 11
| 09/01/2025 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
State auditor's report to the legislature on the general financial condition of the various volunteer firefighters' relief associations in the state
Financial and Investment Report of Volunteer Fire Relief Associations
Office of the State Auditor
| 04/15/2025 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
The state auditor shall prepare an annual report to the legislature on the investment performance of the various public pension plans subject to 356.219.
Large Public Pension Plan Investment Report
Office of the State Auditor
356.219 Subd. 6
| 04/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
The state auditor shall prepare an annual report to the legislature on the investment performance of the various public pension plans subject to 356.219.
Financial and Investment Report of Volunteer Fire Relief Associations
Office of the State Auditor
356.219 Subd. 6
| 04/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial valuation report
Bloomington Fire Department Relief Association Pension Fund: GASB 67 and 68 Disclosure
Bloomington Fire Department Relief Association
356.215 Subd. 3
| 03/15/2025 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial valuation report
Bloomington Fire Department Relief Association Actuarial Valuation
Bloomington Fire Department Relief Association
356.215 Subd. 3
| 03/15/2025 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Report that identifies all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year.
Annual Report on Emergency Firefighting Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 6 Art. 1 Sec. 3 Subd. 4(a)
| 01/15/2025 |
Environment/Natural Resources Fires & Fire Fighters
Environment and Natural Resources Finance
Reports on how each Law Enforcement and Fire Department Therapy Dog Grant Program grant was expended, including an overview of the grant recipient's budget; a detailed explanation of how grant funds were expended; the number of dogs trained with grant funds; the number of peace officers or firefighters served by dogs trained with grant funds; and a list and explanation of the benefits received by peace officers or firefighters who were served by dogs trained with grant funds
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 123 Art. 1 Sec. 4 Subd. 4(c)
| 01/15/2025 |
Animals/Animal Rights Crime & Corrections - Police Fires & Fire Fighters
Commissioner of Public Safety Public Safety Policy and Finance
Accounting of how the funds in the fire safety account were spent in the preceding fiscal year and report of any funds not spent
Fire Safety Account Financial Report
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
2006 Minn. Laws Chap. 217 Art. Sec. 3 Subd. 3
299F.012 subd. 3
| 12/01/2024 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report on the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan Incentive program
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 45 Art. 6 Sec. 2 Subd. 2
| 08/01/2024 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement
Report regarding perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in personal protective equipment (PPE) used by firefighters (known as "turnout gear"), including: (1) current turnout gear requirements and options for eliminating or reducing PFAS in turnout gear; (2) current turnout gear disposal methods and recommendations for future disposal to prevent PFAS contamination; and (3) recommendations and protocols for PFAS biomonitoring in firefighters, including a process for allowing firefighters to voluntarily register for biomonitoring.
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Firefighting Turnout Gear
Minn. Pollution Control Agency
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 60 Art. 3 Sec. 32
| 01/15/2024 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Environment and Natural Resources
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year.
Annual Report on Emergency Firefighting Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 4 Art. 1 Sec. 3 Subd. 4(a)
| 01/15/2023 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Natural Disasters/Emergency Management
Environment and Natural Resources Finance Environment and Natural Resources Policy
Report with recommendations about allocation of fire state aid.
Fire State Aid Work Group Report
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota - Fire State Aid Work Group
2018 Minn. Laws Chap. 211 Art. 14 Sec. 27
| 12/31/2018 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Report that summarizes the findings of the Relief Association Work Group and provides the work group's recommendations.
Report of the Work Group on Firefighter Relief Association Conversions and Dissolutions
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement - Relief Association Work Group
2018 Minn. Laws Chap. 211 Art. 14 Sec. 32(e)
| 12/31/2018 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Specified topics relating to aid paid to provide retention stipends to volunteer firefighters, volunteer ambulance attendants, and volunteer emergency medical responders in areas covered by a pilot project
Volunteer Retention Stipend Aid Pilot Project
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
2014 Minn. Laws Chap. 308 Art. 1 Sec. 1
69.022 Subd. 6
| 01/15/2018 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report on firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in prior fiscal year
Annual Report on Emergency Firefighting Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 114 Art. 3 Sec. 4 Subd. 4
| 01/15/2017 |
Environment/Natural Resources - Forestry Fires & Fire Fighters
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year
Annual Report on Emergency Firefighting Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2015 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 4 Art. 3 Sec. 3 Subd. 4
| 01/15/2017 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Natural Disasters/Emergency Management
Balances and uses of the fire safety account
Fire Safety Account Financial Report
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
2014 Minn. Laws Chap. 312 Art. 5 Sec. 3 Subd. 4
| 01/15/2016 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Government Finance
Report on flame-retardant chemicals
Flame Retardants and Firefighter Exposure and Health: Report to the Minnesota State Legislature
Minn. Dept. of Health
2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 62 Art. Sec. 2
| 01/15/2016 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report on transfers related to the disaster contingency account and the fire safety account under this section.
Transfer of Funds from the State General Fund to the Disaster Contingency Account and Fire Safety Account
Minn. Management & Budget
2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 65 Art. 1 Sec. 17
| 10/15/2015 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Natural Disasters/Emergency Management
Report on the balances and uses of the fire safety account
Fire Safety Account Financial Report
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
2012 Minn. Laws Chap. 289 Art. Sec. 8
| 01/15/2014 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year
Annual Report on Emergency Fire Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2009 Minn. Laws Chap. 37 Art. 1 Sec. 4 Subd. 4
| 01/15/2012 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year
Annual Report on Emergency Firefighting Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2009 Minn. Laws Chap. 37 Art. 1 Sec. 4 Subd. 4
| 01/15/2012 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year
Annual Report on Emergency Fire Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 57 Art. 1 Sec. 4 Subd. 4
| 11/15/2009 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year
Annual Report on Emergency Fire Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 57 Art. 1 Sec. 4 Subd. 4
| 11/15/2009 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received related to search and rescue operations
Annual Report on Emergency Fire Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2001 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 2 Art. Sec. 5 Subd. 4
| 11/15/2008 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Report of task force to study recruitment and retention of volunteer emergency personnel
Final Report: Recruitment and Retention Task Force for Volunteer Firefighters, Volunteer Ambulance Personnel, and Volunteer Emergency Responders in Minnesota
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
2006 Minn. Laws Chap. 179 Sec. 1
| 12/15/2006 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Health Care - Workers
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2003 Minn. Laws Chap. 128 Art. 1 Sec. 5 Subd. 4
| 11/15/2006 |
Environment/Natural Resources Fires & Fire Fighters
Report identifying all firefighting costs incurred and reimbursements received in the prior fiscal year
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2005 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 1 Art. 2 Sec. 3 Subd. 4
| 11/15/2005 |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Investment disclosure report
Office of the State Auditor
1997 Minn. Laws Chap. 241 Art. 10 Sec. 4 Subd. 6
| 03/31/1999 |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial valuation showing the condition of the special fund of the relief association
Virginia Fire Department Relief Association Annual Actuarial Valuation (Revised)
Virginia Fire Department Relief Association
69.77 Subd. 10
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial valuation showing the condition of the special fund of the relief association.
Minneapolis Fire Department Relief Association Annual Actuarial Valuation December 31, 1997
Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Association
69.77 Subd. 10
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial valuation showing the condition of the special fund of the relief association pursuant to sections 356.215 and 356.216
Minneapolis Firefighters' Relief Association Special Fund Actuarial Valuation
Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Association
69.77 Subd. 10
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Annual Actuarial Valuation
Luverne Fire Dept. Relief Association Annual Actuarial Valuation
Luverne Fire Dept. Relief Association
69.77 Subd. 10
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial valuation
Spring Lake Park Firefighters' Relief Association Actuarial Valuation
Spring Lake Park Firefighters' Relief Association
69.77 Subd. 10
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial valuation
Fairmont Fire Department Relief Association Actuarial Valuation
Fairmont Fire Department Relief Association
69.77 Subd. 10
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Annual actuarial valuation
Appleton Firefighters Relief Association Annual Actuarial Valuation
Appleton Firefighters Relief Association
69.77 Subd. 10
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters
Annual Report
Minneapolis Firefighters' Relief Association Annual Report and Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Association
| |
Fires & Fire Fighters