| Last Date Received | Mandate Description | Item Title | Agencie(s) | Session Law | Statute | Next Due Date | Subjects
| Committee/Agency Jurisdiction
Affirmative Action Plan
Teachers Retirement Association Affirmative Action Plan
Teachers Retirement Association
43A.191 Subd. 2
| 10/15/2026 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Labor & Employment Issues
Biennial report of the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB)
Biennial Report to the Governor
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
214.07 Subd. 1
| 10/15/2026 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Report on an audit into whether and how approved teacher training programs for licensure candidates in early childhood education, elementary education, and special education meet subject matter standards for reading, including:
(1) reading standards for each licensure area, and how they align with (a) the READ Act's requirements on evidence-based instruction, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency, and reading comprehension, and (b) Minnesota teacher preparation requirements;
(2) how the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board conducted the audit;
(3) results of the audit; and
(4) a summary of program effectiveness reports for continuing approval related to reading standards reviewed by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
January 2025 Reading Audit Report
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 109 Art. 4 Sec. 19(b)
| 08/01/2026 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Comprehensive annual financial report
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Minn. Teachers Retirement Association Fund
| 01/01/2026 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Retirement Income - Pensions
Annual actuarial valuation report of the Teachers Retirement Association Fund
Projection of Future Actuarial Results
Teachers Retirement Association
356.215 Subd. 3
| 12/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Retirement Income - Pensions
Annual actuarial valuation report of the Teachers Retirement Association Fund
Teachers Retirement Association of Minnesota Experience Study
Teachers Retirement Association
356.215 Subd. 3
| 12/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Retirement Income - Pensions
Annual actuarial valuation report of the Teachers Retirement Association Fund
Teachers Retirement Association of Minnesota: Actuarial Valuation Report for Funding Purposes
Teachers Retirement Association
356.215 Subd. 3
| 12/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Retirement Income - Pensions
Report for the previous fiscal year on the scholarship pilot program to support undergraduate and graduate students who are preparing to become teachers, have demonstrated financial need, and belong to racial or ethnic groups underrepresented in the state's teacher workforce. The report must also be available on the Office of Higher Education's website.
Aspiring Teachers of Color Scholarship Pilot Program
Office of Higher Education (Minn. Office of Higher Education)
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 2 Art. 2 Sec. 45 Subd. 6
| 12/15/2025 |
Education-Higher Education-K-12 - Race & Ethnicity Education-K-12 - Teachers
Education Higher Education Higher Education Finance
Detailed report describing how the grant funds were used to establish partnerships with public elementary schools with a goal of increasing the number of black male teachers, including progress made toward the goal at each school site, strategies used to recruit Black teachers, and barriers Black men face in the teaching profession.
Black Men Teach Twin Cities
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 5 Sec. 64 Subd. 4(d)
| 12/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Race & Ethnicity Education-K-12 - Teachers
Education Higher Education
Summary report of each of the programs that the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board, the Minn. Dept. of Education, and the Office of Higher Education administer, and any other programs receiving state appropriations that have or include an explicit purpose of increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of the state's teacher workforce to more closely reflect the diversity of students
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 5 Sec. 4 Subd. 4
120B.117 Subd. 4
| 11/03/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Race & Ethnicity
Report on the status of teacher early retirement patterns, the access to effective and more diverse teachers who reflect the students enrolled in a district or school, the teacher shortage, and the substitute teacher shortage, including patterns and shortages in licensure field areas and the economic development regions of the state.
Biennial Report: Supply & Demand of Teachers in Minnesota
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board Wilder Research Center
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 12 Sec. 13
122A.091 Subd. 5
| 11/01/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Report to the Department of Education its staffing as of October 1 of each year, and its expenditures for the alternative teacher professional pay system consistent with the uniform financial accounting and reporting standards.
St. Croix River Education District
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 2 Sec. 25
| 10/01/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Report that identifies the special education teacher pipeline grant recipients and summarizes how grant funds are used.
Minn. Dept. of Education
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 5 Sec. 61 Subd. 4
122A.731 Subd. 4
| 08/01/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Special Education Education-K-12 - Teachers
The state auditor shall prepare an annual report to the legislature on the investment performance of the various public pension plans subject to 356.219.
Large Public Pension Plan Investment Report
Office of the State Auditor
356.219 Subd. 6
| 04/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
The state auditor shall prepare an annual report to the legislature on the investment performance of the various public pension plans subject to 356.219.
Financial and Investment Report of Volunteer Fire Relief Associations
Office of the State Auditor
356.219 Subd. 6
| 04/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Fires & Fire Fighters Retirement Income - Pensions
Report the number and type of in-person and online teacher professional development opportunities provided by the Minnesota Council on Economic Education or its affiliated state centers, including: a description of the content, length, and location of the programs; the number of preservice and licensed teachers receiving professional development through each of these opportunities; and summaries of evaluations of teacher professional opportunities.
The Minnesota Council on Economic Education ... Mid-Year Grant Impact Report on Two Grants Supporting K-12 Teacher Professional Development to Deliver the Minnesota Economic Standards and to Support Personal Finance Education
University of Minnesota - Minn. Council on Economic Education
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 2 Sec. 64 Subd. 26(c)
| 02/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Commissioner of Education
Reports that 1) describe the number and type of in-person and online teacher professional development opportunities provided by the Minn. Council on Economic Education or its affiliated state centers; (2) list the content, length, and location of the programs; (3) identify the number of preservice and licensed teachers receiving professional development through each of these opportunities; (4) summarize evaluations of professional opportunities for teachers; and (5) list the number, types, and summary evaluations of the direct-to-student ancillary personal finance programs that are supported with funds from the grant.
The Minnesota Council on Economic Education ... Mid-Year Grant Impact Report on Two Grants Supporting K-12 Teacher Professional Development to Deliver the Minnesota Economic Standards and to Support Personal Finance Education
University of Minnesota - Minn. Council on Economic Education
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 57 Art. 3 Sec. 75(c)
| 02/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Commissioner of Education
Reports that 1) describe the number and type of in-person and online teacher professional development opportunities provided by the Minn. Council on Economic Education or its affiliated state centers; (2) list the content, length, and location of the programs; (3) identify the number of preservice and licensed teachers receiving professional development through each of these opportunities; (4) summarize evaluations of professional opportunities for teachers; and (5) list the number, types, and summary evaluations of the direct-to-student ancillary personal finance programs that are supported with funds from the grant.
The Minnesota Council on Economic Education FY2024 Grant Impact Report on Two Grants Supporting K-12 Teacher Professional Development to Deliver the Minnesota Economic Standards and to Support Personal Finance Education
University of Minnesota - Minn. Council on Economic Education
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 57 Art. 3 Sec. 75(c)
| 02/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Commissioner of Education
Report the Teacher and Paraprofessional Compensation Working Group's proposed strategies, recommendations, and draft legislation for providing competitive compensation to teachers and paraprofessionals in Minnesota elementary, middle, and secondary schools
Teacher and Paraprofessional Compensation Working Group
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 115 Art. 5 Sec. 22 Subd. 2(b)
| 02/14/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Report on the number of individuals who received loan repayment through the teacher shortage loan forgiveness repayment program; the race or ethnicity of the teachers participating in the program; the licensure areas and school districts in which the teachers taught; the average amount paid to a teacher participating in the program; and other summary data identified by the Office of Higher Education as outcome indicators.
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Program
Office of Higher Education (Minn. Office of Higher Education)
2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 69 Art. 3 Sec. 10
136A.1791 Subd. 9
| 02/01/2025 |
Education-Higher - Student Finances Education-K-12 - Teachers
Education Higher Education
Report on details of the grant program for student teaching stipends to low-income students who intend to teach in a license shortage area or rural school district after graduating and receiving their teaching license, including: (1) total number, dollar amount, and average amount of awards; (2) the number of eligible applicants and student teachers receiving an award, broken down by postsecondary institution; (3) the licensure areas and school districts in which the student teachers taught; and (4) other summary data identified by the Office of Higher Education as outcome indicators, including how many student teachers awarded a rural teacher grant were employed in a rural district after graduation.
Student Teacher Grants in Shortage Areas Annual Report
Office of Higher Education (Minn. Office of Higher Education)
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 2 Art. 2 Sec. 13 Subd. 4
136A.1275 Subd. 4(a)
| 02/01/2025 |
Education-Higher Education-K-12 - Rural Schools Education-K-12 - Teachers
Education Policy and Finance Higher Education Higher Education Finance
Report by Special Education Licensure Reciprocity Working Group
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board - Special Education Licensure Reciprocity Working Group
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 109 Art. 5 Sec. 5 Subd. 3
| 02/01/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Special Education Education-K-12 - Teachers
Report on the student teaching stipend pilot program that identifies the number of student teachers receiving stipends by teacher preparation program provider and the districts or charter schools where the student teachers were placed, and the amount each student teacher received under this section; and (in the second report only) summarizes the results of a survey of students who receive stipends through the pilot program, and interviews with a sample of student teachers who receive stipends, and make recommendations for implementing a statewide paid student teacher program.
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 115 Art. 5 Sec. 20 Subd. 5(b)
| 02/01/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Education Higher Education
Annual actuarial valuation for St. Paul Teachers' Retirement Association
St. Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association Actuarial Valuation
St. Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund
356.215 Subd. 3
| 01/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Retirement Income - Pensions
Report on the alternative teacher preparation program and providers.
Alternative Pathways to Teacher Preparation
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 3 Sec. 20
122A.2451 Subd. 9(b)
| 01/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Report describing how funds from Black Men Teach Twin Cities grants were used, describing progress made toward the goal of increasing the number of black male teachers at each school site and strategies used.
[Black Men Teach Report to the Office of Higher Education and the Minnesota State Legislature]
Black Men Teach Twin Cities Minn. Dept. of Education
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 13 Art. 3 Sec. 7 Subd. 2(c)
| 01/15/2025 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Education Higher Education
Annual report of the board of trustees
Annual Report of the St. Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association
St. Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund
356.215 Subd. 3
| 12/31/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Retirement Income - Pensions
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship and Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report to the Legislature
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant (Hmong College Prep Academy)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (Anoka Hennepin Teachers of Color Coalition)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (Anoka-Hennepin School District)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (Columbia Heights Public Schools)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (Concordia College)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (East Grand Forks Public Schools)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (Excell Academy for Higher Learning)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (Mahtomedi Public Schools)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention of Effective Teachers Grant Report Form (Metropolitan State University)
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 3 Sec. 16
122A.70 Subd. 6
| 11/30/2024 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers
Summary report of information from recipients of grants for teacher mentorship and retention of effective teachers about program efforts, describing mentoring and induction activities and assessing the impact of these programs on teacher effectiveness and retention.