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Commerce Finance and Policy (House)



File Number: 1 of 1


House Commerce Finance and Policy Committee


00:29 - HF4745 (Long) MinnesotaCare public option established, eligibility expanded, premium scale established for public option enrollees, state-funded cost-sharing reductions provided, contingent health insurance premium tax credit established, Commerce commissioner required to seek section 1332 waiver, and money appropriated. 34:18 - HF4746 (Hassan) Transportation network companies regulated, civil cause of action provided, and criminal penalties imposed. 46:59 - HF4717 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) Virtual currency terms defined, and additional disclosure requirements added for virtual currency transactions. 1:05:35 - HF4853 (Bierman) Health maintenance organization transactions oversight provided, and nonprofit conversion transactions regulations and prohibitions established. 1:16:23 - HF3320 (Kraft) Boat wrap product stewardship program established to promote recycling. Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.

Minutes and Documents

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