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Judiciary Finance and Civil Law (House)



File Number: 1 of 1


House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee


00:53 - HF4457 (Feist) Clients of civil legal services and volunteer attorneys allowed to proceed in forma pauperis. 05:33 - HF3692 (Hassan) Contract requirements for deeds between investor sellers and purchasers of residential real property modified, recording provisions modified, disclosures required, right to cancel provided, and civil remedies authorized. 14:12 - HF4043 (Agbaje) Allocation of incarcerated persons based on their last known address in Minnesota required, Department of Corrections required to collect last residential address of an inmate before incarceration. 19:05 - HF1930 (Freiberg) End-of-life option established for terminally ill adults with a prognosis of six months or less, criminal penalties provided, data classified, reports required, immunity provided, and enforcement authorized. 1:14:24 - HF3389 (Pursell) Subsurface drain tile installation and modification reporting required. 1:22:26 - HF4101 (Urdahl) Notice of any order for protection, hearing on an order for protection, and cancellation or modification of an order for protection given to a custodian of a petitioner's minor children required. Runs 1 hour, 33 minutes.

Minutes and Documents

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