House 1868 (District 16); House 1875-76 (District 12)
Party when first elected: Republican
Counties Served: Freeborn, Steele, Waseca
Union Academy, Belleville, New York; Secondary; Union College, Schenectady, New York; College Graduate; 1856Read Law; Juneau County, Wisconsin Law Office; Admitted to Wisconsin Bar, January 1858
Spouse: Maryette Gillette (listed in the 1850 census) or Mettie Gillett (listed on her marriage and death certificates, obituary, and gravestone; according to a relative) (married on December 31, 1857) Children: One child: George R. Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
He came to Owatonna, Minnesota in 1858.His birth date, death date, religion, birth place, middle name, banker occupation, education, and family member information were provided by his great great grandson, and great granddaughter.