Senate 1915-1936 (District 57)
Party when first elected: Nonpartisan Election
Counties Served: Cook, Lake, St. Louis
Fargo High School, North Dakota; Secondary; Graduate, 1888Fargo College, North Dakota; Attended College; Princeton University; Attended College; 1892 (1 year)University of Minnesota, Academic Department; College Graduate; Greek, Latin, and Mathematics; 1896University of Minnesota, Law Department; Law Degree; 1900
Spouse: Grace Mabel Tennant (married in 1902) Children: Three children: John (son); Elizabeth, and Mary (daughters) Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
His family moved to western New York shortly after he was born. He moved to the Dakota Territory (North Dakota) in 1882, with his parents. He moved to Duluth, Minnesota in 1900.Senator Charles E. Adams served as lieutenant governor from June 25, 1929 to January 6, 1931. Lt. Governor William Nolan resigned in June 1929 when he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in a special election. While Sen. Adams served as lieutenant governor, the senate never met in session. Governor Floyd B. Olson and Lt. Governor Henry M. Arens were elected to their respective offices in the 1930 election and took office in January 1931. Sen. Adams ran for and won re-election to his senate seat in the 1930 election, taking office again as a state senator in January 1931.He was a member of the Republican Party when he served as Minnesota Lieutenant Governor.He played quarterback and halfback on the University of Minnesota's football team, 1893-1895.He was a member of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.He was a member of the St. Louis County Historical Society.He attended the First Congregational Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota until he moved to Duluth, Minnesota where he attended Pilgrim Congregational Church.He was a member of the Scottish Rite Masons.Religion provided by the Journal of the Minnesota Senate, March 18, 1937, p. 660.