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Cox, Raymond R. "Ray"

House 2003-2006 (District 25B)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Rice, Scott


Date of Birth: 6/26/1951
Birth Place: Stockton, California
Birth County:
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: 11/3/2017
Gender: Male
Religion: United Church of Christ
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names: Ray
City of Residence (when first elected): Northfield
Occupation (when first elected): Trades; Owner, Construction Company


Northfield High School; Secondary;
St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota; B.A.; 1973; Biology


Municipal Board/Commission: Northfield, Minnesota (City Planning Commission, 5 years); [Dates Unknown]
School Board/Administration: Northfield, Minnesota (School Board, Chair, 15 years); 19?? to ?


Spouse: Ellen
Children: Three children: Tristan (son), Marja and Diana (daughters)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
Edwin Cox  - Great Grandfather


He ran unsuccessfully as the Republican Party endorsed candidate for the Minnesota House of Representatives in the 2006 election. His opponent, David Bly, defeated him by so few votes that an automatic recount occurred. The recount confirmed that David Bly had won, by 60 votes.

He ran unsuccessfully as the Republican endorsed candidate for the 2008 special election for the Minnesota Senate seat vacated by Sen. Thomas Neuville.

His grandfather, W.T. Cox was the first Commissioner of the agency that became the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

His mother, Marjorie Cox, was an unsuccessful candidate for the Minnesota House of Representatives prior to his running.

His funeral service was held November 25th at First United Church of Christ in Northfield, Minnesota.

Religion provided by the 2006 WCCO TV Voters' Guide.

Total Days Served: 1456


84th Legislative Session (2005-2006)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 25B
Elected: 11/2/2004
Residence: Northfield
Term of Office: 1/3/2005 to 12/31/2006
Counties Represented: Rice, Scott
Occupation: Trades; Owner, Northfield Construction Company
Party: Republican
Bills Authored: Chief Author     Author
Special Session Bills Authored:  2005 1st Sp.S. - Chief Author    2005 1st Sp.S. - Author
Ran in next election? Yes. Defeated in general election

83rd Legislative Session (2003-2004)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 25B
Elected: 11/5/2002
Residence: Northfield
Term of Office: 1/6/2003 to 1/2/2005
Counties Represented: Rice, Scott
Occupation: Trades; Owner, Construction Company
Party: Republican
Bills Authored: Chief Author     Author
Special Session Bills Authored:     2003 1st Sp.S. - Author
  • Environment and Natural Resources Policy Minutes
  • Higher Education Finance Minutes
  • Regulated Industries Minutes
Session Notes: His margin of victory over David Bly was only 20 votes so an automatic recount occurred. After the recount he was declared the winner by 46 votes.

Articles & Books About

Session Interviews

District Files

2003 (25B)
2004 (25B)
2005 (25B)
These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.

The Library maintains newspaper clippings on individual legislators during their terms. Clippings are available from 1973 to the present in a variety of formats: 1973-1999, microfiche available at the Library; 2000-2009, scanned in yearly compilations and digitally available on the legislative network; 2009-present, archived in a searchable database maintained by the Library and available on the legislative network.