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Sessions of the Minnesota State Legislature and the Minnesota Territorial Legislature, 1849-present

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Compiled from: House and Senate Journals, Minnesota legislative manuals and other sources, including previous library compilations and several histories of Minnesota.

While efforts have been made to verify this information in more than one source, the library cannot guarantee the accuracy of sources; errors are possible. Please report any errors to the library staff.

"Legislative day" is defined in Minnesota Statutes 3.012 as follows: "a legislative day is a day when either house of the legislature gives any bill a third reading, adopts a rule of procedure or organization, elects a university regent, confirms a gubernatorial appointment, or votes to override a gubernatorial veto." A legislative day still begins at 7 a.m. and continues until 7 a.m. of the following calendar day." For sessions convening before January 13, 2025, a legislative day was defined as a day when either house of the legislature is called to order. Committee activity alone did not constitute a legislative day. A legislative day began at 7 a.m. and continued until 7 a.m. of the following calendar day.

Adjournment date is the date by which both houses had adjourned.

For further information, see the Library's list of special sessions, House Research's publication, Regular Sessions of the Minnesota Legislature, and the Session FAQ

LegislatureSessionConvenedAdjournedCalendar DaysLegislative Days - HouseLegislative Days - SenatePurpose/Notes
94th 2025 Regular Session 1/14/2025 
93rd 2024 Continuing Regular Session 2/12/20245/20/2024 99 43 42 The Senate adjourned sine die shortly after midnight on May 20, 2024. The House adjourned sine die in the afternoon on May 20, 2024. Therefore, the House has an additional legislative day because a legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following day.
93rd 2023 Regular Session 1/3/20235/22/2023 140 77 77
92nd 2022 Continuing Regular Session 1/31/20225/23/2022 113 56 55 The Senate adjourned sine die shortly after midnight on May 23, 2022. The House adjourned sine die in the afternoon on May 23, 2022. Therefore, the House has an additional legislative day because a legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following day.
92nd 2021 1st Special Session 6/14/20217/7/2021 24 16 19 Purpose: To enact a balanced state budget and to address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
The House adjourned sine die on June 30, 2021; the Senate adjourned sine die on July 7, 2021.
92nd 2021 Regular Session 1/5/20215/17/2021 133 60 60
91st 2020 7th Special Session 12/14/202012/15/2020 2 1 1 Purpose: To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
The special session began on Monday, December 14, 2020 and adjourned after midnight on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day so the session was one legislative day and two calendar days in length.
91st 2020 6th Special Session 11/12/202011/12/2020 1 1 1 Purpose: To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
91st 2020 5th Special Session 10/12/202010/15/2020 4 3 4 Purpose: To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020 and to consider a bonding bill.
The House adjourned sine die on October 14, 2020; the Senate adjourned sine die on October 15, 2020.
91st 2020 4th Special Session 9/11/20209/11/2020 1 1 1 Purpose: To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
91st 2020 3rd Special Session 8/12/20208/12/2020 1 1 1 Purpose: To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
91st 2020 2nd Special Session 7/13/20207/21/2020 9 3 3 Purpose: To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020 and to address other issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, to policing, and to bonding.
The special session began on July 13, 2020 and adjourned after midnight on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day so the session was three legislative days and nine calendar days in length.
91st 2020 1st Special Session 6/12/20206/19/2020 8 6 6 Purpose: To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020 and to address other issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, to policing, and to economic damage to local communities related to civil unrest due to the death of George Floyd.
91st 2020 Continuing Regular Session 2/11/20205/17/2020 97 38 38
91st 2019 1st Special Session 5/24/20195/24/2019 2 1 1 Purpose: To complete the passage of budget bills and policy bills.
91st 2019 Regular Session 1/8/20195/20/2019 133 59 59
90th 2018 Continuing Regular Session 2/20/20185/20/2018 90 40 40
90th 2017 1st Special Session 5/23/20175/25/2017 3 4 4 Purpose: To complete the passage of budget bills and policy bills.
(The Special Session was called at 12:01 after the regular session ended.)
90th 2017 Regular Session 1/3/20175/22/2017 140 62 62
89th 2016 Continuing Regular Session 3/8/20165/23/2016 77 41 42 The House adjourned on May 22, 2016, the Senate on May 23, 2016.
89th 2015 1st Special Session 6/12/20156/13/2015 2 1 1 Purpose: To complete the passage of budget bills.
89th 2015 Regular Session 1/6/20155/18/2015 133 65 65
88th 2014 Continuing Regular Session 2/25/20145/16/2014 81 44 44
88th 2013 1st Special Session 9/9/20139/9/2013 1 1 1 Purpose: To provide disaster relief for 18 counties due to severe storms and flooding.
88th 2013 Regular Session 1/8/20135/20/2013 133 62 62
87th 2012 1st Special Session 8/24/20128/24/2012 1 1 1 Purpose: To provide disaster assistance for the flooded areas near Duluth.
87th 2012 Continuing Regular Session 1/24/20125/10/2012 108 54 55 Since the sine die adjournment calendar date in the House occurred after midnight and before 7 a.m. on Thursday, May 10, 2012, the last 'legislative day' in the biennium was Wednesday, May 9, for a total of 118 legislative days. The Senate adjourned mid-afternoon on May 10, for a total of 119 legislative days.
87th 2011 1st Special Session 7/19/20117/20/2011 2 1 1 Purpose: To complete the passage of budget bills.
The special session began on July 19, 2011 and adjourned on Wednesday, July 20, 2011. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day so the session was one legislative day and two calendar days in length.
87th 2011 Regular Session 1/4/20115/23/2011 140 64 64
86th 2010 2nd Special Session 10/18/201010/18/2010 1 1 1 Purpose: To provide disaster assistance for flooded areas.
86th 2010 1st Special Session 5/17/20105/17/2010 1 2 2 Purpose: To complete the passage of budget bills.
86th 2010 Continuing Regular Session 2/4/20105/16/2010 102 49 49
86th 2009 Regular Session 1/6/20095/18/2009 133 58 58
85th 2008 Continuing Regular Session 2/12/20085/18/2008 97 44 44
85th 2007 1st Special Session 9/11/20079/11/2007 1 1 1 Purpose: To provide disaster relief for the flooded counties of Dodge, Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona; to address the 35W bridge collapse; and for other disaster relief.
85th 2007 Regular Session 1/3/20075/21/2007 139 75 75
84th 2006 Continuing Regular Session 3/1/20065/21/2006 82 46 46
84th 2005 1st Special Session 5/24/20057/13/2005 51 23 23 Purpose: To pass budget bills not passed during the regular legislative session.
84th 2005 Regular Session 1/4/20055/23/2005 140 66 66
83rd 2004 Continuing Regular Session 2/2/20045/16/2004 105 52 51
83rd 2003 1st Special Session 5/20/20035/29/2003 10 8 8 Purpose: Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, major bills not passed during regular session.
83rd 2003 Regular Session 1/7/20035/19/2003 133 59 59
82nd 2002 1st Special Session 9/19/20029/19/2002 1 1 1 Purpose: Flood relief for Roseau, Minnesota; also considered sales tax on aggregate materials and charitable deducting.
82nd 2002 Continuing Regular Session 1/29/20025/20/2002 112 56 57 The House adjourned on Saturday, May 18, 2002 but the Senate did not adjourn until Monday, May 20, 2002.
82nd 2001 1st Special Session 6/11/20016/29/2001 19 9 9 Purpose: Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, major bills not passed during regular session.
82nd 2001 Regular Session 1/3/20015/21/2001 139 59 59
81st 2000 Continuing Regular Session 2/1/20005/17/2000 108 51 51 Since the sine die adjournment calendar date occurred after midnight and before 7 a.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2000, the last 'legislative day' in the biennium was Wednesday, May 17. 'Legislative day' is defined in Minnesota Statutes 3.012 as follows: 'A legislative day is a day when either house of the legislature is called to order. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day.' However, the total number of calendar days for the 2000 regular session counts May 18 as a separate calendar day.
81st 1999 Regular Session 1/5/19995/17/1999 133 67 67
80th 1998 1st Special Session 4/20/19984/22/1998 3 3 1 Purpose: Clarify intent to allow recovery for fraud pursuant to Minn. Stat. 604.10; issues relating to economic development and Early Childhood and Family Education. Senate adjourned on 4/20/1998.
80th 1998 Continuing Regular Session 1/20/19984/9/1998 80 46 46
80th 1997 3rd Special Session 10/23/199711/14/1997 23 3 4 Purpose: Funding for baseball stadium. House adjourned 11/13/1997.
80th 1997 2nd Special Session 8/19/19978/19/1997 1 1 1 Purpose: Flood relief (also considered commissioners' pay, minimum wage).
80th 1997 1st Special Session 6/26/19976/26/1997 1 1 1 Purpose: K-12 education appropriations, DWI (also considered government data practices).
80th 1997 Regular Session 1/7/19975/19/1997 133 63 63
79th 1996 Continuing Regular Session 1/16/19964/3/1996 79 46 47
79th 1995 1st Special Session 5/23/19955/25/1995 3 3 3 Purpose: K-12 education appropriations and other unfinished business.
79th 1995 Regular Session 1/3/19955/22/1995 140 65 65
78th 1994 1st Special Session 8/31/19948/31/1994 1 1 1 Purpose: Strengthen sexual predator law.
78th 1994 Continuing Regular Session 2/22/19945/6/1994 74 45 45
78th 1993 1st Special Session 5/27/19935/27/1993 1 1 1 Purpose: Budget bills. Matters considered: Health and human services finance, higher education finance, election campaign financial disclosure of contributions, state budget, contingency airplane replacement funding, sentencing for repeat domestic abusers, revisor's bill to correct technical errors.
78th 1993 Regular Session 1/5/19935/17/1993 133 61 61
77th 1992 Continuing Regular Session 1/6/19924/16/1992 102 42 42
77th 1991 Regular Session 1/8/19915/20/1991 133 58 58
76th 1990 Continuing Regular Session 2/12/19904/25/1990 73 38 38
76th 1989 1st Special Session 9/27/19899/29/1989 3 3 3 Purpose: Pass a tax bill to replace the one vetoed by Governor Perpich in June. Matters considered: Property tax relief; statewide solid waste recycling program (financed by 6% tax on garbage collection fees). Note: The House met in the Senate chamber due to the remodeling of the House chamber.
76th 1989 Regular Session 1/3/19895/22/1989 140 58 58
75th 1988 Continuing Regular Session 2/9/19884/25/1988 77 38 38
75th 1987 1st Special Session 6/25/19876/25/1987 1 1 1 Purpose: Strengthen corporation takeover laws (at request of Dayton-Hudson). Matters considered: Takeover laws and shareholder protection; four other minor laws.
75th 1987 Regular Session 1/6/19875/18/1987 133 55 55
74th 1986 1st Special Session 4/2/19864/2/1986 1 1 1 Purpose: Legislature had adjourned without completing action on budget, revenues, and farm security loan guarantees.
74th 1986 Continuing Regular Session 2/3/19863/21/1986 47 23 26 House adjourned on 3/17/1986
74th 1985 1st Special Session 6/19/19856/21/1985 3 3 3 Purpose: Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, education, operation of state and local governments, major bills not passed during regular session.
74th 1985 Regular Session 1/8/19855/20/1985 133 65 65
73rd 1984 Continuing Regular Session 3/6/19844/24/1984 50 24 24
73rd 1983 Regular Session 1/4/19835/23/1983 140 60 60
72nd 1982 3rd Special Session 12/7/198212/10/1982 4 3 3 Purpose: Balance the state budget for the current biennium. Matters considered: Reduce appropriations for fiscal year; reduce employer and increase employee contributions for various retirement funds; add 2 members to investment advisory board, etc.
72nd 1982 2nd Special Session 7/9/19827/9/1982 1 1 1 Purpose: Provide short term emergency jobs for unemployed on the Iron Range, etc., and considers a local bill for Albert Lea. Matters considered: Employment aid from Northeast Minnesota Economic Protection Fund; authorized Albert Lea to expend certain federal revenue sharing funds.
72nd 1982 1st Special Session 3/30/19823/30/1982 1 1 1 Purpose: Immediately address these unemployment insurance issues and unacceptable revisions in Minnesota's workers compensation system. Matters considered: Provided changes in Minnesota's unemployment compensation and workers compensation.
72nd 1982 Continuing Regular Session 1/12/19823/19/1982 67 34 34
72nd 1981 3rd Special Session 12/1/19811/18/1982 49 17 17 Purpose: Address the need to assure the state government has sufficient monies available to meet its cash-flow needs, as well as other matters. Matters considered: Reduced appropriations; authorized financial state aid shifts, etc.
This special session overlapped with the 1982 regular session and is the only time sessions occurred concurrently.
72nd 1981 2nd Special Session 7/1/19817/2/1981 2 2 2 Purpose: Enact short-term borrowing law so state can meets its financial obligations during cash shortage. Matters considered: Short term borrowing law; corrected certain errors in 1981 laws.
72nd 1981 1st Special Session 6/6/19816/6/1981 1 1 1 Purpose: Enact essential legislation to provide for the orderly financial management of state government and to raise revenues to fund operations of state government and programs. Matters considered: Biennial budget and appropriations; tax bill.
72nd 1981 Regular Session 1/6/19815/18/1981 133 57 57
71st 1980 Continuing Regular Session 1/22/19804/12/1980 82 40 40
71st 1979 1st Special Session 5/24/19795/24/1979 1 1 1 Purpose: The legislature ran out of time before passing three bills in the regular session. Prior agreement was reached between legislative leaders and governor. Matters considered: workers' compensation, energy, and transportation appropriations.
71st 1979 Regular Session 1/3/19795/21/1979 139 59 59
70th 1978 Continuing Regular Session 1/17/19783/24/1978 67 38 38
70th 1977 Regular Session 1/4/19775/23/1977 140 61 61
69th 1976 Continuing Regular Session 1/27/19764/7/1976 72 51 51
69th 1975 Regular Session 1/7/19755/19/1975 133 57 57
68th 1974 Continuing Regular Session 1/15/19743/29/1974 74 50 50
68th 1973 Regular Session 1/2/19735/21/1973 140 66 66
67th 1971 1st Special Session 5/25/197110/30/1971 159 54 53 Purpose: Taxes and revenues, reapportionment. Recessed between 7/31/1971 and 10/12/1971.
67th 1971 Regular Session 1/5/19715/24/1971 140 104 104
66th 1969 Regular Session 1/7/19695/26/1969 140 102 102
65th 1967 1st Special Session 5/23/19676/2/1967 11 8 8 Purpose: Revenue and tax measures and other matters not acted upon during regular session. Matters considered: Enacted 60 bills on various matters of importance including major taxation revision and major appropriations for governmental operations.
65th 1967 Regular Session 1/3/19675/22/1967 140 103 103
64th 1966 1st Special Session 4/25/19665/19/1966 25 17 16 Purpose: Reapportionment. Matters considered: Apportionment.
64th 1965 Regular Session 1/5/19655/24/1965 140 100 103
63rd 1963 Regular Session 1/8/19635/23/1963 136 100 102
62nd 1961 2nd Special Session 12/18/196112/19/1961 2 2 2 Purpose: To consider congressional reapportionment, aid to the blind, and other matters of importance. Matters considered: Amended certain provisions relating to income tax, divided state into eight new congressional districts, and gave aid to blind.
62nd 1961 1st Special Session 4/24/19616/8/1961 46 33 33 Purpose: To provide for basic appropriation and revenue measures, and other matters of importance not enacted during the regular session. Matters considered: Adopted 100 laws relating to professional corporations, unfair trade practices, license plates, agricultural seed, elections, claims, consolidation and investment of swampland and permanent school fund, retirement, uniform traffic tickets, soil conservation, sanitary districts, investment of state funds, salaries, state indebtedness, appropriations for buildings and general operation of state government, and numerous local laws.
House session adjourned 6/7/1961.
62nd 1961 Regular Session 1/3/19614/17/1961 105 75 75
61st 1959 1st Special Session 4/25/19597/1/1959 68 48 45 Purpose: To provide for appropriation and tax measures not adopted during regular session. Matters considered: Adopted 90 laws relating to appropriations, taxation, salaries, retirement fees, distressed school districts, claims, reapportionment, daylight savings time, school laws recodification, interim commissions and local laws.
61st 1959 Regular Session 1/6/19594/21/1959 106 77 77
60th 1958 2nd Special Session 6/23/19586/26/1958 4 4 4 Purpose: Unemployment benefits; Korean veterans' bonuses.
60th 1957 1st Special Session 4/30/19574/30/1957 1 1 1 Purpose: To provide for appropriation and tax measures not adopted during regular session. Matters considered: Adopted omnibus tax measure; appropriated funds for buildings and general operation of state government; revised laws relating to the Railroad and Warehouse Commission; provided for reimbursement of utilities; adopted new salaries schedule for judges and changed judicial districts; changed retirement laws.
60th 1957 Regular Session 1/8/19574/25/1957 108 75 79
59th 1955 1st Special Session 4/26/19554/26/1955 1 1 1 Purpose: To provide for adoption of revenue measures to balance appropriations already passed. Matters considered: Adopted foundation aid formula; provided for appropriations; increased income tax rates and other taxes; proposed constitutional amendment to use occupation tax receipts for current education expenditures.
59th 1955 Regular Session 1/4/19554/21/1955 108 79 78
58th 1953 Regular Session 1/6/19534/22/1953 107 77 79
57th 1951 1st Special Session 4/24/19514/24/1951 1 1 1 Purpose: To pass necessary major legislation not passed during regular session. Matters considered: Appropriations.
57th 1951 Regular Session 1/2/19514/19/1951 108 75 77
56th 1949 Regular Session 1/4/19494/21/1949 108 74 78
55th 1947 Regular Session 1/7/19474/24/1947 108 76 76
54th 1945 Regular Session 1/2/19454/19/1945 108 75 76
53rd 1944 1st Special Session 3/8/19443/11/1944 4 4 4 Purpose: To consider suffrage of soldiers, change date of primary election. Matters considered: Military personnel suffrage; and change of primary and general election dates.
53rd 1943 Regular Session 1/5/19434/21/1943 107 76 80
52nd 1941 Regular Session 1/7/19414/24/1941 108 77 76
51st 1939 Regular Session 1/3/19394/19/1939 107 76 76
50th 1937 1st Special Session 5/24/19377/23/1937 61 44 41 Purpose: Enact tax program not passed during regular session. Matters considered: Taxation and appropriations.
50th 1937 Regular Session 1/5/19374/22/1937 108 79 73
49th 1936 2nd Special Session 12/17/193612/23/1936 7 5 5 Purpose: To legislate for social security. Matters considered: An act to create an unemployment compensation fund and provide for cooperation with the federal Social Security Board.
49th 1936 1st Special Session 12/2/19351/25/1936 55 36 35 Purpose: Provide for legislation relative to the Social Security Act of federal government. Matters considered: Statewide system of old-age assistance; and various other laws.
49th 1935 Regular Session 1/8/19354/25/1935 108 82 77
48th 1934 1st Special Session 12/5/19331/6/1934 33 23 24 Purpose: To consider emergency situation of unemployment and cooperate with federal government concerning such, and to regulate the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors. Matters considered: Amendment to act relating to care of poor; authorize board of supervision of certain organized towns to create department of highway engineering for road construction; temperance education in public schools; regulate manufacture, sale and distribution of intoxicating liquors; authorize state executive council to extend direct relief, work relief, and employment of citizens; and various other laws.
48th 1933 Regular Session 1/3/19334/19/1933 107 81 77
47th 1931 Regular Session 1/6/19314/22/1931 107 78 71
46th 1929 Regular Session 1/8/19294/25/1929 108 76 73
45th 1927 Regular Session 1/4/19274/21/1927 108 78 72
44th 1925 Regular Session 1/6/19254/22/1925 107 77 75
43rd 1923 Regular Session 1/2/19234/19/1923 108 77 70
42nd 1921 Regular Session 1/4/19214/21/1921 108 80 80
41st 1919 1st Special Session 9/8/19199/19/1919 12 11 11 Purpose: To ratify the proposed Woman Suffrage Amendment, to enact legislation to benefit W.W. I soldiers, to create a state board of relief, to amend election laws, to establish a better state budget system, and to pass laws to curb profiteering and reduce high cost of living. Matters considered: Legalize county board action appropriating money for relief of flood sufferers; act relating to nomination and election of presidential electors; creation of state board of relief; provide for investigation of cost of living to be performed by commissioner of agriculture; bonuses payable to military personnel; and woman suffrage.
41st 1919 Regular Session 1/7/19194/24/1919 108
40th 1917 Regular Session 1/2/19174/19/1917 108 78 76
39th 1916 1st Special Session 10/28/191610/28/1916 1 1 1 Purpose: To consider law to permit members of National Guard to vote at next election. Matters considered: Provide for method by which legal voter member of National Guard may vote.
39th 1915 Regular Session 1/5/19154/22/1915 108
38th 1913 Regular Session 1/7/19134/24/1913 108
37th 1912 1st Special Session 6/4/19126/18/1912 15 13 13 Purpose: To enact a statewide direct primary law applicable to all state officers, a corrupt practices act, and a reapportionment law. Matters considered: Provide for laws relative to statewide primary, description of party, filing, etc.; act pertaining to corrupt practices at primaries, elections, and candidates; reapportionment; and other laws.
37th 1911 Regular Session 1/3/19114/19/1911 107 77 71
36th 1909 Regular Session 1/5/19094/22/1909 108 59 71
35th 1907 Regular Session 1/8/19074/24/1907 107
34th 1905 Regular Session 1/3/19054/18/1905 106
33rd 1903 Regular Session 1/6/19034/21/1903 106
32nd 1902 1st Special Session 2/4/19023/11/1902 36 29 27 Purpose: To consider report of tax commission created by 1901 Minn. Laws Chap. 13. Matters considered: Amendment to constitution relating to power of taxation; taxation of real estate, inheritance, gifts, personal property; provide for public examiners, primary election; and other laws.
32nd 1901 Regular Session 1/8/19014/12/1901 95
31st 1899 Regular Session 1/3/18994/18/1899 106
30th 1897 Regular Session 1/5/18974/21/1897 107
29th 1895 Regular Session 1/8/18954/23/1895 106
28th 1893 Regular Session 1/3/18934/18/1893 106
27th 1891 Regular Session 1/6/18914/20/1891 105
26th 1889 Regular Session 1/8/18894/23/1889 106
25th 1887 Regular Session 1/4/18873/4/1887 60
24th 1885 Regular Session 1/6/18853/6/1885 60
23rd 1883 Regular Session 1/2/18833/2/1883 60
22nd 1881 1st Special Session 10/11/188111/19/1881 40 28 26 Purpose: To consider previous legislation on state railroad bonds which had been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Matters considered: Provide for payment of railroad adjustment bonds previously issued; and to provide for the issuing of new bonds, various other laws.
22nd 1881 Regular Session 1/4/18813/4/1881 60
21st 1879 Regular Session 1/7/18793/7/1879 60
20th 1878 Regular Session 1/8/18783/8/1878 60
19th 1877 Regular Session 1/2/18773/2/1877 60
18th 1876 Regular Session 1/4/18763/3/1876 60
17th 1875 Regular Session 1/5/18753/5/1875 60
16th 1874 Regular Session 1/6/18743/6/1874 60
15th 1873 Regular Session 1/7/18733/7/1873 60
14th 1872 Regular Session 1/2/18723/1/1872 60
13th 1871 Regular Session 1/3/18713/3/1871 60
12th 1870 Regular Session 1/4/18703/4/1870 60
11st 1869 Regular Session 1/5/18693/5/1869 60
10th 1868 Regular Session 1/7/18683/6/1868 60
9th 1867 Regular Session 1/8/18673/8/1867 60
8th 1866 Regular Session 1/2/18663/2/1866 60
7th 1865 Regular Session 1/3/18653/3/1865 60
6th 1864 Regular Session 1/5/18643/4/1864 60
5th 1863 Regular Session 1/6/18633/6/1863 60
4th 1862 1st Special Session 9/9/18629/29/1862 21 18 18 Purpose: U.S-Dakota conflict. Matters considered: Suffrage for military personnel; provide for organization, equipment of militia; regulate intoxicating liquor for Indians; and other laws.
4th 1862 Regular Session 1/7/18623/7/1862 60
3rd 1861 Regular Session 1/8/18613/8/1861 60
2nd 1860 Regular Session 12/7/18593/12/1860 97
A note in the Legislative Manual for the State of Minnesota 1881 (p. 180) states that due to the protracted session of 1857-58 the 1858-59 meeting of the legislature was unnecessary and even though there was an election in the fall of 1858, those elected were never sworn in.
1st 1858 Regular Session 12/2/18578/12/1858 254 Recessed between 3/25/1858 and 6/2/1858.
A note in the Legislative Manual for the State of Minnesota 1881 (p. 180) states that due to the protracted session of 1857-58 the 1858-59 meeting of the legislature was unnecessary and even though there was an election in the fall of 1858, those elected were never sworn in.
8th Territorial 1857 1st Special Session 4/27/18575/25/1857 29 The 1857-58 Legislative Manual gives erroneous adjournment date of 23 May.
8th Territorial 1857 Regular Session 1/7/18573/7/1857 60
7th Territorial 1856 Regular Session 1/2/18563/1/1856 60
6th Territorial 1855 Regular Session 1/3/18553/3/1855 60
5th Territorial 1854 Regular Session 1/4/18543/4/1854 60
4th Territorial 1853 Regular Session 1/5/18533/5/1853 60
3rd Territorial 1852 Regular Session 1/7/18523/6/1852 60
2nd Territorial 1851 Regular Session 1/1/18513/31/1851 90
1st Territorial 1849 Regular Session 9/3/184911/1/1849 60
Legislature Session Convened Adjourned Calendar Days Legislative Days
House Senate
94th2025 Regular Session1/14/2025
93rd2024 Continuing Regular Session2/12/20245/20/2024994342
The Senate adjourned sine die shortly after midnight on May 20, 2024. The House adjourned sine die in the afternoon on May 20, 2024. Therefore, the House has an additional legislative day because a legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following day.
2023 Regular Session1/3/20235/22/20231407777
 Total regular session days for biennium120119
92nd2022 Continuing Regular Session1/31/20225/23/20221135655
The Senate adjourned sine die shortly after midnight on May 23, 2022. The House adjourned sine die in the afternoon on May 23, 2022. Therefore, the House has an additional legislative day because a legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following day.
2021 1st Special Session
To enact a balanced state budget and to address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
The House adjourned sine die on June 30, 2021; the Senate adjourned sine die on July 7, 2021.
2021 Regular Session1/5/20215/17/20211336060
 Total regular session days for biennium116115
91st2020 7th Special Session
To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
The special session began on Monday, December 14, 2020 and adjourned after midnight on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day so the session was one legislative day and two calendar days in length.
2020 6th Special Session
To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
2020 5th Special Session
To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020 and to consider a bonding bill.
The House adjourned sine die on October 14, 2020; the Senate adjourned sine die on October 15, 2020.
2020 4th Special Session
To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
2020 3rd Special Session
To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020.
2020 2nd Special Session
To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020 and to address other issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, to policing, and to bonding.
The special session began on July 13, 2020 and adjourned after midnight on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day so the session was three legislative days and nine calendar days in length.
2020 1st Special Session
To address the Governor's extension of the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency originally declared on March 13, 2020 and to address other issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, to policing, and to economic damage to local communities related to civil unrest due to the death of George Floyd.
2020 Continuing Regular Session2/11/20205/17/2020973838
2019 1st Special Session
To complete the passage of budget bills and policy bills.
2019 Regular Session1/8/20195/20/20191335959
 Total regular session days for biennium9797
90th2018 Continuing Regular Session2/20/20185/20/2018904040
2017 1st Special Session
To complete the passage of budget bills and policy bills.
(The Special Session was called at 12:01 after the regular session ended.)
2017 Regular Session1/3/20175/22/20171406262
 Total regular session days for biennium102102
89th2016 Continuing Regular Session3/8/20165/23/2016774142
The House adjourned on May 22, 2016, the Senate on May 23, 2016.
2015 1st Special Session
To complete the passage of budget bills.
2015 Regular Session1/6/20155/18/20151336565
 Total regular session days for biennium106107
88th2014 Continuing Regular Session2/25/20145/16/2014814444
2013 1st Special Session
To provide disaster relief for 18 counties due to severe storms and flooding.
2013 Regular Session1/8/20135/20/20131336262
 Total regular session days for biennium106106
87th2012 1st Special Session
To provide disaster assistance for the flooded areas near Duluth.
2012 Continuing Regular Session1/24/20125/10/20121085455
Since the sine die adjournment calendar date in the House occurred after midnight and before 7 a.m. on Thursday, May 10, 2012, the last 'legislative day' in the biennium was Wednesday, May 9, for a total of 118 legislative days. The Senate adjourned mid-afternoon on May 10, for a total of 119 legislative days.
2011 1st Special Session
To complete the passage of budget bills.
The special session began on July 19, 2011 and adjourned on Wednesday, July 20, 2011. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day so the session was one legislative day and two calendar days in length.
2011 Regular Session1/4/20115/23/20111406464
 Total regular session days for biennium118119
86th2010 2nd Special Session
To provide disaster assistance for flooded areas.
2010 1st Special Session
To complete the passage of budget bills.
2010 Continuing Regular Session2/4/20105/16/20101024949
2009 Regular Session1/6/20095/18/20091335858
 Total regular session days for biennium107107
85th2008 Continuing Regular Session2/12/20085/18/2008974444
2007 1st Special Session
To provide disaster relief for the flooded counties of Dodge, Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona; to address the 35W bridge collapse; and for other disaster relief.
2007 Regular Session1/3/20075/21/20071397575
 Total regular session days for biennium119119
84th2006 Continuing Regular Session3/1/20065/21/2006824646
2005 1st Special Session
To pass budget bills not passed during the regular legislative session.
2005 Regular Session1/4/20055/23/20051406666
 Total regular session days for biennium112112
83rd2004 Continuing Regular Session2/2/20045/16/20041055251
2003 1st Special Session
Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, major bills not passed during regular session.
2003 Regular Session1/7/20035/19/20031335959
 Total regular session days for biennium111110
82nd2002 1st Special Session
Flood relief for Roseau, Minnesota; also considered sales tax on aggregate materials and charitable deducting.
2002 Continuing Regular Session1/29/20025/20/20021125657
The House adjourned on Saturday, May 18, 2002 but the Senate did not adjourn until Monday, May 20, 2002.
2001 1st Special Session
Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, major bills not passed during regular session.
2001 Regular Session1/3/20015/21/20011395959
 Total regular session days for biennium115116
81st2000 Continuing Regular Session2/1/20005/17/20001085151
Since the sine die adjournment calendar date occurred after midnight and before 7 a.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2000, the last 'legislative day' in the biennium was Wednesday, May 17. 'Legislative day' is defined in Minnesota Statutes 3.012 as follows: 'A legislative day is a day when either house of the legislature is called to order. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day.' However, the total number of calendar days for the 2000 regular session counts May 18 as a separate calendar day.
1999 Regular Session1/5/19995/17/19991336767
 Total regular session days for biennium118118
80th1998 1st Special Session
Clarify intent to allow recovery for fraud pursuant to Minn. Stat. 604.10; issues relating to economic development and Early Childhood and Family Education. Senate adjourned on 4/20/1998.
1998 Continuing Regular Session1/20/19984/9/1998804646
1997 3rd Special Session
Funding for baseball stadium. House adjourned 11/13/1997.
1997 2nd Special Session
Flood relief (also considered commissioners' pay, minimum wage).
1997 1st Special Session
K-12 education appropriations, DWI (also considered government data practices).
1997 Regular Session1/7/19975/19/19971336363
 Total regular session days for biennium109109
79th1996 Continuing Regular Session1/16/19964/3/1996794647
1995 1st Special Session
K-12 education appropriations and other unfinished business.
1995 Regular Session1/3/19955/22/19951406565
 Total regular session days for biennium111112
78th1994 1st Special Session
Strengthen sexual predator law.
1994 Continuing Regular Session2/22/19945/6/1994744545
1993 1st Special Session
Budget bills. Matters considered: Health and human services finance, higher education finance, election campaign financial disclosure of contributions, state budget, contingency airplane replacement funding, sentencing for repeat domestic abusers, revisor's bill to correct technical errors.
1993 Regular Session1/5/19935/17/19931336161
 Total regular session days for biennium106106
77th1992 Continuing Regular Session1/6/19924/16/19921024242
1991 Regular Session1/8/19915/20/19911335858
 Total regular session days for biennium100100
76th1990 Continuing Regular Session2/12/19904/25/1990733838
1989 1st Special Session
Pass a tax bill to replace the one vetoed by Governor Perpich in June. Matters considered: Property tax relief; statewide solid waste recycling program (financed by 6% tax on garbage collection fees). Note: The House met in the Senate chamber due to the remodeling of the House chamber.
1989 Regular Session1/3/19895/22/19891405858
 Total regular session days for biennium9696
75th1988 Continuing Regular Session2/9/19884/25/1988773838
1987 1st Special Session
Strengthen corporation takeover laws (at request of Dayton-Hudson). Matters considered: Takeover laws and shareholder protection; four other minor laws.
1987 Regular Session1/6/19875/18/19871335555
 Total regular session days for biennium9393
74th1986 1st Special Session
Legislature had adjourned without completing action on budget, revenues, and farm security loan guarantees.
1986 Continuing Regular Session2/3/19863/21/1986472326
House adjourned on 3/17/1986
1985 1st Special Session
Enact legislation to provide for the financial management of state government. Matters considered: Taxes, budget and appropriations, education, operation of state and local governments, major bills not passed during regular session.
1985 Regular Session1/8/19855/20/19851336565
 Total regular session days for biennium8891
73rd1984 Continuing Regular Session3/6/19844/24/1984502424
1983 Regular Session1/4/19835/23/19831406060
 Total regular session days for biennium8484
72nd1982 3rd Special Session
Balance the state budget for the current biennium. Matters considered: Reduce appropriations for fiscal year; reduce employer and increase employee contributions for various retirement funds; add 2 members to investment advisory board, etc.
1982 2nd Special Session
Provide short term emergency jobs for unemployed on the Iron Range, etc., and considers a local bill for Albert Lea. Matters considered: Employment aid from Northeast Minnesota Economic Protection Fund; authorized Albert Lea to expend certain federal revenue sharing funds.
1982 1st Special Session
Immediately address these unemployment insurance issues and unacceptable revisions in Minnesota's workers compensation system. Matters considered: Provided changes in Minnesota's unemployment compensation and workers compensation.
1982 Continuing Regular Session1/12/19823/19/1982673434
1981 3rd Special Session
Address the need to assure the state government has sufficient monies available to meet its cash-flow needs, as well as other matters. Matters considered: Reduced appropriations; authorized financial state aid shifts, etc.
This special session overlapped with the 1982 regular session and is the only time sessions occurred concurrently.
1981 2nd Special Session
Enact short-term borrowing law so state can meets its financial obligations during cash shortage. Matters considered: Short term borrowing law; corrected certain errors in 1981 laws.
1981 1st Special Session
Enact essential legislation to provide for the orderly financial management of state government and to raise revenues to fund operations of state government and programs. Matters considered: Biennial budget and appropriations; tax bill.
1981 Regular Session1/6/19815/18/19811335757
 Total regular session days for biennium9191
71st1980 Continuing Regular Session1/22/19804/12/1980824040
1979 1st Special Session
The legislature ran out of time before passing three bills in the regular session. Prior agreement was reached between legislative leaders and governor. Matters considered: workers' compensation, energy, and transportation appropriations.
1979 Regular Session1/3/19795/21/19791395959
 Total regular session days for biennium9999
70th1978 Continuing Regular Session1/17/19783/24/1978673838
1977 Regular Session1/4/19775/23/19771406161
 Total regular session days for biennium9999
69th1976 Continuing Regular Session1/27/19764/7/1976725151
1975 Regular Session1/7/19755/19/19751335757
 Total regular session days for biennium108108
68th1974 Continuing Regular Session1/15/19743/29/1974745050
1973 Regular Session1/2/19735/21/19731406666
 Total regular session days for biennium116116
67th1971 1st Special Session
Taxes and revenues, reapportionment. Recessed between 7/31/1971 and 10/12/1971.
1971 Regular Session1/5/19715/24/1971140104104
66th1969 Regular Session1/7/19695/26/1969140102102
65th1967 1st Special Session
Revenue and tax measures and other matters not acted upon during regular session. Matters considered: Enacted 60 bills on various matters of importance including major taxation revision and major appropriations for governmental operations.
1967 Regular Session1/3/19675/22/1967140103103
64th1966 1st Special Session
Reapportionment. Matters considered: Apportionment.
1965 Regular Session1/5/19655/24/1965140100103
63rd1963 Regular Session1/8/19635/23/1963136100102
62nd1961 2nd Special Session
To consider congressional reapportionment, aid to the blind, and other matters of importance. Matters considered: Amended certain provisions relating to income tax, divided state into eight new congressional districts, and gave aid to blind.
1961 1st Special Session
To provide for basic appropriation and revenue measures, and other matters of importance not enacted during the regular session. Matters considered: Adopted 100 laws relating to professional corporations, unfair trade practices, license plates, agricultural seed, elections, claims, consolidation and investment of swampland and permanent school fund, retirement, uniform traffic tickets, soil conservation, sanitary districts, investment of state funds, salaries, state indebtedness, appropriations for buildings and general operation of state government, and numerous local laws.
House session adjourned 6/7/1961.
1961 Regular Session1/3/19614/17/19611057575
61st1959 1st Special Session
To provide for appropriation and tax measures not adopted during regular session. Matters considered: Adopted 90 laws relating to appropriations, taxation, salaries, retirement fees, distressed school districts, claims, reapportionment, daylight savings time, school laws recodification, interim commissions and local laws.
1959 Regular Session1/6/19594/21/19591067777
60th1958 2nd Special Session
Unemployment benefits; Korean veterans' bonuses.
1957 1st Special Session
To provide for appropriation and tax measures not adopted during regular session. Matters considered: Adopted omnibus tax measure; appropriated funds for buildings and general operation of state government; revised laws relating to the Railroad and Warehouse Commission; provided for reimbursement of utilities; adopted new salaries schedule for judges and changed judicial districts; changed retirement laws.
1957 Regular Session1/8/19574/25/19571087579
59th1955 1st Special Session
To provide for adoption of revenue measures to balance appropriations already passed. Matters considered: Adopted foundation aid formula; provided for appropriations; increased income tax rates and other taxes; proposed constitutional amendment to use occupation tax receipts for current education expenditures.
1955 Regular Session1/4/19554/21/19551087978
58th1953 Regular Session1/6/19534/22/19531077779
57th1951 1st Special Session
To pass necessary major legislation not passed during regular session. Matters considered: Appropriations.
1951 Regular Session1/2/19514/19/19511087577
56th1949 Regular Session1/4/19494/21/19491087478
55th1947 Regular Session1/7/19474/24/19471087676
54th1945 Regular Session1/2/19454/19/19451087576
53rd1944 1st Special Session
To consider suffrage of soldiers, change date of primary election. Matters considered: Military personnel suffrage; and change of primary and general election dates.
1943 Regular Session1/5/19434/21/19431077680
52nd1941 Regular Session1/7/19414/24/19411087776
51st1939 Regular Session1/3/19394/19/19391077676
50th1937 1st Special Session
Enact tax program not passed during regular session. Matters considered: Taxation and appropriations.
1937 Regular Session1/5/19374/22/19371087973
49th1936 2nd Special Session
To legislate for social security. Matters considered: An act to create an unemployment compensation fund and provide for cooperation with the federal Social Security Board.
1936 1st Special Session
Provide for legislation relative to the Social Security Act of federal government. Matters considered: Statewide system of old-age assistance; and various other laws.
1935 Regular Session1/8/19354/25/19351088277
48th1934 1st Special Session
To consider emergency situation of unemployment and cooperate with federal government concerning such, and to regulate the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors. Matters considered: Amendment to act relating to care of poor; authorize board of supervision of certain organized towns to create department of highway engineering for road construction; temperance education in public schools; regulate manufacture, sale and distribution of intoxicating liquors; authorize state executive council to extend direct relief, work relief, and employment of citizens; and various other laws.
1933 Regular Session1/3/19334/19/19331078177
47th1931 Regular Session1/6/19314/22/19311077871
46th1929 Regular Session1/8/19294/25/19291087673
45th1927 Regular Session1/4/19274/21/19271087872
44th1925 Regular Session1/6/19254/22/19251077775
43rd1923 Regular Session1/2/19234/19/19231087770
42nd1921 Regular Session1/4/19214/21/19211088080
41st1919 1st Special Session
To ratify the proposed Woman Suffrage Amendment, to enact legislation to benefit W.W. I soldiers, to create a state board of relief, to amend election laws, to establish a better state budget system, and to pass laws to curb profiteering and reduce high cost of living. Matters considered: Legalize county board action appropriating money for relief of flood sufferers; act relating to nomination and election of presidential electors; creation of state board of relief; provide for investigation of cost of living to be performed by commissioner of agriculture; bonuses payable to military personnel; and woman suffrage.
1919 Regular Session1/7/19194/24/1919108
40th1917 Regular Session1/2/19174/19/19171087876
39th1916 1st Special Session
To consider law to permit members of National Guard to vote at next election. Matters considered: Provide for method by which legal voter member of National Guard may vote.
1915 Regular Session1/5/19154/22/1915108
38th1913 Regular Session1/7/19134/24/1913108
37th1912 1st Special Session
To enact a statewide direct primary law applicable to all state officers, a corrupt practices act, and a reapportionment law. Matters considered: Provide for laws relative to statewide primary, description of party, filing, etc.; act pertaining to corrupt practices at primaries, elections, and candidates; reapportionment; and other laws.
1911 Regular Session1/3/19114/19/19111077771
36th1909 Regular Session1/5/19094/22/19091085971
35th1907 Regular Session1/8/19074/24/1907107
34th1905 Regular Session1/3/19054/18/1905106
33rd1903 Regular Session1/6/19034/21/1903106
32nd1902 1st Special Session
To consider report of tax commission created by 1901 Minn. Laws Chap. 13. Matters considered: Amendment to constitution relating to power of taxation; taxation of real estate, inheritance, gifts, personal property; provide for public examiners, primary election; and other laws.
1901 Regular Session1/8/19014/12/190195
31st1899 Regular Session1/3/18994/18/1899106
30th1897 Regular Session1/5/18974/21/1897107
29th1895 Regular Session1/8/18954/23/1895106
28th1893 Regular Session1/3/18934/18/1893106
27th1891 Regular Session1/6/18914/20/1891105
26th1889 Regular Session1/8/18894/23/1889106
25th1887 Regular Session1/4/18873/4/188760
24th1885 Regular Session1/6/18853/6/188560
23rd1883 Regular Session1/2/18833/2/188360
22nd1881 1st Special Session
To consider previous legislation on state railroad bonds which had been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Matters considered: Provide for payment of railroad adjustment bonds previously issued; and to provide for the issuing of new bonds, various other laws.
1881 Regular Session1/4/18813/4/188160
21st1879 Regular Session1/7/18793/7/187960
Biennial sessions begin.
20th1878 Regular Session1/8/18783/8/187860
19th1877 Regular Session1/2/18773/2/187760
18th1876 Regular Session1/4/18763/3/187660
17th1875 Regular Session1/5/18753/5/187560
16th1874 Regular Session1/6/18743/6/187460
15th1873 Regular Session1/7/18733/7/187360
14th1872 Regular Session1/2/18723/1/187260
13th1871 Regular Session1/3/18713/3/187160
12th1870 Regular Session1/4/18703/4/187060
11st1869 Regular Session1/5/18693/5/186960
10th1868 Regular Session1/7/18683/6/186860
9th1867 Regular Session1/8/18673/8/186760
8th1866 Regular Session1/2/18663/2/186660
7th1865 Regular Session1/3/18653/3/186560
6th1864 Regular Session1/5/18643/4/186460
5th1863 Regular Session1/6/18633/6/186360
4th1862 1st Special Session
U.S-Dakota conflict. Matters considered: Suffrage for military personnel; provide for organization, equipment of militia; regulate intoxicating liquor for Indians; and other laws.
1862 Regular Session1/7/18623/7/186260
3rd1861 Regular Session1/8/18613/8/186160
2nd*1859-1860 Regular Session12/7/18593/12/186097
1st*1857-1858 Regular Session12/2/18578/12/1858254
Recessed between 3/25/1858 and 6/2/1858.
8th Territorial1857 1st Special Session4/27/18575/25/185729
The 1857-58 Legislative Manual gives erroneous adjournment date of 23 May.
8th Territorial1857 Regular Session1/7/18573/7/185760
7th Territorial1856 Regular Session1/2/18563/1/185660
6th Territorial1855 Regular Session1/3/18553/3/185560
5th Territorial1854 Regular Session1/4/18543/4/185460
4th Territorial1853 Regular Session1/5/18533/5/185360
3rd Territorial1852 Regular Session1/7/18523/6/185260
2nd Territorial1851 Regular Session1/1/18513/31/185190
1st Territorial1849 Regular Session9/3/184911/1/184960

* A note in the Legislative Manual for the State of Minnesota 1881 (p. 180) states that due to the protracted session of 1857-58 the 1858-59 meeting of the legislature was unnecessary and even though there was an election in the fall of 1858, those elected were never sworn in.