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Minnesota Agencies

Information on Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Task Forces, and Commissions

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Legislative Reference Library

Also known as:
Minnesota Legislative Reference Library
Active dates:1969 -

The Library shall collect, index, and make available in suitable form information relative to governmental and legislative subjects which will aid members of the legislature to perform their duties in an efficient and economical manner. It shall maintain an adequate collection of public documents of Minnesota and other states. It may enter into loan agreements with other libraries.

The Library is a depository of all documents published by the state and shall receive them automatically without cost.


The Legislative Reference Library was created in 1969 Minn. Laws Chap. 1130. That same law established the Legislative Services Commission and that office was assigned the responsibility for administering the Legislative Reference Library. In 1973, the Joint Coordinating Committee was established and the Library then fell under the jurisdiction and control of the
the Joint Coordinating Committee (see 1973 Minn. Laws Chap. 598 Sec. 3).

As of 1975, the Legislative Reference Library operates under the jurisdiction of the Legislative Coordinating Commission.

The Legislative Reference Library (LRL), collects, indexes, publishes, and makes available public policy information, both online and in the Library. The LRL works closely with legislators and legislative staff to provide information services that support the legislative process. Executive agencies and the public are also served. Library staff track and acquire all reports mandated by the Legislature. In addition, state law requires that copies of the publications of Minnesota state government agencies, boards, and commissions, and a copy of all statefunded consultants´ reports must be deposited with the library. Rules of the House and Senate assign the director a custodial role of the floor and committee hearing recordings, and the accompanying minutes and logs. The Library maintains a database with biographical information on all current and former members of the Minnesota Legislature, as well as additional information on each of the legislators. The Library also plays an active role in LNET, the Legislative Networking Group that manages the Legislative Web Site.

The Library participates in OCLC, MINITEX, and PALS.

Agency heads:

Director term: pleasure of Legislative Coordinating Commission.
Director: Ray Lindquist, 1969-1974; Steve Plumb 1974-1975; Linda Feist, 1975-1985; Dan Gjelten (Acting Director), 1985; Judy Field, 1986; Marilyn Cathcart, 1987-2000; Robbie LaFleur, 2000-2013; Elizabeth Lincoln, 2013-

Statutory directives to the Legislative Reference Library, 1969 to 1993. Minnesota Legislative Reference Library Archives, Undated.
News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 1993-2017.
Record last updated: 08/15/2023

All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.

Agencies image