Computer Services Division
Active dates:1967-?
Function: Develop and implement electronic data processing and information systems for Minnesota state government.
The Division is to submit a report to the Governor no later than September 1, 1970, outlining the needs of local government for information services and plans and programs to meet those needs in the most expeditious and efficient manner.
Governor LeVander's 1970 Executive Order 56 stated in part: "In order that the Commissioner of Administration and the Director of the Computer Services Division will have the benefit of competent and objective advice, counsel, and guidance in carrying out their responsibilities, they will advise and consult with the Governor's Committee on State Information Systems. The Committee shall advise the Commissioner and the Director, Computer Services Division, concerning the development and implementation of a state information systems master plan and make recommendations from time to time to the Governor, the Commissioner, and the Director, Computer Services Division, concerning the progress, direction, and needs for the state systems efforts".
News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 1970.
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