The Council is a bipartisan initiative focused on reducing recidivism among people on probation or supervised release. It is part of the federally funded Justice Reinvestment Initiative.
The Executive Order establishing the Council states: "Achieving equitable access to correctional supervision and services requires thoughtful review of State and county investments in the system. Our partnership with the Council of State Governments Justice Center will assist us in accomplishing this objective by convening a range of critical system stakeholders to assist in this analysis. Today we join with over 30 states that are already using a Justice Reinvestment approach. We will do this important work through a bipartisan partnership across the co-equal branches—Legislative, Judicial, and Executive—and with tribal and county-level elected and appointed leaders. The State’s engagement in these outcome-focused discussions around effective public safety interventions, efficient and sustainable application of taxpayer resources, and meaningful coordination of our correctional system responses will help ensure that our courts, law enforcement, correctional facilities, community supervision systems, and victim services are all reasonably resourced to effectuate accountability and increase community safety."
The Governor’s Council on Justice Reinvestment partnered with the Community Supervision Funding Working Group and the CSG Justice Center, which conducted much of the data collection and analysis, to produce the 2022 Justice Reinvestment in Minnesota: Report to the Legislature and the Justice Reinvestment in Minnesota: Report to the Governor reports.