Project Staff Team:
Velma Korbel, Commissioner, Mn Department of Human Rights; convener
Jessica Jackson, President, Cirlutions, LLC; consultant
Christine Peters, Mn Department of Human Rights; intern
Michelle Wylam, Mn Department of Human Rights; intern
Jill Englund, HECUA; intern
Working Group Participants:
Dianne Binns, NAACP St. Paul
Greg Carlson, Minnesota Department of Corrections
Bonnie Case, Scott County
Dan Ceynowa, Anoka County
Lester Collins, Minnesota Council on Black Minnesotans
Lynn Dingle, Minnesota Department of Corrections
Suzanne Elwell, Minnesota Crime Victims Justice Unit
Ryan Erdmann, Association of Community Corrections Act Counties
Jim Franklin, Minnesota Sheriff’s Association
Annamarie Hill, Minnesota Council on Indian Affairs
Scott Mattison, Swift County
Ken Merz, Minnesota Department of Corrections
Douglas Moe, Appleton Minnesota Police Department
Rich Neumeister
Ryan O'Neill, Ramsey County
Roberta Opheim, Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health
Caroline Palmer, Minnesota State Bar Association
Barb Seidl, Prairie Correctional Facility
Alice Seuffert, Minnesota Senate
Erik Skon, Minnesota Department of Corrections
Rosa Tock, Minnesota Chicano-Latino Affairs Council Representative
Neva Walker, Minnesota House of Representatives
Rebecca Woitte, Swift County