The Task Force was created in September 2014 after a high-profile child maltreatment case.
The task force is tasked with reviewing policies, laws, and protocols, enhancing accountability in the child protection system, and ensuring the system has sufficient capacity and resources to operate as intended.
The task force was charged with delivering an initial report to the Governor, Legislature and the public by December 31, 2014, and delivering its final recommendations by March 2015.
The task force's first meeting was set for October 13, 2014. Its last meeting was March 23, 2015. In their final report, they instructed DHS to convene a workgroup to implement their recommendations. As a result, DHS created the Professional Development Workgroup, which began a series of meetings in January 2016, and issued a report in 2017: The Child Welfare Center for Learning and Development: Report and Recommendations for Training System Reform