The Commission shall consist of three members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker, three members of the senate appointed by the subcommittee on committees, the commissioner of labor and industry or his designee, the commissioner of insurance or his designee. two citizens appointed by the governor, two representatives of the insurance industry appointed by the governor, two employer representatives appointed by the governor and two labor representatives appointed by the governor.
Members as of 1979: Senator Steve Keefe (Chairman); Senator Roger Laufenburger; Senator Nancy Brataas; Commissioner E.I. Bud Malone, Department of Labor & Industry; Mr. Patrick Newlin (Insurance), St. Paul Companies; Ms. Wendy Borsheim (Employer) Minnesota Retail Federation; Representative Leo Adams; Representative Dick Kaley; Representative Wayne Simoneau; Tom O'Malley, Assistant Commissioner, Minnesota Insurance Division; Mr. Preston Shepherd (Insurance),
Employers Insurance of Wausau; Mr. Laurence Koll (Employer), Attorney.