Line Item: Section 13 (g): $150,000 to Natural Resources for inflation expenses at state parks and appearing on page 7, line 41.
Line Item: Section 21 (c): $90,000 to Crime Control Planning Board for grants for juvenile intervention programs and appearing on page 11, lines 40-42.
Line Item: Section 21 (e): $169,000 to Crime Control Planning Board for updating the automated fingerprint identification system and appearing on page 12, lines 10-15.
Line Item: Section 23 (a): $3,000,000 to Housing Finance Agency for Indian housing and appearing on page 12, lines 20-34.
Line Item: Section 23 (b): $100,000 to Housing Finance Agency for temporary shelter residential housing and appearing on page 12, lines 35-42.
Line Item: Section 27 (a): $60,000 to Transportation for a Transportation Finance Study Commission and appearing on page 14, lines 17-18.
Line Item: Section 28 (b): $39,000 to Corrections for crime victim services and appearing on page 15, line 3.
Line Item: Section 30 (d): $100,000 to Health for the THC Therapeutic Research Act and appearing on page 17, line 54 and page 18, lines 1-5.
Line Item: Section 33: $500,000 to the Board of the Arts for a grant to the West Central Minnesota Educational Television Company and appearing on page 18, lines 35-52.
Line Item: Section 41: Interest and profit from the state bond fund to the general fund and appearing on page 23, lines 26-33 and page 24, lines 1-8.
Line Item: Section 7 (c): $100,000 to Administration for Micrographics Acceleration and appearing on page 4, lines 32 through 52 and page 5, lines 1-9.