Line Item: $1,000,000 the first year of any funds except those designated by law specifically for agricultural related purposes received by the Greater Minnesota Corporation through an appropriation, a transfer
from another state fund, investment income, fees, and other charges, repayment of loans, royalty and dividend income and lottery proceeds shall be transferred to Minnesota Project Innovation by Cctober 1, 1989, for the purposes of providing research bridge grants.
Line Item: $150,000 the first year of any funds except those designated by law specifically for agricultural related purposes received by the Greater Minnesota Corporation through an appropriation, a transfer from another state fund, investment income, fees, and other charges, repayment of loans, royalty and dividend income, and lottery proceeds shall be transferred by August 1, 1989, to the Western Five Community Development Corporation for the purpose of establishing a statewide system of aiding small businesses in preparing proposals for and negotiating federal government procurement contracts.
Line Item: Article 1, section 19, page 24, lines 4-8: Subd. 7. Base Cut $(618,000) the first year and $(620,000) the second year.
Line Item: Article 1, section 25, page 45, lines 30-60 and page 46, lines 1-35: $800,000 of any funds except those designated by law specifically for agricultural related purposes received by the Greater Minnesota Corporation through an appropriation, a transfer from another state fund, investment income, fees, and other charges, repayment of loans, royalty and dividend income and lottery proceeds are transferred to the department of trade and economic development for deposit in the capital access account in the special fund for the capital access program.
Line Item: Article 1, section 8, page 9, lines 46-50 which read as follows: $2,000 the first year is a one-time appropriation to the governor's residence council for repairs and replacements in the governor's residence.
Line Item: Article 4, Section 15, page 290, Lines 7-15; The trustee and insurance accounts related to the energy loan insurance program established under Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 116M.11, are transferred to the energy loan insurance account of the special revenue fund.