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SONARs - Statements of Need and Reasonableness
Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library
During the agency rulemaking process, a Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) is often required (Minn. Statute 14.131).
SONARs provide background on the proposed rule for decision makers and citizens. Since 1997, the Library has received SONARs in print,
but due to space considerations, did not retain them permanently. This electronic SONAR archive will ensure that the documents will
be widely accessible via the Web and be available for future researchers. Archive coverage begins in 2006, although many SONARs from earlier years, including a large set from 1983 to 1996, may also be available. Generally, earlier years should be
requested from the issuing agency.
Submit SONARs:
If your agency needs to submit a SONAR to the Legislative Reference
Library, please send one electronic copy (Word, PDF, URL) to
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