Name | Former Legislator | Columnist |
Abeler, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Abeln, Lyle | Former Legislator | |
Abrams, Ron | Former Legislator | |
Adams, Leo | Former Legislator | |
Adams, Salisbury | Former Legislator | |
Adolphson, Peter | Former Legislator | |
Akland, Susan | Former Legislator | |
Albertson, Howard | Former Legislator | |
Albright, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Alexander, Ferris | | |
Alexander, Joseph | | |
Alexander, Pamela | | |
Allen, Susan | Former Legislator | |
Amdahl, Douglas | | |
Andersen, Elmer L. | Former Legislator | |
Andersen, George | | |
Anderson, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Buzz | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, C. Elmer | | |
Anderson, Dennis | | Columnist |
Anderson, Diane | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Donald A. | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Ellen | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Eugenie | | |
Anderson, G. Barry | | |
Anderson, Glen | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Irv | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Jeff | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Jerald C. | Former Legislator | Columnist |
Anderson, Mary E. | | |
Anderson, Patricia | | |
Anderson, Paul H. (Judge) | | |
Anderson, Paul T. | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Russell | | |
Anderson, Sarah | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Thor | Former Legislator | |
Anderson, Wendell | Former Legislator | |
Andreotti, Eugene | | |
Andrew, Mark | | |
Andrews, Christopher C. | Former Legislator | |
Anselmo, Dario | Former Legislator | |
Anzelc, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Archabal, Nina | | |
Arneson, Jenny | | |
Arnold, Grace | | |
Arnold, Norbert | Former Legislator | |
Arradondo, Medaria | | |
Asch, Marc | Former Legislator | |
Ashton, Sister Mary Madonna | | |
Atkins, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Aune, Roy | Former Legislator | |
Axtell, Todd | | |
Bachmann, Michele | Former Legislator | |
Backlund, Gordon | Former Legislator | |
Bakk, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Ball, Joseph | | |
Balzer, Harry | | |
Banaian, King | Former Legislator | |
Bancroft, Ann | | |
Barkley, Dean | | |
Barr, Regina | Former Legislator | |
Barrett, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Barrette, Emery | Former Legislator | |
Barsness, Edward | Former Legislator | |
Bartholomew, Riley | Former Legislator | |
Battaglia, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Bauerly, Cynthia | | |
Bauerly, Gerald | Former Legislator | |
Beal, Dave | | Columnist |
Beard, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Beard, Pat | Former Legislator | |
Becker-Finn, Jamie | Former Legislator | |
Becklin, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Beckman, Tracy | Former Legislator | |
Begich, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Belanger, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Bell, Peter | | |
Bell, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Bellecourt, Clyde | | |
Bellecourt, Vernon | | |
Belton, Sharon Sayles | | |
Bennett, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Benson, C. J. | Former Legislator | |
Benson, Duane | Former Legislator | |
Benson, Elmer | | |
Benson, Joanne | Former Legislator | |
Benson, Michelle | Former Legislator | |
Berg, Charlie | Former Legislator | |
Berg, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Bergland, Bob | | |
Berglin, Linda | Former Legislator | |
Berglund, Elmer | Former Legislator | |
Bergson, Brian | Former Legislator | |
Berkelman, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Berman, Hyman | | |
Bernardy, Connie | Former Legislator | |
Bernhagen, John | Former Legislator | |
Berns, John | Former Legislator | |
Bertram, Jeff | Former Legislator | |
Bertram, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Bettermann, Hilda | Former Legislator | |
Betzold, Don | Former Legislator | |
Biernet, Len | Former Legislator | |
Bigham, Karla | Former Legislator | |
Bills, Kurt | Former Legislator | |
Bishop, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Bishop, Laura | | |
Bjornson, Val | | |
Blackmun, Harry | | |
Blaha, Julie | | |
Blaine, Greg | Former Legislator | |
Blatnik, John | Former Legislator | |
Blatz, Kathleen | Former Legislator | |
Bliss, Matt | Former Legislator | |
Blissenbach, Nicole | | |
Blixt, Robert | | |
Bodahl, Larry | Former Legislator | |
Boe, Greg | Former Legislator | |
Boerboom, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Bohman, Rachel | | |
Boland, John | Former Legislator | |
Bonoff, Terri | Former Legislator | |
Boo, Ben | Former Legislator | |
Borden, Winston | Former Legislator | |
Borlaug, Norman | | |
Borrell, Dick | Former Legislator | |
Boschwitz, Rudy | | |
Boudreau, Lynda | Former Legislator | |
Bouza, Anthony | | |
Bouza, Erica | | |
Boyd, Donald | | |
Bradley, Fran | Former Legislator | |
Brand, Jeff | Former Legislator | |
Brandl, John | Former Legislator | |
Brandt, Edward | Former Legislator | |
Brataas, Nancy | Former Legislator | |
Braun, Richard | | |
Breimhurst, Louis | | |
Brod, Laura | Former Legislator | |
Brodkorb, Michael | | |
Broecker, Sherry | Former Legislator | |
Broeker, Richard | | |
Brooks, Herb | | |
Brower, Susan | | |
Brown, Chuck | Former Legislator | |
Brown, Earle | | |
Brown, Kay | Former Legislator | |
Brown, Muriel Humphrey | | |
Brown, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Brown, Robin | Former Legislator | |
Brown, Tikki | | |
Brubacher, Richard | | |
Bruininks, Robert | | |
Brynaert, Kathy | Former Legislator | |
Buesgens, Mark | Former Legislator | |
Bunn, Julie | Former Legislator | |
Burchett, Connie | Former Legislator | |
Burdick, Edward | | |
Burger, Warren | | |
Burns, Kevin | | |
Byrne, Peggy | Former Legislator | |
Cain, Myrtle | Former Legislator | |
Caldwell, Marjorie | | |
Caldwell, Roger | | |
Campbell, Erin | | |
Cantrell, Hunter | Former Legislator | |
Carlson, Arne | Former Legislator | |
Carlson, Barbara | | |
Carlson, Curt | | |
Carlson, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Carlson, Joel | Former Legislator | |
Carlson, Lyndon | Former Legislator | |
Carlson, Skip | Former Legislator | |
Carlson, Susan | | |
Carpenter, Cy | | |
Carruthers, Phil | Former Legislator | |
Carter, Melvin | | |
Cassell, George | Former Legislator | |
Cerkvenik, Gary | | |
Chamberlain, Roger | Former Legislator | |
Chandler, Kevin | Former Legislator | |
Charron, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Chaudhary, Satveer | Former Legislator | |
Checchi, Al | | |
Chenoweth, John | Former Legislator | |
Chenoweth, Sherry | | |
Cherryhomes, Jackie | | |
Child, Fay George | Former Legislator | |
Chmielewski, Florian | Former Legislator | |
Christensen, Drew | Former Legislator | |
Christenson, Gerald | | |
Chutich, Margaret | | |
Clark, Entzel | Former Legislator | |
Clark, James | Former Legislator | |
Clark, Karen | Former Legislator | |
Clark, Tarryl | Former Legislator | |
Clawson, John | Former Legislator | |
Cleveland, Harlan | | |
Clyborne, Johanna | | |
Cohen, Dan | | |
Cohen, Richard J. "Dick" | Former Legislator | |
Coleman, Chris | | |
Coleman, Nicholas | Former Legislator | |
Coleman, Nick | | Columnist |
Coleman, Norman | | |
Commers, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Congdon, Chester | Former Legislator | |
Considine, Jack | Former Legislator | |
Conway, Jeff | Former Legislator | |
Conzemius, George | Former Legislator | |
Cooper, Roger | Former Legislator | |
Cooper, William | | |
Cornish, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Cox, Ray | Former Legislator | |
Coyle, Brian | | |
Coyne, Mary Jeanne | | |
Craig, Angie | | |
Craig, Earl Jr. | | |
Cravaack, Chip | | |
Cross, Steve | | |
Cummiskey, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Cunningham, Brooke | | |
Cunningham, Rebecca | | |
Currie, Bob | | |
Cybart, Lloyd | Former Legislator | |
Daggett, Roxann | Former Legislator | |
Dahl, Greg | Former Legislator | |
Daley, Ted | Former Legislator | |
D'Aquila, Carl | Former Legislator | |
Darville, Luther | | |
Daubenberger, Nancy | | |
Daudt, Kurt | Former Legislator | |
Dauner, Marvin | Former Legislator | |
Davids, Greg | Former Legislator | |
Davies, Jack | Former Legislator | |
Davis, Cushman | Former Legislator | |
Davis, Harry | | |
Davis, John | | |
Davnie, Jim | | |
Dawkins, Andy | Former Legislator | |
Day, Dick | Former Legislator | |
Dayton, Mark | | |
Dean, Matt | Former Legislator | |
Dean, William | Former Legislator | |
DeBlieck, Norman R. | Former Legislator | |
DeCramer, Gary | Former Legislator | |
DeGroat, Frank | Former Legislator | |
Dehler, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Dehn, Raymond | Former Legislator | |
DeKruif, Al | Former Legislator | |
DeLaForest, Chris | Former Legislator | |
Delmont, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Demmer, Randy | Former Legislator | |
Dempsey, Jerry | Former Legislator | |
Dempsey, Terry | Former Legislator | |
Denn, James | | |
DenOuden, Gaylin | Former Legislator | |
Dettmer, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Devitt, Edward | | |
Dickenson, Leonard | Former Legislator | |
Dicklich, Ron | Former Legislator | |
Diessner, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Dieterich, Neil | Former Legislator | |
Dill, David | Former Legislator | |
Dille, Stephen | Former Legislator | |
Dimler, Charles | Former Legislator | |
Dittrich, Denise | Former Legislator | |
Dominguez, Willie | Former Legislator | |
Donahue, John Clark | | |
Donnelly, Ignatius | Former Legislator | |
Donovan, Joseph | | |
Dorholt, Zachary | Former Legislator | |
Dorman, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Dorn, John | Former Legislator | |
Dornfeld, Steven | | |
Dosland, William | Former Legislator | |
Doty, Al | Former Legislator | |
Doty, Gary | Former Legislator | |
Doty, Ralph | Former Legislator | |
Doty, Robert | | |
Downey, Keith | Former Legislator | |
Duffy Murphy, Patrick | | |
Dunn, Robert | Former Legislator | |
DuPree, Erin | | |
Durenburger, David | | |
Dutcher, Judi | | |
Dylan, Bob | | |
Dyrstad, Joanell | | |
Dziedzic, Kari | Former Legislator | |
Dziedzic, Walter | | |
Eaton, Chris | Former Legislator | |
Ecklund, Rob | Former Legislator | |
Edelson, Heather | Former Legislator | |
Edwards, Ron | | |
Eken, Willis | Former Legislator | |
Ellingson, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Ellison, Keith | Former Legislator | |
Emmer, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Enebo, Stanley | Former Legislator | |
Enestvedt, Odean | Former Legislator | |
Entenza, Matt | Former Legislator | |
Entzel, Janet | Former Legislator | |
Erdahl, Arlen | Former Legislator | |
Erhardt, Ron | Former Legislator | |
Erickson, Sondra | Former Legislator | |
Erickson, Wendell | Former Legislator | |
Esala, Ruth | | |
Esau, Gilbert | Former Legislator | |
Ettinger, Jeff | | |
Evans, Drew | | |
Evans, Geraldine | Former Legislator | |
Evans, Geri | Former Legislator | |
Evans, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Ewald, Douglas | Former Legislator | |
Fabian, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Fabian, Joan | | |
Faricy, Ray | Former Legislator | |
Farrell, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Fena, Jack | Former Legislator | |
Fenton, Kelly | Former Legislator | |
Ferderer, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Fieldman, Ester Fox | Former Legislator | |
Fields, Brooks Jr. | | |
Finley, John | | |
Finn, Harold (Skip) | Former Legislator | |
Finney, William | | |
Finseth, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Finstad, Brad | Former Legislator | |
Fischbach, Michelle | Former Legislator | |
Fischer, W. C. | Former Legislator | |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott | | |
FitzSimmons, David | Former Legislator | |
Flahaven, Patrick | | |
Flakne, Gary | Former Legislator | |
Flanagan, John | | |
Flanagan, Peggy | Former Legislator | |
Flandrau, Charles E. | Former Legislator | |
Fleming, Morgan | | |
Fletcher, Bob | | |
Flinn, Charles | | |
Flynn, Carol | Former Legislator | |
Flynn, Tim | | |
Fogel, David | | |
Foley, Daniel | | |
Foley, Leo | Former Legislator | |
Foley, Tom | | |
Folliard, Betty | Former Legislator | |
Forbes, Gordon | Former Legislator | |
Forbes, Nathaniel | | |
Forciea, Patrick | | |
Ford, Keith | | |
Forsythe, Mary | Former Legislator | |
Fournier, Alexis | | |
France, Al | Former Legislator | |
Frank, Don | Former Legislator | |
Franke, Keith | Former Legislator | |
Franke, Roger | | |
Franken, Al | | |
Frans, Myron | | |
Fraser, Arvonne | | |
Fraser, Don | Former Legislator | |
Frederick, Marcel (Sal) | Former Legislator | |
Frederick, Mel | Former Legislator | |
Frederickson, Dennis | | |
Fredrickson, David | Former Legislator | |
Freeman, Lewis | | |
Freeman, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Freeman, Orville | | |
French, John | | |
Frenzel, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Frerichs, Don | Former Legislator | |
Frey, Jacob | | |
Fridley, Russell | | |
Friedrich, Don | Former Legislator | |
Frisch, George | | |
Fritz, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Fritz, Patti | Former Legislator | |
Frost, Thomas H. | | |
Fugina, Peter | Former Legislator | |
Fuller, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Fuller, Thomas | | |
Gabel, Joan | | |
Gage, Kelton | Former Legislator | |
Gage, Skip | | |
Gagne, Vern | | |
Gahlon, Warren | | |
Gaines, Curman | | |
Gaïtas, Theodora | | |
Gaither, David | Former Legislator | |
Gale, Richard | | |
Gallegos, Frank | | |
Galles, John | | |
Garcia, Edwina | Former Legislator | |
Gardebring, Sandra | | |
Gardner, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Garofalo, Pat | Former Legislator | |
Garrity, James | | |
Gartner, David | | |
Garza, Roy | | |
Gates, Fred | | |
Gauthier, Kerry | | |
Gavin, Robert Jr. | | |
Gazelka, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Georgacas, Chris | | |
George, Michael | Former Legislator | |
Gerlach, Luther | | |
Gernes, Sonia | | |
Gilbert, Cass | | |
Gildea, Lorie | | |
Gilje, Paul | | |
Gillard, Jack | | |
Gillaspy, Tom | | |
Gillette, E. Peter Jr. | | |
Gimse, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Gingold, Archie | | |
Giovanni, Sister M. | | |
Girard, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Given, Harry Jr. | | |
Givens, Archie | | |
Gleason, Mark | Former Legislator | |
Glewwe, Rollin | Former Legislator | |
Glover, Gleason | | |
Glumack, Raymond | | |
Goetz, James | | |
Goff, Robert | | |
Goggin, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Goldberg, Paul | | |
Gomez, Isabel | | |
Goodno, Kevin | Former Legislator | |
Goodwin, Barb | Former Legislator | |
Gorbachev, Mikhail | | |
Gorman, Willis | Former Legislator | |
Gornick, Ron | | |
Gottwalt, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Gove, Peter | | |
Graba, Joseph | Former Legislator | |
Graham, Charles | | |
Graham, John Remington | | |
Grahek, J. P. | | |
Grais, Sam | | |
Grams, Rod | | |
Granlund, Paul | | |
Grant, Bud | | |
Grant, George | Former Legislator | |
Graven, David | | |
Graves, Frank | | |
Gray, Greg | Former Legislator | |
Green, Jeffrey W. | | |
Green, Norm | | |
Green, Richard | | |
Green, Zollie | | |
Greenberg, Lawrence | | |
Greene, Marion | Former Legislator | |
Greenfield, Lee | Former Legislator | |
Greenwood, Harold Jr. | | |
Grefenberg, Gary | | |
Gregg, William | | |
Greiling, Mindy | Former Legislator | |
Griffin, Gloria | | |
Griffith, Calvin | | |
Grittner, Dennis | | |
Grittner, Karl | Former Legislator | |
Gronvall, Tamar | | |
Grove, Steve | | |
Grow, Doug | | Columnist |
Growe, Joan | Former Legislator | |
Gruenes, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Gruenes, Marge | | |
Grunseth, Jon | | |
Guerin, Dino | | |
Guest, Judith | | |
Gunderson, Jerome O., Sr. | Former Legislator | |
Gunyou, John | | |
Gustafson, Dan | | |
Gustafson, Deil | | |
Gustafson, Earl | Former Legislator | |
Gustafson, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Gustafson, Wallace F. | | |
Gutekunst, John | | |
Gutknecht, Gil | Former Legislator | |
Haake, Barb | Former Legislator | |
Haas, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Haase, Mark | | |
Haaven, Jon | Former Legislator | |
Hackbarth, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Hacking, Laurie Fiori | | |
Hagedorn, Jim | | |
Hagedorn, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Hagen, Ludvig | | |
Haik, Ray | | |
Halberg, Charles | Former Legislator | |
Hale, Sandra | | |
Haley, Barb | Former Legislator | |
Hall, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Hall, Gus | | |
Ham, Hwikwon | | |
Hamiel, Jeff | | |
Hamilton, Rod | Former Legislator | |
Hampl, Patricia | | |
Hann, David | Former Legislator | |
Hanson, Hector | Former Legislator | |
Hanson, Jeff | Former Legislator | |
Hanson, Marvin | Former Legislator | |
Hanson, Paula | Former Legislator | |
Hanson, Sam | | |
Harder, Elaine | Former Legislator | |
Harens, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Harney, Kenneth | | |
Harpstead, Jodi | | |
Harrington, John | Former Legislator | |
Harris, Jean | | |
Harrison, John M. | Former Legislator | |
Hartle, Dean | Former Legislator | |
Hartman, Sid | | |
Haskins, Clem | | |
Hasselmo, Nils | | |
Hasskamp, Kris | Former Legislator | |
Hassler, Jon | | |
Hatch, Michael | | |
Hatfield, Roland | | |
Hathaway, William | | |
Hauge, Earl | Former Legislator | |
Haugerud, Neil | Former Legislator | |
Haukoos, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Hausman, Alice | Former Legislator | |
Hayden, Jeff | Former Legislator | |
Haynes, John | | |
Hays, Garry | | |
Head, Douglas | Former Legislator | |
Heady, Robert | | |
Heaney, Gerald | | |
Heap, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Heartwarrior, SEE Chosa, Judith Ann | | |
Heffelfinger, Tom | | |
Heidgerken, Bud | Former Legislator | |
Heinrich, John | Former Legislator | |
Heir, Phil | Former Legislator | |
Helgeson, Richard | | |
Helland, Philip | | |
Helm, Dale | | |
Helm, Paul | | |
Heltzer, James | | |
Hennesy, Sarah | | |
Henry, Axel | | |
Henry, Betty | | |
Henry, Joyce | Former Legislator | |
Herbst, Robert | | |
Herke, Larry | | |
Herman, John | | |
Hetland, James | | |
Heydinger, Richard | | |
Heyer, Robert | | |
Hickman, Bobby | | |
Higgins, Linda | Former Legislator | |
Hill Jr., Louis | Former Legislator | |
Hill, James | | |
Hill, Roland | | |
Hilstrom, Debra | Former Legislator | |
Hilty, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Himle, John | Former Legislator | |
Hines, Gary | | |
Hiniker, James Jr. | | |
Hixson, Mary Emma | | |
Ho, Jennifer | | |
Ho, Jennifer Leimaile | | |
Hodges, Betsy | | |
Hodgson, Dr. Jane | | |
Hoffman, Gretchen | Former Legislator | |
Hoffman, Terry | | |
Hofstede, Albert | | |
Hokanson, Shirley | Former Legislator | |
Holberg, Mary Liz | Former Legislator | |
Holm, Mike | | |
Holmquist, Stanley | Former Legislator | |
Holsten, Mark | Former Legislator | |
Holtz, Lou | | |
Hoppe, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Horazdovsky, David | | |
Horbal, Koryne | | |
Hornstein, Frank | Former Legislator | |
Hosch, Larry | Former Legislator | |
Hottinger, John | Former Legislator | |
Howe, Emma | | |
Howe, John | Former Legislator | |
Howell, Deborah | | |
Hubbard, Lucius Frederick | Former Legislator | |
Hubbard, Stanley E. and Stanley S. | | |
Hudson, Natalie | | |
Huffman, Amelia | | |
Hufnagle, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Hughes, Jerome | Former Legislator | |
Hugoson, Gene | Former Legislator | |
Humphrey, Hubert | | |
Humphrey, Hubert III | Former Legislator | |
Humphrey, Muriel | | |
Hunt, Ruby | | |
Hunter, William R. | | |
Huntley, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Hutchinson, David | | |
Hutchinson, Peter | | |
Infante, Ettore | | |
Ingebrigtsen, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Irvine, Sally Ordway | | |
Isaacs, Gerald | | |
Jackpine Bob, SEE Cary, Bob | | |
Jacob, Joel | Former Legislator | |
Jacobs, Irwin | | |
Jacobson, Bob | | |
Jacobson, Carl | Former Legislator | |
Jaime, Tincher | | |
James, John | | |
Jamieson, Stuart | | |
Janezich, Jerry | Former Legislator | |
Janklow, Bill | | |
Jaros, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Jefferson, Richard H. | Former Legislator | |
Jennings, David | Former Legislator | |
Jennings, Loren | Former Legislator | |
Jensen, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Jensen, Carl | Former Legislator | |
Jensen, Jay | | |
Jensen, Scott | Former Legislator | |
Jensen, Vicki | Former Legislator | |
Jessup, Randy | Former Legislator | |
Jett, Willie | | |
Johnson Stewart, Ann | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Alice | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Arv | | |
Johnson, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Carl M. | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Carol | | |
Johnson, Carole | | |
Johnson, Chuck | | |
Johnson, Clark | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Curt | | |
Johnson, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Dean | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, James | | |
Johnson, Janet | | |
Johnson, Jeff | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, John | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Josie | | |
Johnson, Linda | | |
Johnson, Marlene | | |
Johnson, Nellie Stone | | |
Johnson, Robert I. | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Robert W. | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Roger | | |
Johnson, Ruth | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Sheldon | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Tadd | | |
Johnson, Tom | | |
Johnson, Verne | Former Legislator | |
Johnson, Virgil | Former Legislator | |
Johnston, Terry D. | Former Legislator | |
Jones, C. Paul | | |
Jones, Syl | | Columnist |
Jordan, Michael | | |
Josefson, J. A. | Former Legislator | |
Joseph, Burton | | |
Joseph, Earl | | |
Joseph, Geri | | |
Jourdain, Roger | | |
Judd, Walter | Former Legislator | |
Jude, Tad | Former Legislator | |
Juhnke, Al | Former Legislator | |
Jurgens, Lois | | |
Jurgens, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Kahn, Aron | | |
Kahn, Phyllis | Former Legislator | |
Kalambokidis, Laura | | |
Kaler, Eric | | |
Kalin, Jeremy | Former Legislator | |
Kalina, Harold | Former Legislator | |
Kalis, Henry | Former Legislator | |
Kalitowski, Tom | | |
Kampleman, Max | | |
Kamrath, Randy | Former Legislator | |
Kane, Betty | | |
Kanten, Ann | | |
Kashkari, Neel | | |
Kawamura, Lani | | |
Keefe, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Kegler, Stan | | |
Keillor, Garrison | | |
Keith, Sandy | Former Legislator | |
Keller, Kenneth | | |
Kelley, Doug | | |
Kelley, Glen | | |
Kelley, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Kelliher, Margaret Anderson | Former Legislator | |
Kelly, Bill | | |
Kelly, Jack | | |
Kelly, Randy | Former Legislator | |
Kelly, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Kelm, Douglas | | |
Kelm, Tom | | |
Kelso, Becky | Former Legislator | |
Kempe, Arnold | Former Legislator | |
Kempfer, Hannah Jensen | Former Legislator | |
Kennedy, Mark | | |
Kennedy, William | | |
Kent, Susan | Former Legislator | |
Kerfoot, Justine | | |
Kersten, Katherine | | Columnist |
Kessler, Katrina | | |
Khalifa, Jayne | | |
Khanna, Gopal | | |
Kidwell, David | | |
Kiedrowski, Jay | | |
Kielkucki, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Kierlin, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Kiffmeyer, Mary | | |
Killebrew, Harmon | | |
Kimberly, Susan | | |
King, Jean Levander | | |
King, Reatha Clark | | |
King, Stafford | | |
Kinkel, Anthony G. | Former Legislator | |
Kinkel, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Kirchner, David | | |
Kiscaden, Sheila | Former Legislator | |
Kittridge, Kevin | | |
Klaus, Walter | Former Legislator | |
Kleis, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Kline, John | | |
Klinzing, Karen | Former Legislator | |
Klinzing, Stephanie | Former Legislator | |
Klobuchar, Amy | | |
Kludt, Ken | Former Legislator | |
Knaak, Dee | Former Legislator | |
Knaak, Fritz | Former Legislator | |
Knickerbocker, Jerry | Former Legislator | |
Knight, Kevin | Former Legislator | |
Knoblach, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Knoll, Franklin | Former Legislator | |
Knoll, Milt | | |
Knuth, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Knuth, Kate | Former Legislator | |
Knutson, Coya | Former Legislator | |
Knutson, Howard | Former Legislator | |
Koch, Amy | Former Legislator | |
Koenen, Lyle | Former Legislator | |
Koering, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Kohl, Linda | | |
Kohlasch, Frank | | |
Kolderie, Ted | | |
Koppel, Jacques | | |
Koppendrayer, LeRoy | Former Legislator | |
Kostohryz, Richard | Former Legislator | |
Kozlak, Jack | Former Legislator | |
Kozojed, Tony | | |
Kramer, Don | Former Legislator | |
Kranz, Scott | Former Legislator | |
Kraus, Ron | Former Legislator | |
Kreiger, Harold | Former Legislator | |
Krenik, Lauris | | |
Krentz, Jane | Former Legislator | |
Kriesel, John | Former Legislator | |
Krinkie, Phil | Former Legislator | |
Kroening, Carl | Former Legislator | |
Krogseng, David | | |
Krueger, Richard | Former Legislator | |
Kuhi, Leonard | | |
Kuisle, William | Former Legislator | |
Kvam, Adolph | Former Legislator | |
LaDuke, Winona | | |
Laidig, Gary | Former Legislator | |
Laingen, Bruce | | |
Lamppa, Gary | | |
Lane, Wes | | |
Lange, Jessica | | |
Langen, Odin | Former Legislator | |
Langseth, Keith | Former Legislator | |
Lanning, Morris L. (Morrie) | Former Legislator | |
Lanpher, Katherine | | |
Lansing, Harriet | | |
Lantry, Marilyn | Former Legislator | |
Lappegaard, Ray | | |
Larsen, Peg | Former Legislator | |
Larson, Cal | Former Legislator | |
Larson, Calvin | Former Legislator | |
Larson, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Larson, Don | | |
Larson, Earl | | |
Larson, Norman | Former Legislator | |
Lasley, Harold | Former Legislator | |
Latimer, George | | |
Latz, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Laughinghouse, Kurt | | |
Laurie, Halverson | Former Legislator | |
Lavoy, Jack | Former Legislator | |
Layman, Sandy | Former Legislator | |
Lazenberry, Lillian | | |
Le Seuer, Meridel | | |
Leary, D. J. | | |
Lebedoff, David | | |
LeClair, Brian | Former Legislator | |
Ledding, Roger | | |
Lee, Choua | | |
Lehr, Lewis | | |
Lehto, Arlene | Former Legislator | |
Leidiger, Ernest Gilbert "Ernie" | Former Legislator | |
Leier, Marsie | | |
Leighton, Robert Jr. | Former Legislator | |
LeMieur, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Lenczewski, Ann | Former Legislator | |
Lennes, John | | |
Leppik, Peggy | Former Legislator | |
Leppink, Nancy | | |
Lesch, John | Former Legislator | |
Lesewski, Arlene | Former Legislator | |
Lessard, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Lester, William | | |
LeVander, Harold | | |
LeVander, Iantha | | |
Levi, Connie | Former Legislator | |
Levine, Leonard | | |
Lewis, Jason | | |
Lewis, Sinclair | | |
Lieder, Bernard | Former Legislator | |
Likins, Vera | | |
Lillehaug, David | | |
Lillie, Ted | Former Legislator | |
Lilly, David | | |
Linc Stine, John | | |
Lind, John | | |
Lindahl, Bruce | Former Legislator | |
Lindau, James | | |
Lindbergh, Charles | | |
Lindgren, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Lindgren, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Lindner, Arlon | Former Legislator | |
Lindstrom, Ernest | Former Legislator | |
Linehan, Dennis | | |
Lipman, Eric | Former Legislator | |
Lippert, Todd | Former Legislator | |
Lislegard, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Little, Matt | Former Legislator | |
Locey, Dave | | |
Locke, Deborah | | Columnist |
Loeffler, Diane | Former Legislator | |
Loehr, Alcuin | | |
Lofgreen, Hal | | |
Lohmer, Kathy | Former Legislator | |
Lombardi, Vince Jr. | Former Legislator | |
Lommen, George | Former Legislator | |
Lonetree, Clayton | | |
Long, Bob | | |
Long, Dee | Former Legislator | |
Long, Verne | Former Legislator | |
Longanecker, David | | |
Loon, Jenifer | Former Legislator | |
Loonan, Bob | Former Legislator | |
López Franzen, Melisa | Former Legislator | |
Lord, Miles | | |
Loritz, Dan | | |
Lotterman, Edward | | Columnist |
Lourey, Becky | Former Legislator | |
Lourey, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Lucero, Rebecca | | |
Ludeman, Cal | Former Legislator | |
Lueck, Dale | Former Legislator | |
Lund, Russell & Rhoda | | |
Lundeen, Ernest | Former Legislator | |
Luther, William | Former Legislator | |
Lykken, David | | |
Lynch, Teresa | Former Legislator | |
MacGregor, Clark | | |
Mack, Tara | Former Legislator | |
MacKay, Harvey | | |
Macke, Kenneth | | |
MacKinnon, Catharine | | |
Macklin, Bill | Former Legislator | |
MacLaughlin, Harry | | |
MacTaggart, Terrence | | |
Maddox, Ron | | |
Madore, Shelley | Former Legislator | |
Magnuson, Eric | | |
Magnuson, Paul | | |
Magrath, Peter | | |
Mahon, Mark P. | Former Legislator | |
Mahoney, Tim | | |
Maitland, Ian | | |
Maki, Wilbur | | |
Malcolm, Jan | | |
Malek, Frederic | | |
Mammen, Richard | | |
Mammenga, Eugene | Former Legislator | |
Mampel, Robert | | |
Manfred, Frederick | | |
Mann, Polly | | |
Manship, Paul | | |
Mansky, Joe | | |
Mares, Harry | Former Legislator | |
Margoles, Susan | | |
Mariani, Carlos | Former Legislator | |
Mariucci, John | | |
Markman, Michael | | |
Marko, Sharon | Former Legislator | |
Marquart, Paul | | |
Marschall, Marlene E. | | |
Marsh, Marcus | Former Legislator | |
Marshall, Fred | | |
Marshall, William R. | Former Legislator | |
Martin, Ken | | |
Martinson, Trista | | |
Marzitelli, Frank | | |
Masanz, Hugo | | |
Masin, Sandra | Former Legislator | |
Mastrian, Norman | | |
Mathews, Andrew | | |
Mathiowetz, Al | | |
Mattson, Robert | | |
Maxwell, Robert | | |
Maye Quade, Erin | Former Legislator | |
McAllister, Bill | | |
McArthur, Ernee | Former Legislator | |
McCabe, Lawrence | | |
McCally, John | | |
McCarron, Paul | Former Legislator | |
McCarthy, Eugene | | |
McCarty, Charles | | |
McCauley, Maurice J. (Mac) | Former Legislator | |
McClung, Dorothy | | |
McCollor, Maurice (Mac) | Former Legislator | |
McCollum, Betty | Former Legislator | |
McCutcheon, William | Former Legislator | |
McDonald, K.J. | Former Legislator | |
McDonald, Kwame | | |
McDonald, Tom | | |
McDonough, Denis | | |
McEachern, Bob | Former Legislator | |
McElroy, Dan | Former Legislator | |
McFadden, Mike | | |
McGinn, Mike | Former Legislator | |
McGowan, Martin | Former Legislator | |
McGowan, Patrick | Former Legislator | |
McGrath, Mike | | |
McGuire, Mary Jo | Former Legislator | |
McKasy, Bert | Former Legislator | |
McKeig, Anne | | |
McKigney, Darrell | | |
McLaughlin, Peter | Former Legislator | |
McLauren, Mike | | |
McMillan, Helen | Former Legislator | |
McNamar, Jay | Former Legislator | |
McNamara, Denny | Former Legislator | |
McPherson, Harriet | Former Legislator | |
McQuaid, Phyllis | Former Legislator | |
Mears, Norman | | |
Mecklenburg, Marjory | | |
Mehrkens, Lyle | Former Legislator | |
Melin, Carly | Former Legislator | |
Melter, Bernard | | |
Menning, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Merriam, Gene | Former Legislator | |
Merriam, William Rush | Former Legislator | |
Merrifield, D. Bruce | | |
Merritt, Grant | | |
Meshbesher, Ronald | | |
Meslow, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Metsa, Jason | Former Legislator | |
Metzen, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Meyer, Helen | | |
Miera, Alberto | | |
Mikan, George | | |
Mikulanec, June | | |
Milbert, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Miles, Jim | | |
Miller, Howard | Former Legislator | |
Miller, Stephen | Former Legislator | |
Miller, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Millett, Kate | | |
Minge, David | | |
Minne, Lona | Former Legislator | |
Mitau, Theodore | | |
Moe, Donald | Former Legislator | |
Moe, Frank | Former Legislator | |
Moe, Roger | Former Legislator | |
Molnau, Carol | Former Legislator | |
Molter, Dorothy | | |
Monahan, Mary | | |
Mondale, Joan | | |
Mondale, Ted | | |
Mondale, Walter | | |
Monserrate, Alberto | | |
Montgomery, Terry | | |
Moore, Cornell | | |
Moore, Dave | | |
Moore, Gordon | | |
Moore, Wenda | | |
Moos, Malcolm | | |
Moran, Rena | Former Legislator | |
Morgan, Will | Former Legislator | |
Moriarty, Mary | | |
Morris, Bill | | |
Morris, David | | |
Morris, Kathleen | | |
Morris, William | | |
Morrison, Connie | Former Legislator | |
Morrison, Kelly | Former Legislator | |
Morrow, Terry | Former Legislator | |
Morse, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Mortensen, Erik | Former Legislator | |
Mosel, Darrel | Former Legislator | |
Moss, Spike | | |
Mott, Rodney | Former Legislator | |
Moua, Mee | Former Legislator | |
Mueller, August | Former Legislator | |
Mueller, Heather | | |
Mulder, Richard | Former Legislator | |
Mullery, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Munger, Willard | Former Legislator | |
Munson, Jeremy | Former Legislator | |
Murphy, Diana | | |
Murphy, Erin | Former Legislator | |
Murphy, Mary | Former Legislator | |
Murphy, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Murray, Louis | Former Legislator | |
Murray, Rich | Former Legislator | |
Myhra, Pam | Former Legislator | |
Myrah, Leonard | Former Legislator | |
Naftalin, Arthur | | |
Nagurski, Bronko | | |
Najarian, John | | |
Nathan, Joe | | |
Neary, Pam | Former Legislator | |
Neel III, Harry Bryan | | |
Neid, Karl | | |
Neiman, LeRoy | | |
Nelsen, Ancher | Former Legislator | |
Nelsen, Bruce | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Carla | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Clair | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Darby | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, George (Pinky) | | |
Nelson, Gerry | | |
Nelson, Glenn | | |
Nelson, Ken | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Knute | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Marilyn Carlson | | |
Nelson, Michael | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Peter | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Prince Rogers | | |
Nelson, Rolf | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Ruth Youngdahl | | |
Nelson, Sydney | Former Legislator | |
Nelson, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Neppl, Verne | | |
Ness, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Neuenschwander, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Neuville, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Newberger, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Newby, Harry Sr. | | |
Newcome, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Newinski, Dennis | Former Legislator | |
Newman, Scott | Former Legislator | |
Newton, Jerry | Former Legislator | |
Nichols, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Nicosia, Chris | | |
Nienow, Sean | Former Legislator | |
Niskanen, Chris | | Columnist |
Nobles, James | | |
Nolan, Richard (Rick) | Former Legislator | |
Nornes, Bud | Former Legislator | |
Norris, William | | |
North, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Norton, Daniel S. | Former Legislator | |
Norton, Fred C. | Former Legislator | |
Norton, Kim | Former Legislator | |
Novak, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Nyberg, Luanne | | |
Nye, William | | |
Nyquist, Dean | Former Legislator | |
Nysether, Myron | Former Legislator | |
Obermeyer, Peter | | |
Obermueller, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Oberstar, Jim | | |
O'Connor, Rich | Former Legislator | |
Odegard, Robert | | |
O'Donnell, Michael | | |
Ogren, Paul Anders | Former Legislator | |
O'Hara, Brian | | |
Oistad, Leon | | |
Ojala, William | Former Legislator | |
Olhoft, Wayne | Former Legislator | |
Oliver, Ed | Former Legislator | |
Olkon, Ellis | | |
Olkon, Nancy | | |
Olsen, Sally | Former Legislator | |
Olsen, Stephanie | Former Legislator | |
Olson, Alec | Former Legislator | |
Olson, David C. | | |
Olson, Dennis | | |
Olson, Edgar | Former Legislator | |
Olson, Floyd B. | | |
Olson, Gerald | | |
Olson, Katy | Former Legislator | |
Olson, Mark | Former Legislator | |
Olson, Sigurd | | |
Omann, Bernie | Former Legislator | |
Omar, Ilhan | Former Legislator | |
Omodt, Donald | | |
O'Neill, Joseph | Former Legislator | |
Onnen, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Opatz, Joseph | Former Legislator | |
Opperman, Vance | | |
Orenstein, Howard | Former Legislator | |
Orfield, Myron | Former Legislator | |
Orth, Bob | | |
Ortman, Julianne | Former Legislator | |
Osmek, David | Former Legislator | |
Osskopp, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Osterholm, Michael | | |
Osterman, Lynne | Former Legislator | |
Osthoff, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Ostrom, Don | Former Legislator | |
Otis, Todd | Former Legislator | |
Otremba, Ken | Former Legislator | |
Otremba, Mary Ellen | Former Legislator | |
Otto, Rebecca | Former Legislator | |
Ourada, Mark | Former Legislator | |
Ousdigian, O. M. | | |
Overgaard, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Ozment, Dennis | Former Legislator | |
Page, Alan | | |
Paige, Mabeth Hurd | Former Legislator | |
Palmer, Dick | Former Legislator | |
Palmquist, Al | | |
Pariseau, Pat | | |
Parish, Richard | Former Legislator | |
Parks, Gordon | | |
Parnell, Carolyn | | |
Paulsen, Erik | Former Legislator | |
Paulucci, Jeno | | |
Pauly, Sidney | Former Legislator | |
Pavelich, Joseph | | |
Pavlak, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Pawlenty, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Paymar, Michael | Former Legislator | |
Payne, Elliott | | |
Pearlstein, Mitchell | | |
Pegors, John | | |
Pehler, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Peirce, Neal | | Columnist |
Pellow, Dick | Former Legislator | |
Pelowski, Gene | Former Legislator | |
Penny, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Peppin, Joyce | Former Legislator | |
Perlman, Lawrence | | |
Perlt, Walter | Former Legislator | |
Perovich, Elliot | | |
Perpich, George | Former Legislator | |
Perpich, Joseph | | |
Perpich, Lola | | |
Perpich, Nick | | |
Perpich, Rudy | Former Legislator | |
Perpich, Rudy Jr. | | |
Perpich, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Persell, John | Former Legislator | |
Petersen, Branden | Former Legislator | |
Petersen, Thom | | |
Peterson, Aaron | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Collin | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Darrel | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Donna | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Gordon | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Jerome | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Neil | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Randall | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Roz | Former Legislator | |
Peterson, Sandra | Former Legislator | |
Petrafeso, Paul (Pete) | Former Legislator | |
Philbrook, Burnham (Bud) | Former Legislator | |
Phillips, Dean | | |
Phillips, Mark | | |
Piepho, Mark | Former Legislator | |
Pillsbury, Charles | Former Legislator | |
Pillsbury, George | Former Legislator | |
Pillsbury, John | Former Legislator | |
Pintar, Michael | | |
Piper, Pat | Former Legislator | |
Pirsig, Robert | | |
Plaisted, Ralph | | |
Pleasant, Ray | Former Legislator | |
Pogemiller, Larry | Former Legislator | |
Pohlad, Carl | | |
Polzine, Alfred and Bobbi | | |
Ponikvar, Veda | | |
Popham, Wayne | Former Legislator | |
Popovich, Peter | Former Legislator | |
Poppe, Jeanne | Former Legislator | |
Poppenhagen, Dennis | Former Legislator | |
Poss, Don | | |
Poston, John | Former Legislator | |
Powell, Duke | Former Legislator | |
Preston, Charles | | |
Prettner Solon, Yvonne | Former Legislator | |
Printy, David | | |
Procaccini, Karl | | |
Pugh, Cindy | Former Legislator | |
Pugh, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Pung, Orville | | |
Purfeerst, Clarence | Former Legislator | |
Quie, Albert | Former Legislator | |
Quie, Gretchen | | |
Quinn, Joseph | | |
Quirin, E. W. | Former Legislator | |
Quist, Allen | Former Legislator | |
Racer, Dave | | |
Rachner (Reagan), Mary Jane | | |
Radinovich, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Rainville, Alice | | |
Raleigh, Donald | Former Legislator | |
Ramirez, Casey | | |
Ramsey, Alexander | | |
Ramstad, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Ramstad, Sheryl | | |
Rand, Rebecca Rae | | |
Randall, Judy | | |
Randall, Ruth | | |
Randell, Patsy | | |
Ranum, Jane | Former Legislator | |
Rappana, Duane | Former Legislator | |
Rasmussen, Jeri | | |
Rathke, Stephen | | |
Rauenhorst, Gerald | | |
Redalen, Elton | Former Legislator | |
Reding, Leo J. | Former Legislator | |
Rees, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Reichgott Junge, Ember | Former Legislator | |
Reif, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Reinert, Roger | Former Legislator | |
Reinhardt, Hazel | | |
Reiter, Mady | Former Legislator | |
Relph, Jerry | Former Legislator | |
Renier, James J. | | |
Renneke, Earl | Former Legislator | |
Renner, Robert Jr. | | |
Rentschler, Frederick | | |
Resner, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Rettman, Janice | | |
Reuter, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Rhodes, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Rice, Sean | | |
Richards, Leonard | | |
Richardson, Ruth | Former Legislator | |
Richie, Richard | Former Legislator | |
Rick, Hansen | | |
Ricker, Mary Cathryn | | |
Ridgeway, Paul | | |
Ridgway, Rozanne | | |
Rieder, Mary | | |
Rifenberg, Michelle | Former Legislator | |
Riggs, Dudley | | |
Riley, John | | |
Ritchie, Mark | | |
Riveness, Phil | Former Legislator | |
Roach, John | | |
Roberts, Kathryn | | |
Roberts-Davis, Alice | | |
Robertson, Martha | Former Legislator | |
Robertson, Michael | | |
Robertson, Roslyn | | |
Robling, Claire A. | Former Legislator | |
Rockenstein, Walter | | |
Rockne, Anton Julius "A.J." | Former Legislator | |
Rockne, Sue | | |
Rodosovich, Peter | Former Legislator | |
Rodriguez, Frank | Former Legislator | |
Roe, David | | |
Roedler, Patrick | | |
Roemer, Arthur | | |
Rohde, Barbara | | |
Rolette, Joe | Former Legislator | |
Rollwagen, John | | |
Rolvaag, Karl | | |
Rosario, Ruben | | Columnist |
Rose, Arnold | Former Legislator | |
Rosen, Julie | Former Legislator | |
Rosenbaum, James | | |
Rosenmeier, Gordon | Former Legislator | |
Ross, Percy | | |
Rostberg, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Rothchild, Nina | | |
Rothenberg, Elliot | Former Legislator | |
Rothman, Mike | | |
Rothmeier, Steven | | |
Rowe, Alwin | Former Legislator | |
Rowen, Hobart | | |
Roy, Tom | | |
Rudell, Allen | | |
Rued, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Ruhr, Chuck | | |
Rukavina, Ida | | |
Rukavina, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Rumpel, Claire | | |
Runbeck, Linda | Former Legislator | |
Rupp, John | | |
Ruth, Connie | Former Legislator | |
Ruttan, Vernon | | |
Rutter, Loren | Former Legislator | |
Ruud, Carrie | Former Legislator | |
Rybak, R. T. | | |
Sabo, Julie | Former Legislator | |
Sabo, Martin | Former Legislator | |
Salchert, John | Former Legislator | |
Salisbury, Harrison | | |
Saltzman, Kathy | | |
Samargia, Joe | | |
Samatar, Hussein | | |
Sampsel, David | | |
Sams, Dallas | Former Legislator | |
Samuels, Don | | |
Samuelson, Char | Former Legislator | |
Samuelson, Don | Former Legislator | |
Sand, Paul | | |
Sanda, Krista (Kris) | | |
Sandell, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Sanders, Tim A. | Former Legislator | |
Sando, Rodney | | |
Sandstede, Julie | Former Legislator | |
Sarna, John | Former Legislator | |
Sasseville, Katherine | | |
Sathre, Harvey B. | Former Legislator | |
Satterlee, Juanita | | |
Sauer, Richard | | |
Savelkoul, Henry | Former Legislator | |
Saxhaug, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Saxon, David | | |
Scalze, Bev | Former Legislator | |
Schafer, Gary | Former Legislator | |
Schaff, David | Former Legislator | |
Schara, Ron | | |
Scheevel, Kenric | Former Legislator | |
Scheibel, Jim | | |
Scheid, Linda | Former Legislator | |
Scherer, Roger | Former Legislator | |
Schertler, Mary | | |
Schilling, Hugh | | |
Schmit, Matt | Former Legislator | |
Schnell, Paul | | |
Schoen, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Schoen, Kenneth | | |
Schoenfeld, Jerry | Former Legislator | |
Schowalter, Jim | | |
Schreiber, Bill | Former Legislator | |
Schuh, G. Edward | | |
Schulstad, Dennis | | |
Schultz, David | | |
Schultz, Jennifer | Former Legislator | |
Schultz, Jim | | |
Schultz, Roy | Former Legislator | |
Schulz, Charles | | |
Schumacher, Leslie | Former Legislator | |
Schunk, Mae | | |
Schurke, Paul | | |
Schwab, Grace | Former Legislator | |
Schwarzkopf, Lyall | Former Legislator | |
Schweitz, Jackie | | |
Scott, George | | |
Scott, Rick (Ulric) | | |
Scribner, Duane | | |
Scuffy, Robert | | |
Seaberg, Art | Former Legislator | |
Seagren, Alice | Former Legislator | |
Searle, Rod | Former Legislator | |
Sedgwick, Susanne | | |
Seetin, Mark | | |
Segal, Gloria | Former Legislator | |
Seifert, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Seifert, Marty | Former Legislator | |
Sekhon, Kathleen | Former Legislator | |
Selcer, Yvonne | Former Legislator | |
Senese, Dick | | |
Senjem, Dave | Former Legislator | |
Sertich, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Session, Richard | | |
Setzepfandt, A. O. H. | Former Legislator | |
Sevaried, Eric | | |
Severson, Dan (Doc) | Former Legislator | |
Shannon, James | | |
Shannon, Larry | | |
Shaver, Craig | Former Legislator | |
Shelby, Donald | | |
Sheran, Kathleen J. | Former Legislator | |
Sheran, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Sherburne, Neil | | |
Sherman, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Sherwood, Glen | Former Legislator | |
Shipstead, Henrik | | |
Short, Marianne | | |
Short, Robert | | |
Sibley, Henry | Former Legislator | |
Sibley, Mulford | | |
Sidner, Arthur | | |
Sieben, Harry | Former Legislator | |
Sieben, James G. | | |
Sieben, Katie | Former Legislator | |
Sieben, Michael | Former Legislator | |
Sieben, William | | |
Sieloff, Ron | Former Legislator | |
Sikorski, Gerry | Former Legislator | |
Sillers, Douglas | Former Legislator | |
Simon, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Simoneau, Wayne | Former Legislator | |
Simonett, John | | |
Simpson, Dean | Former Legislator | |
Sivanich, Sam | | |
Skare, Gail | Former Legislator | |
Skeate, John | Former Legislator | |
Skinner, George | Former Legislator | |
Skoe, Rod | Former Legislator | |
Skoglund, Wes | Former Legislator | |
Slawik, Nora | Former Legislator | |
Slocum, Charles | | |
Smaby, Alpha | Former Legislator | |
Smaby, Jan | | |
Smebakken, Ted | | |
Smith, Dennis | Former Legislator | |
Smith, Howard | Former Legislator | |
Smith, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Smith, Tina | | |
Soderstrom, Judy | Former Legislator | |
Sohn, Sung Won | | |
Solberg, Loren | Former Legislator | |
Solem, Jim | | |
Solomonson, C. Bruce | | |
Sommer, Cliff | Former Legislator | |
Sommerdorf, Vernon | Former Legislator | |
Sonnen, Kiki | | |
Soucheray, Joe | | Columnist |
Spanish, John | Former Legislator | |
Spannaus, Warren | | |
Spano, Wyman | | |
Sparby, Wally | Former Legislator | |
Sparks, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Spartz, Jeff | | |
Spear, Allan | Former Legislator | |
Speer, David | | |
Spiess, Gerry | | |
Spoor, William | | |
Stadum, Tony | Former Legislator | |
Stafford, Rick | | |
Stanek, Rich | Former Legislator | |
Stang, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Stangeland, Arlan | Former Legislator | |
Stanius, Brad | Former Legislator | |
Stanoch, John | | |
Stanoch, Ruth | | |
Stanton, Russ | Former Legislator | |
Staples, Emily Ann | Former Legislator | |
Stark, Matthew | | |
Stassen, Harold | | |
Stassen, J. Robert | Former Legislator | |
Staten, Randy | Former Legislator | |
Stauber, Pete | | |
Steensma, Andy | Former Legislator | |
Steffen, Natalie | | |
Steger, Will | | |
Stenvig, Audrey | | |
Stenvig, Charles | | |
Stern, Irving | Former Legislator | |
Stevens, Dan | Former Legislator | |
Stinson, Thomas | | |
Stoehr, Eldon | | |
Stokowski, Anne | Former Legislator | |
Stoll, Cal | | |
Storm, Donald | Former Legislator | |
Storm, Julie | Former Legislator | |
Stowell, Warren (Tom) | Former Legislator | |
Strachan, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Strand, Roger | Former Legislator | |
Strangis, Ralph | | |
Stras, David R. | | |
Stringer, Edward | | |
Strommen, Sarah | | |
Stumpf, LeRoy | Former Legislator | |
Stumpf, Peter | Former Legislator | |
Sturdevant, Lori | | Columnist |
Sullivan, Joe | | |
Sullivan, Kip | | |
Sullivan, Michael | | |
Summers, Joseph | | |
Sundin, Mike | Former Legislator | |
Sundquist, Barbara | | |
Suss, Ted | Former Legislator | |
Sviggum, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Swain, Thomas | | |
Swanson, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Swanson, Lori | | |
Swenson, Howard | Former Legislator | |
Sykora, Barb | Former Legislator | |
Sykora, Barbara | | |
Sylvester, Robert | | |
Tabke, Brad | Former Legislator | |
Taylor, Glen | Former Legislator | |
Tedesco, Victor | | |
Teegan, Evelyn | | |
Tennessen, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Tenpas, Doug | | |
Terwilliger, Roy | Former Legislator | |
Thao, Cy | Former Legislator | |
Theide, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Theis, Frank | Former Legislator | |
Theisen, Katherine | | |
Thiss, George | | |
Thissen, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Thompson, Douglas | | |
Thompson, John | Former Legislator | |
Thompson, Loren | Former Legislator | |
Thompson, T. Eugene | | |
Thrane, Loanne | | |
Thune, Dave | | |
Thye, Edward | | |
Ticen, Thomas | Former Legislator | |
Tigue, Randall | | |
Tillberry, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Tilsen, Kenneth | | |
Tilton, William Leo | | |
Timmons, Michelle | | |
Tingelstad, Kathy | Former Legislator | |
Tinglestad, Kathy | Former Legislator | |
Tipton, Tom | | |
Tjornholm, Chris | Former Legislator | |
Toal, William | | |
Todd, Hank | | |
Todd, John | | |
Tomassoni, David | Former Legislator | |
Tomes, Tarek | | |
Tomlinson, John | Former Legislator | |
Tomljanovich, Esther | | |
Tompkins, Eileen | Former Legislator | |
Torgerson, Virginia | Former Legislator | |
Torres Ray, Patricia | Former Legislator | |
Totino, Rose | | |
Traub, Judy | Former Legislator | |
Trimble, Steve | Former Legislator | |
Trimble, Tony | | |
Triplett, Thomas | | |
Tripp, Alice | | |
Tschida, Paul | | |
Tschumper, Ken | Former Legislator | |
Tuma, John | Former Legislator | |
Tunheim, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Turnbladh, Will | | |
Turnbull, Charles | | |
Ueland, Arnie | Former Legislator | |
Ueland, Brenda | | |
Uglem, Mark | Former Legislator | |
Ulland, James | Former Legislator | |
Undercofler, James | | |
Uphus, Sylvester | Former Legislator | |
Urdahl, Dean | Former Legislator | |
Vadheim, Joseph | Former Legislator | |
Valan, Merlyn | Former Legislator | |
Valento, Don | Former Legislator | |
Van Dellen, Henry Todd | Former Legislator | |
Van Engen, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Vanasek, Robert | Former Legislator | |
Vanderpoel, Peter | | |
Vandeveer, Ray | Former Legislator | |
Vann, Lee | | |
Varilek, Matt | | |
Vaught, Mark | | |
Veblen, Thorstein | | |
Vellenga, Kathleen | Former Legislator | |
Vento, Bruce | Former Legislator | |
Ventura, Jesse | | |
Ventura, Terry | | |
Vessey, John | | |
Vick, Patrice | | |
Vickerman, Jim | Former Legislator | |
Vikmanis, Val | | |
Volstead, Andrew | | |
Voss, Gordon | Former Legislator | |
Wadley, Denis | | |
Wagenius, Jean | Former Legislator | |
Wahl, Rosalie | | |
Waldorf, Eugene | Former Legislator | |
Walker, Neva | Former Legislator | |
Walker, William (Bill) | Former Legislator | |
Waltman, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Walz, Gwen | | |
Walz, Tim | | |
Wangberg, Lou | | |
Ward, JoAnn | Former Legislator | |
Ward, John | Former Legislator | |
Wardlow, Doug | Former Legislator | |
Wardlow, Lynn | Former Legislator | |
Warkentin, Eldon | Former Legislator | |
Warren, Lillian | | |
Wasiluk, Scott | Former Legislator | |
Wattenberg, Ester | | |
Wattson, Peter | | |
Wazlawik, Ami | Former Legislator | |
Weaver, Charles | Former Legislator | |
Weaver, John | Former Legislator | |
Weaver, Will | | |
Weber, Vin | | |
Wedl, Robert | | |
Wee, Reuben | Former Legislator | |
Wefald, Jon | | |
Wegener, Myrton | Former Legislator | |
Wegscheid, Darrel | | |
Weinholzer, Bob | | |
Welch, Dick | Former Legislator | |
Welker, Ray | Former Legislator | |
Welle, Alan | Former Legislator | |
Wellstone, Paul | Former Legislator | |
Wenstrom, Gene | Former Legislator | |
Wenzel, Stephen | Former Legislator | |
Wergin, Betsy | Former Legislator | |
Westerberg, Andy | Former Legislator | |
Westfall, Bob | Former Legislator | |
Westin, John | | |
Wetterling, Jacob | | |
Wetterling, Patty | | |
Wheaton, John Frank | Former Legislator | |
Wheelock, Pam | | |
White, Johnathan | | |
Whiting, Charles | | |
Whitney, Irene | | |
Whitney, Wheelock | | |
Wiener, Deanna | Former Legislator | |
Wieser, Al Jr. | Former Legislator | |
Wiger, Charles | Former Legislator | |
Wilderson, Frank | | |
Wilf, Zygi | | |
Wilkin, Tim | Former Legislator | |
Wilkins, Roy | | |
Wilkinson, Morton S. | Former Legislator | |
Willet, Gerald | Former Legislator | |
Williams, Charles | | |
Williams, Diane Wray | Former Legislator | |
Williams, Theartrice ("T") | | |
Wilson, August | | |
Wilson, Betty | | |
Wilson, Bill | | |
Wilson, Myron Robert | | |
Winfield, Dave | | |
Winkler, Ryan | | |
Winter, John | Former Legislator | |
Winter, Max | | |
Winter, Ted | Former Legislator | |
Winton, Crane | | |
Wirth, Harry | | |
Witt, Dawanna | | |
Wolf, Ken | Former Legislator | |
Wolinski, Frank | | |
Wollschlager, Sandy | Former Legislator | |
Wood, Frank | | |
Woodard, Kelby | Former Legislator | |
Woog, Doug | | |
Worke, Gary | Former Legislator | |
Workman, Tom | Former Legislator | |
Wozniak, Donald (D.D.) | Former Legislator | |
Wright, Donald | Former Legislator | |
Wright, Frank | | |
Wynia, Ann | Former Legislator | |
Yecke, Cheri Pierson | | |
Yetka, Lawrence | Former Legislator | |
Yngve, John | Former Legislator | |
Young, George | | |
Young, Jack | | |
Youngblood, Dick | | Columnist |
Youngdahl, Luther | | |
Youngdahl, Ruth | | |
Youngdale, James | | |
Yudof, Mark | | |
Zachary, Steven | | |
Zehrig, Richard | | |
Zelle, Charlie | | |
Zellers, Kurt | Former Legislator | |
Zerwas, Nick | Former Legislator | |
Ziegenhagen, Mary | | |
Zins, Marti | | |
Zwach, John W. | Former Legislator | |