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Newspaper Resources


Full-text access to many Minnesota and U.S. newspapers is available through the Library’s local news archive and through fee-based services, listed below. The Library also receives over over 20 newspapers in print. We are able to provide passwords to Legislators and staff for many of these papers. Contact a librarian for additional information or if you need help finding articles.

NewsBank *

The Library purchases online full-text access to this collection of 162 news sources. Selected primary papers are listed below. The Pioneer Press and Duluth News Tribune "Collections" include an image edition option that mirrors the look of the print edition.

* Limited to legislators and staff. Contact the Library with questions about access options.

U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest) **

Hundreds of newspapers are searchable including:

** ProQuest is provided through the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM), a state-funded, Minitex-administered program. For remote access, use ProQuest U.S. Newsstream from eLibraryMN.

Historical Newspapers

Online Access

Public Opinion Polls

  • Opinion Polls - A collection of Minnesota opinion polls, dating back to the 1960s, is digitally available and searchable by year, topic, and/or poll name.

Newspaper Clippings Files

The Library's print clipping files provide valuable historical coverage of legislative issues from 1970 to June 2009. Please see the Library's News Archivefor newspaper articles from 2009 to the present.

  • Subject files include articles chosen from the Star Tribune, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and selected greater Minnesota newspapers. The Library's Codebook provides details.
  • Legislative district files include articles on legislators from newspapers and magazines by district number dating back to 1972. District files for the years 2000 to current are available electronically at the Library or through the legislative network for legislators and staff
  • Minnesota Personalities clipping files include newspaper articles and other materials on former Minnesota legislators and selected prominent Minnesotans. Coverage dates vary. (List of personalities.)


Electronic newspaper archives may not include all articles and commentary published in the print editions. Due to the U.S. Supreme Court Tasini decision, contributions by authors other than newspaper staff may not be available.