Sunset Advisory Commission
The Sunset Advisory Commission was created by Laws of Minnesota 2011, 1st Sp. Sess., Chap. 10, Art. 3, Sec. 2-22. An overview of the law and the role of the commission are found in The Minnesota Sunset Act (Minnesota House Research Department, 2012). The Sunset Advisory Commission reviewed a set of agencies in late 2011 and early 2012 (see list below).
Changes to the sunset review process and other 2012 legislative action are reflected in Laws of Minnesota 2012, Chap. 278. In 2013, the Sunset Advisory Commission was repealed by the omnibus state government bill (see Laws of Minnesota 2013, Chap. 142, Art. 2 (SF1589)). That law also required that the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy biennially review executive branch advisory groups. By December 31 of each odd-numbered year, the commission may make recommendations on the continuing need for certain advisory groups, and on any changes in laws governing a group that are needed to improve the group's efficiency and effectiveness.
Links below contain information compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library about groups reviewed by the commission in 2011-2012. These records are part of the Library’s Minnesota Agencies database. Records include agency reports submitted to the Library, agency membership lists from the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State, and agency websites. The database is complemented by print notebooks containing news clippings, press releases, and other historical information. Please contact us for supplementary materials.