| Last Date Received | Mandate Description | Item Title | Agencie(s) | Session Law | Statute | Next Due Date | Subjects
| Committee/Agency Jurisdiction
20 year statewide highway capital investment plan
20-Year State Highway Investment Plan
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 350 Art. Sec. 7
174.03 Subd. 1c
| 01/15/2028 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
20 year statewide highway capital investment plan
Statewide 20-Year Highway Investment Plan 2009 - 2028
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 350 Art. Sec. 7
174.03 Subd. 1c
| 01/15/2028 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Results of pavement life-cycle cost analyses
Report on the Life-Cycle Cost Analyses
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 287 Art. 1 Sec. 71
| 01/01/2026 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance Transportation Policy
Annual report on the corridors of commerce program
Report on the Corridors of Commerce Program
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 117 Art. 3 Sec. 1
161.088 Sudb. 7
| 11/01/2025 |
Economic Development Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Information regarding the Corridors of Commerce program selection process published on the Minn. Dept. of Transportation website, including: lists of all projects submitted for consideration and all projects recommended by the screening entities; the scores and ranking for each project; and an overview of each selected project, with amounts and sources of funding.
Corridors of Commerce Program Guidance & Selection Process
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 68 Art. 4 Sec. 25
161.088 Subd. 5(j)
| 11/01/2025 |
Transportation - Aviation Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Information regarding the Corridors of Commerce program selection process published on the Minn. Dept. of Transportation website, including: lists of all projects submitted for consideration and all projects recommended by the screening entities; the scores and ranking for each project; and an overview of each selected project, with amounts and sources of funding.
Report on the Corridors of Commerce Program
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 68 Art. 4 Sec. 25
161.088 Subd. 5(j)
| 11/01/2025 |
Transportation - Aviation Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report listing all privatization transportation contracts that were executed or performed, either wholly or in part, in the previous fiscal year
Report on the Taxpayers' Transportation Accountability Act
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 287 Art. 1 Sec. 16 Subd. 4
161.3203 Subd. 4
| 09/01/2025 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance Transportation Policy
Annual report to the Commissioner of Revenue on trunk highway debt service
Trunk Highway Debt Service Report
Minn. Management & Budget
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 152 Art. 2 Sec. 1 Subd. 2
| 04/01/2025 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on small business contracts
Targeted Group Business and Veteran-Owned Small Business Programs
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
161.321 Subd. 8 (formerly 161.3211)
| 02/01/2025 |
Business - Business-MN Transportation - Highways & Bridges Veterans/Military Issues
Biennial report on bridge inspection quality assurance
Biennial Report on Bridge Inspection Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 350 Art. Sec. 2
165.03 Subd. 8
| 02/01/2025 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Municipal state aid street apportionment data
Municipal State Aid Street Apportionment Data
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
| 01/31/2025 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Municipal state aid street apportionment data
Municipal State Aid Street Needs Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
| 01/31/2025 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on dedicated fund expenditures.
The report must:
(1) list detailed expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for the previous two fiscal years and must include information on the purpose of each expenditure.
(2) list summary expenditures and transfers from each fund other than the trunk highway fund or highway user tax distribution fund for each departmental division, office, or program for which funds are listed under clause (1);
(3) include for each expenditure from the trunk highway fund an estimate of the percentage of activities performed or purchases made with that expenditure that are not for trunk highway purposes; and
(4) include a separate section that lists detailed expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for cybersecurity.
Dedicated Fund Expenditures Report
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety Minn. Dept. of Transportation Minn. Management & Budget
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 6
| 01/15/2025 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance
Report on the status of major highway projects under construction or planned during the year of the report and for the ensuing 15 years. Maintain an Internet Web site that displays information for each major highway project.
Annual Report on Major Highway Projects
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 287 Art. 1 Sec. 74 Subd. 1
174.56 Subd. 1
| 12/15/2024 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the status of major highway projects under construction or planned during the year of the report and for the ensuing 15 years. Maintain an Internet Web site that displays information for each major highway project.
Major Highway Projects and Trunk Highway Fund Expenditures Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 287 Art. 1 Sec. 74 Subd. 1
174.56 Subd. 1
| 12/15/2024 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report signed by the Minn. Dept. of Transportation chief engineer on trunk highway performance measures, annual targets and gaps, including details on progress toward the state transportation goals
Transportation System Performance Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 4 Sec. 88
174.03 Subd. 12(d)
| 12/15/2024 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Results of a study on the establishment of a standing committee to evaluate and authorize designations of highways and bridges on the trunk highway system
Designation of Highways and Bridges Study
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 127 Art. 3 Sec. 126
| 12/15/2024 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Forecast of highway user tax distribution fund and trunk highway fund revenues and expenditures
Transportation Funds Forecast
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 2 Sec. 41
174.03 Subd. 9
| 12/01/2024 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Publish on the department's Web site and through other effective means the policy for project evaluation and selection to apply to the project selection process and to special program selection processes, such as corridors of commerce, and updates.
Guide to MnDOT Highway Project Selection
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 124 Subd. 1
| 08/01/2024 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Publish on the department's Web site and through other effective means the policy for project evaluation and selection to apply to the project selection process and to special program selection processes, such as corridors of commerce, and updates.
Project Selection: Increasing the Transparency of How We Select Highway Construction Projects
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 124 Subd. 1
| 08/01/2024 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Transportation - Highways & Bridges
(a) With the approval of the commissioner of management and budget, the commissioner of transportation may transfer unencumbered balances among the appropriations from the trunk highway fund and the state airports fund made in this section. Transfers under this paragraph must not be made: (1) between funds; (2) from the appropriations for state road construction or debt service; or (3) from the appropriations for operations and maintenance or program delivery, except for a transfer to state road construction or debt service.
(b) The commissioner of transportation must immediately report transfers under paragraph (a) to the chairs, ranking minority members, and staff of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance. The authority for the commissioner of transportation to make transfers under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.285, is superseded by the authority and requirements under this subdivision.
Trunk Highway and State Airports Funds Reprogramming Notification
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 6(b)
| 07/01/2024 |
Transportation - Aviation Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance
Report on the loan entered into under the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 1998 (TIFIA), United States Code, title 23, chapter 6, or through other federal transportation loan, grant, or credit assistance programs, for a project in Nicollet County to expand a trunk highway from two lanes to four lanes.
Minn. Dept. of Transportation Minn. Management & Budget
2020 Minn. Laws Chap. 69 Art. Sec. 2 Subd. 8(b)
| 12/01/2023 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance Transportation Policy
List published on the Minn. Dept. of Transportation website of all projects considered for local road improvement program funding, identifying projects selected and projects not selected, and for each project that was not selected, the reason it was not selected.
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 4 Sec. 98
174.52 Subd. 5(b)
| 11/15/2023 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report to the legislature concerning any expenditure that is proposed to be appropriated from the trunk highway fund, including explanation of the highway purpose of the proposed expenditure
Report Concerning Certain Expenditures from the Trunk Highway Fund in the Biennial Budget
Minn. Management & Budget Office of the Attorney General
2000 Minn. Laws Chap. 479 Art. 2 Sec. 1
| 03/31/2023 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on highway construction training
Highway Construction Training and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 287 Art. 1 Sec. 69
174.03 Subd. 10
| 02/01/2023 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Highway Debt Service: If this appropriation is insufficient to make all transfers required in the year for which it is made, the commissioner of management and budget must transfer the deficiency amount as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.641, and notify the chairs, ranking minority members, and staff of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance and the chairs of the senate Finance Committee and the house of representatives Ways and Means Committee of the amount of the deficiency. Any excess appropriation cancels to the trunk highway fund.
Minn. Management & Budget
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 3(e)
| 07/01/2022 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Finance Committee - Senate Transportation Finance Ways and Means Committee - House of Representatives
County State-Aid Highways: If the commissioner of transportation determines that a balance remains in the county state-aid highway fund following the appropriations and transfers made in this paragraph and that the appropriations made are insufficient for advancing county state-aid highway projects, an amount necessary to advance the projects, not to exceed the balance in the county state-aid highway fund, is appropriated in each year to the commissioner. Within two weeks of a determination under this contingent appropriation, the commissioner of transportation must notify the commissioner of management and budget and the chairs, ranking minority members, and staff of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance concerning funds appropriated. The commissioner must identify in the next budget submission to the legislature under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.11, any amount that is appropriated under this paragraph.
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 4(a)
| 07/01/2022 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Commissioner of Management and Budget Transportation Finance
Municipal State-Aid Streets: If the commissioner of transportation determines that a balance remains in the municipal state-aid street fund following the appropriations and transfers made in this paragraph and that the appropriations made are insufficient for advancing municipal state-aid street projects, an amount necessary to advance the projects, not to exceed the balance in the municipal state-aid street fund, is appropriated in each year to the commissioner. Within two weeks of a determination under this contingent appropriation, the commissioner of transportation must notify the commissioner of management and budget and the chairs, ranking minority members, and staff of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance concerning funds appropriated. The commissioner must identify in the next budget submission to the legislature under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.11, any amount that is appropriated under this paragraph.
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 4(b)
| 07/01/2022 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Commissioner of Management and Budget Transportation Finance
Report on transportation revenues and expenditures in Minnesota, including: revenue sources for the highway user tax distribution fund; the various constitutional and statutory formulas used to distribute highway user tax distribution funds; expenditures for activities related to the highway user tax distribution fund; the current number of lane-miles by system, functional classification, and surface type, including roadways with two or more paved lanes, on a per-county basis; and the projected cost to meet Minnesota's transportation needs as identified in the statewide highway investment plan.
Transportation Revenue and Expenditures Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 4 Sec. 137
| 02/15/2022 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance Transportation Policy
Report summarizing the activities of the Dedicated Funds Expenditures Task Force (trunk highway fund and the highway user tax distribution fund); identifying any analysis and findings; providing recommendations adopted by the task force; and including any draft legislation amending Minn. Stat. 161.20 Subd. 3; 161.045; 16A; or any other statutes to implement the recommendations.
Dedicated Funds Expenditures Task Force Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation - Dedicated Funds Expenditures Task Force
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 4 Sec. 146 Subd. 7
| 02/15/2022 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Finance Committee - Senate Transportation Transportation Finance Transportation Policy Ways and Means Committee - House of Representatives
A work zone speed management study, including: evaluating existing legal authority for strategies, practices, and methods to reduce vehicle speeds and enhance worker safety in work zones; proposing a process for contractors operating in a work zone to request modifications to a project's traffic control plan; recommending changes to current policies and procedures related to work zone safety; and changes to state law to improve work zone safety.
Work Zone Speed Management Study
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 4 Sec. 140
| 02/01/2022 |
Traffic Safety Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance Transportation Policy
Report on ways to include meaningful legislative input into transportation project selection, programming procedures, and internal department decision making; and propose legislation to implement the recommendations.
Meaningful Legislative Input into Project Selection
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 4 Sec. 142
| 01/22/2022 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance Transportation Policy
Report on prioritization of bridge projects, performance targets, summary of bridge projects completed, summary of bridge projects scheduled, projection of annual needs, funding necessary compared to funding available and reasons for repair v. replacement
Trunk Highway Bridge Statewide Transportation Planning Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 152 Art. 6 Sec. 5 Subd. 5
165.14 Subd. 5
| 06/01/2020 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report listing in detail expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, including information on the purpose of each expenditure.
Dedicated Fund Expenditures Report
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety Minn. Dept. of Transportation Minn. Management & Budget
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 123
| 01/15/2020 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges Transportation - Trucking
Transportation Finance
Annual report on the Trunk Highway Bridge Improvement Program
Trunk Highway Bridge Improvement Program
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 152 Art. 6 Sec. 5 Subd. 6
165.14 Subd. 6
| 01/15/2019 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
List of trunk highways or segments of trunk highways that were subject to a speed limit engineering investigation in the prior year, and the speed limits before and after the investigation
Evaluation of Certain Highway Speed Limits
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2014 Minn. Laws Chap. 312 Art. 11 Sec. 36 Subd. 2
| 01/15/2019 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Balance and payment information on trunk highway emergency relief account
Legislative Report on Trunk Highway Emergency Relief Account
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 215 Art. 10 Sec. 5
161.04 Subd. 5
| 09/01/2018 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Recommendations to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation, agriculture, and natural resources regarding the establishment of a permit or notification system to mow or hay in trunk highway right-of-way. The recommendation must be developed with input from agriculture and environmental groups.
Recommendations for Changes to MnDOT's Permitting Process for Mowing and Haying in State Highway Right of Way
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws Chap. 15 Art. Sec. 1 Subd. 2
| 03/01/2018 |
Agriculture - State Policy Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Recommendations to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation, agriculture, and natural resources regarding the establishment of a permit or notification system to mow or hay in trunk highway right-of-way. The recommendation must be developed with input from agriculture and environmental groups.
Mowing and Haying in the State Trunk Highway Right of Way: Stakeholder Feedback to the Commissioner of Transportation
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws Chap. 15 Art. Sec. 1 Subd. 2
| 03/01/2018 |
Agriculture - State Policy Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report comparing the estimated cost of projects and the actual cost of projects completed in whole or in part from July 1, 2012, to July 1, 2017.
Report on Project Cost Comparisons
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 133 Subd. 2
| 02/15/2018 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for fiscal years 2013 through 2017, and the purpose of each expenditure.
Dedicated Fund Expenditures Report
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety - Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 135
| 02/15/2018 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report concerning turnbacks.
Jurisdictional Transfer (Turnback) Program
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 138
| 02/15/2018 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the Stillwater Lift Bridge endowment account
Stillwater Lift Bridge Endowment Account
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2009 Minn. Laws Chap. 36 Art. 3 Sec. 5 Subd. 8
165.15 Subd. 8
| 01/15/2018 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report concerning MnPASS lanes and tolling to reduce congestion and raise revenue.
MnPASS Express Lane Financial Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 137
| 01/02/2018 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report concerning MnPASS lanes and tolling to reduce congestion and raise revenue.
Minnesota Tolling Study Report: Modern Tolling Practices and Policy Considerations
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 137
| 01/02/2018 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report that includes a summary of the meetings held by the working group to consider potential options for the intersection of Wilkin County Road 19 between marked Trunk Highway 55 and the railroad tracks north of Trunk Highway 55; the project options identified and the commissioner estimates associated with each option; and, if identified, the preferred option and the funding and delivery schedule for that option.
Minnesota Trunk Highway 55 and Wilkin County State Aid Highway 19 Intersection
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 139(b)
| 01/01/2018 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Establish and adopt design standards and guidelines to be applied consistently to trunk highways, county state-aid highways, and municipal state-aid streets with similar characteristics and report the adopted standards and guidelines
Road Design Standards Interim Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 75 Art. 2 Sec. 57
| 08/15/2016 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Establish and adopt design standards and guidelines to be applied consistently to trunk highways, county state-aid highways, and municipal state-aid streets with similar characteristics and report the adopted standards and guidelines
Road Design Standards Final Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 75 Art. 2 Sec. 57
| 08/15/2016 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 1998 (TIFIA)
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 351 Art. Sec. 69
| 02/15/2016 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report of list detailing expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for fiscal years 2010 through 2015, and shall include information on the purpose of each expenditure.
Dedicated Fund Expenditures
Minn. Dept. of Public Safety Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 75 Art. 2 Sec. 56
| 01/15/2016 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the status of the state's participation in the urban partnership agreement
Minnesota Urban Partnership Agreement
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 306 Art. Sec. 6
| 01/15/2015 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Yearly listing of all executed design-build contracts including contractor, contract amount, duration and services to be provided
Yearly Listing of All Executed Design-Build Contracts
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2001 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 8 Art. 3 Sec. 10
| 09/01/2014 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on water permitting processes for transportation projects
Legislative Report on Water Permit Streamlining for Transportation Projects
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources Minn. Dept. of Transportation Minn. Pollution Control Agency
2012 Minn. Laws Chap. 287 Art. 3 Sec. 63
| 01/15/2013 |
Environment/Natural Resources - Water Resources Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report to MMB on expenditures made during the previous fiscal year for state road construction
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2011 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 1 Sec. 3 Subd. 7
| 08/01/2011 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the implementation of the complete streets policy
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 351 Art. Sec. 52 Subd. 3
| 02/15/2011 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on expenditure of appropriations for compensation of victims of the I-35W Bridge collapse
Report on Expenditure of I-35W Bridge Special Compensation Appropriations
Minn. Management & Budget
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 288 Art. Sec. 6 Subd. 5
| 01/15/2011 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on expenditure of appropriations for compensation of victims of the I-35W Bridge collapse
I-35W Emergency Hardship Relief Fund Payments
Minn. Management & Budget
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 288 Art. Sec. 6 Subd. 5
| 01/15/2011 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the feasibility of utilizing any potential value capture options or potential public-private partnerships for construction of a new bridge over the St. Croix River at or near Stillwater
St. Croix River Crossing Project: Innovative Financing Study
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 351 Sec. 71
| 01/15/2011 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the grant administration method for local bridge replacement and rehabilitation
Mn/DOT Local Road and Bridge Programs Grant Administration Report to the Legislature
Minn. Dept. of Transportation Minn. Management & Budget
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 189 Sec. 15 Subd. 2
| 11/01/2010 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Debt financing management policy for trunk highway bonds, federal advanced construction funds, and other forms of highway financing based on debt or future repayment
Minnesota Department of Transportation Debt Financing Management Policy.
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 350 Art. Sec. 3
| 07/01/2010 |
Bonds/Bonding Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Study of the benefits, feasibility and cost of adopting a complete streets policy applicable to plans to construct, reconstruct, and relocate streets and roads
Complete Streets Report
Metropolitan Council Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 350 Art. 1 Sec. 94
| 12/05/2009 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Recommended opportunities for infrastructure adaptations to accomodate the implementation of manure application technologies that lessen impacts on roads and bridges
Manure Application Technologies and Impacts on Roads and Bridges
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 350 Art. 1 Sec. 45
| 10/15/2009 |
Agriculture - Pollution Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Full report on study to assess the public policy implications of financing new and improved transportation infrastructure in Minnesota through capturing the value of the benefits created
Value Capture for Transportation Finance: Report to the Minnesota Legislature
University of Minnesota - Center for Transportation Studies
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 152 Art. 1 Sec. 6 Subd. 3
| 07/01/2009 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on mitigation of transportation construction impacts
Report on Mitigation of Transportation Construction Impacts
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 308 Sec. 1
| 02/15/2009 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report of the Transportation Strategic Management and Operations Advisory Task Force on transportation management and efficiency strategies
Transportation Strategic Management and Operations Advisory Task Force Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2008 Minn. Laws Chap. 152 Art. 6 Sec. 9 Subd. 6
| 12/15/2008 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on projects selected to be funded by highway and transit appropriation
Bond Accelerated Program Legislative Report on Trunk Highway Bonding
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 3 Sec. 1 Subd. 2
| 01/15/2008 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on effectiveness of the design-build process after the completion of the Northwest busway
Hennepin County
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 393 Art. Sec. 89
| 06/01/2007 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Recommendations to improve and promote wildlife habitat within the right-of-ways of public roads in the state and the impact of those recommendations on public safety
Roadside Wildlife Habitat Legislative Report
Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
2004 Minn. Laws Chap. 215 Sec. 37
| 01/15/2005 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges Wildlife & Hunting
Expenditures made during the previous fiscal year under subdivision on the use of state road construction appropriations
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 7
| 08/01/2004 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Study of feasibility and practicality of milled-in rumble strips
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 2 Sec. 68
| 07/01/2004 |
Traffic Safety Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the status of the department's highway rest area program
Report to the Legislature on the Minnesota Department of Transportation Rest Area Program
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 2 Sec. 67
| 01/30/2004 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the results of the corridor-protection demonstration project
Trunk Highway Corridor Protection Demonstration Project Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 364 Art. Sec. 35 Subd. 2
| 01/15/2004 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Expenditures made during the previous fiscal year under subdivision on the use of state road construction appropriations
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 7
| 08/01/2003 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on any projects that the Dept. of Transportation has scheduled to be constructed with this appropriation that the commissioner determines will be canceled or delayed as a result of any part of this appropriation canceling to the trunk highway fund
Interregional Corridor, Bottleneck, and Partnership Project Status
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2000 Minn. Laws Chap. 479 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 4
| 02/01/2003 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report of the technical advisory group including actions that should be taken, recommendations on reporting mitigating costs for the previous five years and for the future, and the statutory changes necessary .... for environmental review.
Report to the Minnesota Legislature on Environmental Streamlining for Transportation Related Projects
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 364 Art. Sec. 39 Subd. 2
| 01/15/2003 |
Environment/Natural Resources Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Study of load restrictions and seasonal load increases in the northern zone of Minnesota, and recommendations regarding the establishment of one or more new zones given the varying climate in the northern area of the state
Report to the Minnesota Legislature on Load Restrictions and Seasonal Load Increases in the Northern Zone of Minnesota
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 371 Art. 3 Sec. 9
| 12/15/2002 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Study of load restrictions and seasonal load increases in the northern zone of Minnesota with recommendations regarding the establishment of one or more new zones given the varying climate in the northern area of the state
Report to the Minnesota Legislature on Load Restrictions and Seasonal Load Increases in the Northern Zone of Minnesota
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 364 Art. Sec. 38
| 12/15/2002 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Written summary of reasons for using the design-build construction contracting procedure
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2001 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 8 Art. 3 Sec. 4 Subd. 1
| 09/15/2001 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the status of each project that is financed in whole or in part with money appropriated for trunk highway construction in MN Laws 2000 Chap. 479 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 2
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2000 Minn. Laws Chap. 479 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 4
| 08/01/2001 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on the status of each project that is financed in whole or in part with money appropriated for state road construction in MN Laws 2000 Chap. 479 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 3
Interregional Corridor, Bottleneck and Partnership Project Status Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2000 Minn. Laws Chap. 479 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 4
| 08/01/2001 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on actual and planned expenditures of $40,000,000 appropriation from the trunk highway fund
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
1998 Minn. Laws Chap. 372 Art. 1 Sec. 3
| 01/02/1999 |
Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Study means of mitigating concrete aggregate problem in southern Minnesota
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
1993 Minn. Laws Chap. 172 Art. Sec. 9
| 06/30/1996 |
Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Listing of candidate projects that meet the criteria of major transportation projects within the definition in Subd. 5, and a listing of proposed projects for study that the commissioner believes have the potential of being major transportation projects
2002 Major Transportation Projects
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2000 Minn. Laws Chap. 479 Art. 1 Sec. 19 Subd. 4
174.55 Subd. 4
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Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Review of and comments on report of the commissioner of transportation listing candidate projects that meet the criteria of major transportation projects and listing proposed projects for study
Moving Minnesota: Minnesota Major Projects 2001
Major Transportation Projects Commission
2000 Minn. Laws Chap. 479 Art. 1 Sec. 19 Subd. 3
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Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on total expenditures from the trunk highway fund during the previous biennium
Report of Expenditures from the Trunk Highway Fund
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 2 Sec. 8 Subd. 2
161.08 Subd. 2
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Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on total expenditures from the trunk highway fund during the previous biennium
Major Highway Projects and Trunk Highway Fund Expenditures Report
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2003 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 19 Art. 2 Sec. 8 Subd. 2
161.08 Subd. 2
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Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on design-build method of procurement and explanation of why that method was chosen
Blatnik Bridge Project Design-Build Notice
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
161.3412 Subd. 3
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Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report to the legislature summarizing the design-build pilot program selection process
Report on Design Build Contracting Pilot Program
Minn. Design-Build Project Selection Council
2009 Minn. Laws Chap. 36 Art. 3 Sec. 28 Subd. 4
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Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Notification about the established biennial expenditure level for snow and ice management and the amount appropriated.
Snow and Ice Contingent Appropriation
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 103
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Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report immediately transfers of unencumbered balances among appropriations from the trunk highway fund and the state airports fund.
Trunk Highway and State Airports Funds Reprogramming Notification
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 6(b)
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Transportation - Aviation Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Report on transfers of unencumbered balances among the appropriations from the trunk highway fund and the state airports fund.
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 6(b)
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Transportation - Aviation Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance
Report on the pilot program to apply for and receive financial assistance for a project in Nicollet County to expand a trunk highway from two lanes to four lanes, under the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 1998 (TIFIA), United States Code, title 23, chapter 6, or through other federal transportation loan, grant, or credit assistance program.
Minn. Dept. of Transportation
2020 Minn. Laws Chap. 69 Art. Sec. 2 Subd. 8(a)
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Transportation - Finance Transportation - Highways & Bridges
Transportation Finance Transportation Policy