| Last Date Received | Mandate Description | Item Title | Agencie(s) | Session Law | Statute | Next Due Date | Subjects
| Committee/Agency Jurisdiction
Report on the adequacy of the approval and oversight fee to cover private plan administrative, as part of the annual report mandated by Minn. Stat. 268B.25.
Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 59 Art. 1 Sec. 19 Subd. 8
268B.10 Subd. 8
| 01/01/2027 |
Children/Youth/Families - Parental/Family Leave Health Care - Health Insurance Labor & Employment Issues
Report on family and medical benefits program administrative expenditures and revenue collection for the prior fiscal year, including: (1) total revenue raised through premium collection: (2) the number of self-employed individuals or independent contractors electing coverage under Minn. Stat. 268B.11 and amount of associated revenue; (3) the number of covered business entities paying premiums and associated revenue; (4) administrative expenditures including transfers to other state agencies expended in administration; (5) summary of contracted services expended in administration; (6) grant amounts and recipients under Minn. Stat. 268B.18 and Minn. Stat. 268B.29; (7) an accounting of required outreach expenditures; (8) summary of private plan approvals including the number of employers and employees covered under private plans; and (9) adequacy and use of the private plan approval and oversight fee.
Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 59 Art. 1 Sec. 36(a)
| 01/01/2027 |
Children/Youth/Families - Parental/Family Leave Health Care - Health Insurance Labor & Employment Issues
Report on family and medical benefits program administrative expenditures and revenue collection for the prior fiscal year, including: (1) total eligible claims; (2) number and percentage of claims in each category of benefit; (3) claimant demographics by age, race or ethnicity, gender, average weekly wage, occupation, and type of leave taken; (4) percentage of claims denied and reasons, including insufficient information and ineligibility; (5) average weekly benefit amount paid for all claims and by category of benefit; (6) changes in the benefits paid compared to previous fiscal years; (7) processing times for initial claims, initial determinations, and final decisions; (8) average duration for cases completed; (9) number of cases open at the close of each year; and (10) employers who received approval by the Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development for seasonal employee classification and the number of seasonal employees approved for each year
Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 59 Art. 1 Sec. 36(b)
| 01/01/2027 |
Children/Youth/Families - Parental/Family Leave
Actuarial studies of family and medical leave premiums, and any revisions or other documents received that relate to an actuarial study
Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 127 Art. 73 Sec. 42
268B.14 Subd. 7
| 07/31/2026 |
Children/Youth/Families - Parental/Family Leave
Economic Development/Growth Jobs and Economic Development/Growth Legislative Reference Library
Actuarial study of the family and medical leave premium rate, premium rate structure, weekly benefit formula, duration of benefits, fund reserve, and other components as necessary to determine an actuarially sound rate and future rate-setting mechanism of the family and medical benefit insurance program.
Actuarial Analysis for the Minnesota Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 59 Art. 1 Sec. 41
| 10/31/2023 |
Children/Youth/Families - Parental/Family Leave Health Care - Health Insurance
Report on the most efficient and effective mechanisms that would provide partial wage replacement for workers taking parental, family, or medical leave
Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance: Options for Designing and Implementing a Minnesota Program
Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development Minn. Dept. of Labor and Industry
2015 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 1 Art. 2 Sec. 22
| 02/01/2016 |
Children/Youth/Families - Parental/Family Leave Labor & Employment Issues - Human Resources