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Mandated Reports - Search

This database allows for searching of mandated reports that the Library is expecting or has received since 2003, with selected mandates prior to 2003 included. Searches by committee only cover 2019 to the present. Each year, the Legislature mandates reports and studies to be completed by state agencies or other governmental entities. Legislative Reference Library staff track these mandates and obtain copies of the reports for our collection in order to provide long-term access. All mandated reports that the library has acquired are searchable through our catalog. For more information, see Mandated Reports. Please notify Library staff with questions or concerns.

Your search returned 18 results.
Topics: Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education

For additional information, including links to the reports, click on "Details".

Last Date ReceivedMandate DescriptionItem TitleAgencie(s)Session LawStatuteNext Due DateSubjects Committee/Agency Jurisdiction
Details Report on the aeronautics and commercial over-the-road technical program, including information on participation and demographics of students served, activities offered, and partnerships with higher education and private providers of aeronautic and commercial over-the-road services; and recommendations for state actions that could improve aeronautics and commercial over-the-road programming for all school districts. Independent School District 482 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 1 Sec. 36 Subd. 12(c) 02/01/2027 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education Education
Details 01/30/2025 Report on the activity and outcomes of the youth skills training program established for the purpose of providing work-based skills training for student learners ages 16 and older for the preceding fiscal year. Youth Skills Training Program Minn. Dept. of Employment and Economic Development - Labor Market Information Office 2017 Minn. Laws Chap. 94 Art. 2 Sec. 2 175.46 Subd. 15 02/01/2026 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Labor & Employment Issues - Job Training/Apprenticeship
Details 01/30/2025 Report on activities funded by this appropriation to Junior Achievement North, including: information about the operations of Junior Achievement North, including its most recent audit; a description of the financial literacy, career readiness, and entrepreneurship programs offered during the year; participation and demographic information about the students and schools served by the program; and a description of partnerships with other financial literacy organizations. Junior Achievement North Report Junior Achievement North 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 2 Sec. 64 Subd. 22(d) 02/01/2026 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education Education
Details 01/20/2023 Report by school districts participating in programs for the innovative delivery of career and technical education. Career and Technical Education Innovation Zone Reporting Minn. Dept. of Education 2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 2 Sec. 35 Subd. 1 124D.4535 Subd. 1(e) 02/01/2025 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Details Detailed report describing how grant funds were used to establish partnerships with three technical colleges and high school career counselors; the progress made toward the goal of increasing the number of building engineers in Minnesota; and strategies used. Greater Minneapolis Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA Greater Minneapolis); (Building Owners and Managers Association Greater Minneapolis) 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 60 Art. 10 Sec. 2 Subd. 2(o) 01/15/2025 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Health Care - Community/Vo-tech Colleges/Career Education
Details Annual report, including a financial report for the preceding fiscal year, by any career and technical education (CTE) consortium receiving state funding under Minn. Stat. 124D.4536 Minnesota Service Cooperatives 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 1 Sec. 6 Subd. 5 124D.4536 Subd. 5 01/15/2025 Education-Higher - Community/Vo-tech Colleges/Career Education
Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Commissioner of Education
Higher Education
Details Written report that describes students' experiences with the Minnesota Virtual Academy's career pathway program with Operating Engineers Local 49, documents the program's spending, lists the number of students participating in the program and entering the apprenticeship program, and makes recommendations for improving support of career pathway programs statewide. Independent School District 294 (Houston Public Schools)
Minn. Dept. of Labor and Industry
2021 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 10 Art. 1 Sec. 3 Subd. 6(e)(2) 01/15/2024 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education Education
Jobs and Economic Development/Growth 
Details 11/23/2022 Report on the progress of rural career and technical education consortium activities, including a financial report for the preceding fiscal year. Rural Career and Technical Education Consortium Annual Report: Legislative Grant Report Minn. Dept. of Education
Minn. Dept. of Education
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 5 Art. 2 Sec. 55 01/15/2023 Education-Higher - Community/Vo-tech Colleges/Career Education
Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Details 01/28/2022 A brief report regarding new concurrent enrollment courses developed by grant recipients that satisfy the elective standard for career and technical education, and the number of students who enrolled in the courses; and expanded existing programs, and the number of students who enrolled in them. Concurrent Enrollment Grant Program Report Office of Higher Education (Minn. Office of Higher Education) 2019 Minn. Laws Chap. 64 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 24 12/01/2022 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education Higher Education
Details 06/15/2021 Report on qualifying career and technical certificates Certification Incentive Revenue Report to the Legislature Minn. Dept. of Education 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 189 Art. 25 Sec. 61 Subd. 4 02/01/2021 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Labor & Employment Issues
Details 01/28/2022 A brief report regarding new concurrent enrollment courses developed by grant recipients that satisfy the elective standard for career and technical education, and the number of students who enrolled in the courses; and expanded existing programs, and the number of students who enrolled in them. Concurrent Enrollment Grant Program Report Office of Higher Education (Minn. Office of Higher Education) 2017 Minn. Laws Chap. 89 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 24(c) 12/01/2020 Education-Higher
Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Details 01/15/2020 Report on ways to allow for the safety of middle and high school aged students who receive hands-on training in skilled trades (including on location at construction sites), identifying safety precautions that should be undertaken and including proposed legislation. Ensuring the Safety of Youth in Skilled Trades Training Programs Minn. Dept. of Labor and Industry 2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 11 Art. 2 Sec. 32 01/15/2020 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education Labor and Industry and Education
Details 01/30/2019 Report on the creation of a web-based job and intern-seeking software tool that blind matches the needs of employers located in Minnesota with the individual profiles of high school seniors and postsecondary students attending Minnesota high schools and postsecondary institutions. Workfountain and MN Job Match Minn. Chamber of Commerce - Minn. Chamber Foundation
Office of Higher Education (Minn. Office of Higher Education)
2017 Minn. Laws Chap. 89 Art. 1 Sec. 2 Subd. 28 01/15/2019 Education-Higher - Community/Vo-tech Colleges/Career Education
Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Labor & Employment Issues
Details 01/10/2017 Recommendations for licensure requirements and methods to increase access for school districts to licensed career and technical educators Career and Technical Educator Licensing Task Force Report to the Legislature Minn. Dept. of Education - Career and Technical Educator Licensing Advisory Task Force 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 189 Art. 24 Sec. 23 Subd. 2 01/15/2017 Education-K-12 - Teachers
Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Details 02/03/2015 Career and technical program inventory Career and Technical Education Inventory Minn. Dept. of Education 2014 Minn. Laws Chap. 312 Art. 16 Sec. 12 02/01/2015 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Details 10/19/2016 Train and mentor future conservation professionals by providing apprenticeship service opportunities to soil and water conservation districts. Minnesota Conservation Apprenticeship Academy Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources 2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 362 Art. Sec. 2 Subd. 8(a) 06/30/2013 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Environment/Natural Resources - Conservation
Labor & Employment Issues - Job Training/Apprenticeship
Details 10/19/2016 An agreement with the Will Steger Foundation to provide curriculum, teacher training, online learning, and grants to schools on investigating the connection between Minnesota's changing climate and the impacts on ecosystems and natural resources. Engaging Students in Environmental Stewardship through Adventure Learning Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources 2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 362 Art. Sec. 2 Subd. 8(b) 06/30/2013 Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education
Environment/Natural Resources
Details Report on student and community outcomes from the innovative incubator service-learning grants on the educational and developmental outcomes of participating students and the eligible school's progress toward meeting at least one goal of the world's best workforce goals on the community outcomes achieved through student service-learning experiences and the corresponding student service activities Minn. Dept. of Education 2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 55 Art. 2 Sec. 59 Subd. 4   Education-K-12 - Vocational/Career Education Education