| Last Date Received | Mandate Description | Item Title | Agencie(s) | Session Law | Statute | Next Due Date | Subjects
| Committee/Agency Jurisdiction
Actuarial Projection Study of the State Employees Retirement Fund
Minnesota Correctional Employees Retirement Fund Four-Year Experience Study
Minn. State Retirement System
356.215 Subd. 3(c)
| 11/30/2027 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial Projection Study of the State Employees Retirement Fund
Minnesota Judges Retirement Fund 4-Year Experience Study, July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2015
Minn. State Retirement System
356.215 Subd. 3(c)
| 11/30/2027 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial Projection Study of the State Employees Retirement Fund
Minnesota State Patrol Retirement Fund Four-Year Experience Study
Minn. State Retirement System
356.215 Subd. 3(c)
| 11/30/2027 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Actuarial Projection Study of the State Employees Retirement Fund
Minnesota State Employees Retirement Fund 4-Year Experience Study
Minn. State Retirement System
356.215 Subd. 3(c)
| 11/30/2027 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Quadrennial experience study
General Employees Retirement Plan of Minnesota 6-Year Experience Study, July 1, 2008 Through June 30, 2014
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
356.215 Subd. 3
| 11/30/2027 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Quadrennial experience study
General Employees Retirement Plan of Minnesota 4-Year Experience Study
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
356.215 Subd. 3
| 11/30/2027 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Quadrennial experience study
Public Employees Police & Fire Plan of Minnesota 4-Year Experience Study
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
356.215 Subd. 3
| 11/30/2027 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Plan for total compensation and terms and conditions of employment for employees of those positions identified as being managerial and whose salaries and benefits are not otherwise provided for in law or other plans
Managerial Plan
Minn. Management & Budget
43A.18 Subd. 3
| 07/01/2026 |
Labor & Employment Issues - Unions & Labor/Management Relations Public Employees
Commissioner's plan for compensation, terms and conditions of employment for all classified and unclassified employees, except unclassified employees in the legislative and judicial branches, who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement
Commissioner's Plan
Minn. Management & Budget
43A.18 Subd. 2
| 10/31/2025 |
Labor & Employment Issues - Unions & Labor/Management Relations Public Employees
Commissioner's plan for compensation, terms and conditions of employment for all classified and unclassified employees, except unclassified employees in the legislative and judicial branches, who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement
Medical Specialists' Addendum to the Commissioner's Plan
Minn. Management & Budget
43A.18 Subd. 2
| 10/31/2025 |
Labor & Employment Issues - Unions & Labor/Management Relations Public Employees
Report the results the study to identify systemic or regulatory changes to improve the experience and outcomes of employees with work-related post-traumatic stress disorder.
Minn. Dept. of Labor and Industry
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 51 Art. 5 Sec. 1(b)
| 08/01/2025 |
Health Care - Mental/Behavioral Health Public Employees
Jobs Jobs and Economic Development/Growth Labor and Industry and Education Workers' Compensation Advisory CouncilÂ
Summary report on salary recommendations for constitutional officers, legislators, justices of the supreme court, and judges of the court of appeals, district court, county court, and of the county municipal court.
Recommendations of the Minnesota State Compensation Council
Minn. Legislature - Legislative Coordinating Commission
1994 Minn. Laws Chap. 560 Art. 2 Sec. 21
15A.082 Subd. 3
| 04/15/2025 |
Governing/Government-State Public Employees
Biennial report on the progress of each agency and the state as a whole on affirmative action plans
State of Minnesota Executive Branch Affirmative Action Report
Minn. Management & Budget Minn. Management & Budget Minn. Management & Budget
43A.191 Subd. 3 (b)
| 03/01/2025 |
Public Employees
Comprehensive annual financial report
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
| 02/15/2025 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Semi-annual appointment report
Semi-Annual Appointment Report
Minn. Management & Budget
43A.04 Subd. 7
| 02/01/2025 |
Public Employees
Report on executive branch employee salary and benefits
Executive Branch Total Compensation Report
Minn. Management & Budget
2001 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 10 Art. 2 Sec. 49
43A.04 Subd. 12
| 01/15/2025 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
Report on the number of employees choosing to opt-out of state employee group insurance coverage.
Annual SEGIP Opt-Out Report [Executive Branch Employees Opting Out of State Employee Health Coverage]
Minn. Management & Budget
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 4 Art. 2 Sec. 26
43A.24 Subd. 1a(c)
| 01/15/2025 |
Health Care - Health Insurance Public Employees
Report describing the study of the definitions of "lobbyist," "local official," "public official," and "official action of a political subdivision", the study's results, and any associated recommendations to the legislature, focusing on whether state's Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure law does or should distinguish between activities that constitute lobbying of a public official and activities that constitute lobbying of a local official. If the study determines that a distinction between these activities is appropriate and is not adequately articulated within current law, then the board must recommend options for the legislature to consider in adopting that distinction by law
Report to the Legislature: Lobbying of Political Subdivisions
Minn. Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 112 Art. 4 Sec. 27(a)
| 01/15/2025 |
Elections Legislatures Public Employees
Elections Elections Policy and Finance Legislature
Local government pay equity compliance
Minnesota Local Government Pay Equity Compliance Report
Minn. Management & Budget
| 01/01/2025 |
Governing/Government-Local Labor & Employment Issues - Compensation/Minimum Wage Public Employees
A list showing, by bargaining unit, and by plan for executive branch employees covered by a plan established under section 43A.18, those female-dominated classes and those male-dominated classes in state civil service for which a compensation inequity exists based on comparability of the value of the work; and an estimate of the appropriation necessary for providing comparability adjustments for classes on the list.
Compensation Inequities in the Executive Branch
Minn. Management & Budget
43A.05 Subd. 5
| 01/01/2025 |
Gender Issues Labor & Employment Issues - Women Public Employees
Annual actuarial report of the General Employees Retirement Plan
General Employees Retirement Plan Actuarial Valuation Report
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
356.215 Subd. 3
| 12/15/2024 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Annual actuarial report of the General Employees Retirement Plan
Public Employees Retirement Association Actuarial Valuations
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
356.215 Subd. 3
| 12/15/2024 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Report on collective bargaining for House of Representatives, the Senate, and legislative employees, including: (1) employees for whom collective bargaining may be appropriate; (2) mandatory, permissive and prohibited subjects of bargaining; (3) who would negotiate on behalf of or be considered employers for purposes of bargaining; (4) definitions of terms; (5) common public employee collective bargaining agreement grievance and disciplinary processes; (6) how to certify exclusive bargaining representatives, determine bargaining units, adjudicate unfair labor practices, determine representation questions, and do coalition bargaining; (7) efficiency and feasibility of coalition bargaining; (8) how to approve negotiated agreements; (9) how to submit requests for funding to legislative committees if appropriations are necessary; (10) other states' approaches to authorizing collective bargaining for legislative employees; and (11) draft legislation needed for consultant recommendations
Report on Consideration of Collective Bargaining for Employees of the Minnesota State Legislature and Recommended Best Practice Options
Minn. Legislature - Legislative Coordinating Commission
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 62 Art. 2 Sec. 130 Subd. 4
| 11/01/2024 |
Labor & Employment Issues - Unions & Labor/Management Relations Legislatures - MN Legislature Public Employees
Affirmative action plan
Public Employees Retirement Association Affirmative Action Plan
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
43A.191 Subd. 2
| 10/15/2024 |
Labor & Employment Issues Public Employees
Report requested from the National Conference of State Legislatures on the status of employee collective bargaining rights in state legislatures, identifying legislatures that engage in collective bargaining with their employees and, as applicable, the organizational structure and procedures adopted to accommodate employee bargaining, including any structures or procedures that balance the rights of employees to bargain against the constitutional duty of a legislature to conduct necessary business, and any structures or procedures to accommodate the distinction between employees assigned to nonpartisan duties and employees assigned to duties within a political party caucus.
Report on Consideration of Collective Bargaining for Employees of the Minnesota State Legislature and Recommended Best Practice Options
Minn. Legislature - Legislative Coordinating Commission National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 62 Art. 2 Sec. 130 Subd. 1
| 08/01/2024 |
Labor & Employment Issues - Unions & Labor/Management Relations Public Employees
Report on recommendations for changes to the service worker category in the state civil service
Report on Recommendations for Changes to Minnesota Statutes Section 43A.071: Service Worker Class Specifications
Minn. Management & Budget
2023 Minn. Laws Chap. 62 Art. 8 Sec. 24
| 01/15/2024 |
Disability Issues Public Employees
State Government Employees
Report on strategies for attracting and retaining state employees with disabilities, including a proposal for any legislation necessary to implement recommendations of the task force.
Strategies for Attracting and Retaining State Employees with Disabilities
State Employment and Retention of Employees with Disabilities Advisory Task Force
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 10 Art. 2 Sec. 24 Subd. 3
| 01/15/2021 |
Disability Issues Public Employees
Commissioner of Management and Budget Committee on Ways and Means in the House of Representatives Finance Committee - Senate State Government State Government Finance
Summary data on the percentage of members of each protected group (females, persons with disabilities, and members of the minorities including Black, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Alaskan natives), that were hired in the executive branch in each of the federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) occupational categories applicable to state employment.
Minn. Management & Budget
2019 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 10 Art. 2 Sec. 13
43A.191 Subd. 3(h)
| 08/01/2019 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Labor & Employment Issues - Women Public Employees Race & Ethnicity
Report on the results of the experimental research projects conducted in the preceding fiscal year
Experimental or Research Projects Report
Minn. Management & Budget
43A.04 Subd. 9
| 12/01/2018 |
Public Employees
Report on the status of the program to provide onetime bonus compensation to state employees for efforts made to reduce the costs of operating state government or for ways of providing better or more efficient state services.
State Employee Gainsharing
Minn. Management & Budget
2017 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 4 Art. 2 Sec. 19
16A.90 Subd. 2
| 02/01/2018 |
Governing/Government-State Public Employees
Names of privatized former public employers approved for inclusion in law governing employees of privatized facilities since the publication of the previous fiscal year's comprehensive annual financial report
Privatizations of Formerly-Public Health Facilities: Annual Report.
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 111 Art. 3 Sec. 18
353F.025 Subd. 2
| 03/01/2017 |
Health Care - Facilities Public Employees
State employee gainsharing program
Gainsharing: Report to Legislature
Minn. Management & Budget
2015 Minn. Laws Chap. 77 Art. 1 Sec. 13
| 07/15/2015 |
Public Employees
Comprehensive market analysis of compensation for managerial positions in the executive branch done by an independent consultant
State of Minnesota Total Compensation Market Analysis
Minn. Management & Budget
2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 142 Art. 6 Sec. 11
| 01/01/2015 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
Report on the impact on usage of sick leave by executive branch employees as a result of the amendments
Sick Leave Usage Report
Minn. Management & Budget
2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 87 Art. Sec. 2
| 08/01/2014 |
Governing/Government-State Public Employees
Quadrennial actuarial experience study for the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund
Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund Actuarial Experience Study
Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota
356.215 Subd. 3
| 11/01/2013 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Report on the reduction in the number of full-time equivalent executive branch employees as of June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2013, compared to the number on June 30, 2011
Full-Time Equivalent Executive Branch Employees
Minn. Management & Budget
2011 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 10 Art. 3 Sec. 46
| 07/31/2013 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
Report on a process to redesign and consolidate the job classification plan for executive branch employees
Job Classification Redesign Report
Minn. Management & Budget
2011 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 10 Art. 3 Sec. 42
| 01/15/2012 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
Report on a plan for redesign and implementation of the performance appraisal system for executive branch employees
Performance Management Report
Minn. Management & Budget
2011 Minn. Laws 1st Sp. Sess. Chap. 10 Art. 3 Sec. 44
| 01/15/2012 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
Study of defined benefit, defined contribution, and other alternative retirement plans for Minnesota public employees
Retirement Plan Design Study : Minnesota Statewide Retirement Systems
Minn. State Retirement System Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 359 Art. 1 Sec. 86
| 06/01/2011 |
Public Employees Retirement Income - Pensions
Report regarding use of the retirement incentive for calendar year 2010, with a recommendation regarding renewal of the incentive
2010 Early Retirement Incentive Report to the Legislature
Minn. Management & Budget
2010 Minn. Laws Chap. 337 Sec. 1 Subd. 6
| 04/01/2011 |
Public Employees
Study of allowing local government employees to purchase long-term care insurance authorized under Minn. Stat. 43A.318 Subd. 2
The Public Employee Long-Term Care Insurance Program Study
Minn. Management & Budget
2009 Minn. Laws Chap. 159 Sec. 108
| 02/15/2010 |
Elderly - Long Term Care Health Care - Health Insurance Public Employees
Best practices policy for conducting investigations in which the appointing authority compels its employees to answer questions about allegedly inappropriate activity
Tennessen and Garrity Warnings Used in Misconduct Investigations
Minn. Management & Budget
2009 Minn. Laws Chap. 101 Art. 2 Sec. 63
| 02/15/2010 |
Public Employees
Report on the utilization of the early retirement incentive
Retirement Incentive Report to the Legislature
Minn. Dept. of Administration Minn. Dept. of Education Minn. State
2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 134 Art. 11 Sec. 11 Subd. 5
356.351 Subd. 5
| 08/01/2009 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Public Employees Retirement Income
Report on the utilization of the early retirement incentive
Retirement Incentive Utilization Report
Minn. Dept. of Administration Minn. Dept. of Education Minn. State
2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 134 Art. 11 Sec. 11 Subd. 5
356.351 Subd. 5
| 08/01/2009 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Public Employees Retirement Income
Report on the utilization of the early retirement incentive
Retirement Incentive Utilization Report
Minn. Dept. of Administration Minn. Dept. of Education Minn. State
2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 134 Art. 11 Sec. 11 Subd. 5
356.351 Subd. 5
| 08/01/2009 |
Education-K-12 - Teachers Public Employees Retirement Income
Quarterly report of transfers of positions, salary money, nonsalary administrative money
Minn. Dept. of Health Minn. Dept. of Human Services Minn. Veterans Homes Board
2007 Minn. Laws Chap. 147 Art. 19 Sec. 21 Subd. 2
| 01/15/2009 |
Public Employees
Plan for permitting public employers to purchase a secure benefit set with the state purchasing authority
Preliminary Report on a Secure Benefit Set for the Public Employees Insurance Program (PEIP) Executive Summary
Minn. Dept. of Administration Minn. Dept. of Health Minn. Dept. of Human Services
2005 Minn. Laws Chap. 156 Art. 2 Sec. 47 Subd. 4
| 12/15/2005 |
Public Employees
Report on the impacts of the political subdivision compensation limit on local units of government
The Impact of the Political Subdivision Compensation Limit on Local Units of Government
Minn. Legislature - Legislative Coordinating Commission
2004 Minn. Laws Chap. 207 Art. Sec. 30
| 01/15/2005 |
Governing/Government-Local Public Employees
State hiring freeze exceptions report.
Exceptions to the State Hiring Freeze
Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives Minn. Legislature - Minn. Senate Non-Designated: State
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 220 Art. 10 Sec. 38
| 02/28/2002 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
State hiring freeze exceptions report.
Exceptions to the Hiring Freeze
Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives Minn. Legislature - Minn. Senate Non-Designated: State
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 220 Art. 10 Sec. 38
| 02/28/2002 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
State hiring freeze exceptions report.
Office of the Attorney General Hiring Exceptions Report
Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives Minn. Legislature - Minn. Senate Non-Designated: State
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 220 Art. 10 Sec. 38
| 02/28/2002 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
State hiring freeze exceptions report.
Report of Exceptions from the Hiring Freeze
Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives Minn. Legislature - Minn. Senate Non-Designated: State
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 220 Art. 10 Sec. 38
| 02/28/2002 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
State hiring freeze exceptions report.
Office of the Secretary of State House File 351 Report
Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives Minn. Legislature - Minn. Senate Non-Designated: State
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 220 Art. 10 Sec. 38
| 02/28/2002 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
State hiring freeze exceptions report.
House File 351 Report
Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives Minn. Legislature - Minn. Senate Non-Designated: State
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 220 Art. 10 Sec. 38
| 02/28/2002 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
State hiring freeze exceptions report.
Minnesota Senate Position Notification
Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives Minn. Legislature - Minn. Senate Non-Designated: State
2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 220 Art. 10 Sec. 38
| 02/28/2002 |
Governing/Government-State - Agencies Public Employees
Study regarding which public employees are supervisory and confidential
Minn. Legislature - Legislative Coordinating Commission
1995 Minn. Laws Chap. 248 Art. 14 Sec. 2
| 02/01/1996 |
Public Employees
Report to LCER regarding results of pilot project waiving civil service rules
Minn. Dept. of Administration
1994 Minn. Laws Chap. 453 Art. Sec. 1 Subd. 5
| 09/01/1995 |
Public Employees