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Mandated Reports - Search

This database allows for searching of mandated reports that the Library is expecting or has received since 2003, with selected mandates prior to 2003 included. Searches by committee only cover 2019 to the present. Each year, the Legislature mandates reports and studies to be completed by state agencies or other governmental entities. Legislative Reference Library staff track these mandates and obtain copies of the reports for our collection in order to provide long-term access. All mandated reports that the library has acquired are searchable through our catalog. For more information, see Mandated Reports. Please notify Library staff with questions or concerns.

Your search returned 6 results.
Topics: Privacy

For additional information, including links to the reports, click on "Details".

Last Date ReceivedMandate DescriptionItem TitleAgencie(s)Session LawStatuteNext Due DateSubjects Committee/Agency Jurisdiction
Details 10/22/2020 Report re: warrants / orders authorizing the interception of communications and use of a pen register, trap & trace device, mobile tracking device, or other electronic or mechanical device and all applications denied during the two previous calendar yrs Minn. Stat. 626A.17 Subd. 3 Report to Legislature by State Court Administrator Regarding Wiretapping Minn. State Court Administrator
Minn. State Supreme Court
626A.17 Subd. 3 11/15/2026 Crime & Corrections - Police
Details 11/13/2024 Report re: warrants / orders authorizing the interception of communications and use of a pen register, trap & trace device, mobile tracking device, or other electronic or mechanical device and all applications denied during the two previous calendar yrs Report to Legislature by the State Court Administrator Minn. State Court Administrator
Minn. State Supreme Court
626A.17 Subd. 3 11/15/2026 Crime & Corrections - Police
Details 10/22/2020 A report concerning: (1) all tracking warrants authorizing the collection of location information during the two previous calendar years; and (2) all applications that were denied during the two previous calendar years. Each report shall include a summary and analysis of the data. Minn. Stat. 626A.17 Subd. 3 Report to Legislature by State Court Administrator Regarding Wiretapping Minn. State Court Administrator 2014 Minn. Laws Chap. 278 Art. Sec. 2 626A.42 Subd. 5 11/15/2026 Crime & Corrections - Police
Details 11/13/2024 A report concerning: (1) all tracking warrants authorizing the collection of location information during the two previous calendar years; and (2) all applications that were denied during the two previous calendar years. Each report shall include a summary and analysis of the data. Report to Legislature by the State Court Administrator Minn. State Court Administrator 2014 Minn. Laws Chap. 278 Art. Sec. 2 626A.42 Subd. 5 11/15/2026 Crime & Corrections - Police
Details 11/26/2014 A report concerning: (1) all tracking warrants authorizing the collection of location information during the two previous calendar years; and (2) all applications that were denied during the two previous calendar years. Each report shall include a summary and analysis of the data. Report to Legislature by State Court Administrator Regarding Tracking Warrants Minn. State Court Administrator 2014 Minn. Laws Chap. 278 Art. Sec. 2 626A.42 Subd. 5 11/15/2026 Crime & Corrections - Police
Details 04/14/2016 A report on planning for implementation of the Real ID Act. The commissioner may include in the report analysis of relevant issues in addition to the information on each of the planning activities listed in subdivision 1, paragraph (b). Planning for Implementation of the REAL ID Act: Report to the Legislature Minn. Dept. of Public Safety 2016 Minn. Laws Chap. 83 Art. Sec. 2 Subd. 2 04/14/2016 Privacy
Terrorism & Security Issues