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Mandate Details

Description: Reports on how each Law Enforcement and Fire Department Therapy Dog Grant Program grant was expended, including an overview of the grant recipient's budget; a detailed explanation of how grant funds were expended; the number of dogs trained with grant funds; the number of peace officers or firefighters served by dogs trained with grant funds; and a list and explanation of the benefits received by peace officers or firefighters who were served by dogs trained with grant funds
Law: 2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 123 Art. 1 Sec. 4 Subd. 4(c)
Agency(ies)/Supplier(s): Minn. Dept. of Public Safety
Due Date: 01/15/2025
Frequency: Irregular
Subjects: Animals/Animal Rights
Crime & Corrections - Police
Fires & Fire Fighters
Committee/Agency Jurisdiction: Commissioner of Public Safety
Public Safety Policy and Finance
Note: An initial report is due by January 15, 2025, and a final report is due by January 15, 2026. Reports are due from each grant recipient.

Item(s) Received

No items received for this mandate.