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Mandate Details

Description: Report and findings from a Metro Mobility enhancement and service study with recommendations to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, reliability, dignity, and experience of riders of the special transportation service
Law: 2024 Minn. Laws Chap. 127 Art. 3 Sec. 125
Agency(ies)/Supplier(s): Minn. Dept. of Transportation
Due Date: 02/15/2026
Frequency: One time
Subjects: Disability Issues
Committee/Agency Jurisdiction: Transportation Finance
Transportation Policy
Note: In consultation with the Metropolitan Council The report must include: 1) an evaluation of the Metropolitan Council's efforts to deliver improvements in the reliability, effectiveness, and efficiency of services as required by state and federal law, including workforce and procurement efforts to meet the demand for Metro Mobility services; (2) an analysis of the extent to which Metro Mobility can fully meet demand for its services in federally defined and state-defined services areas, including a comprehensive examination of the Metropolitan Council's on-demand taxi alternative for Metro Mobility-certified riders and Metro Move services; (3) an evaluation of whether Metro Mobility met performance goals for the fulfillment of ride requests; (4) an analysis of whether state service requirements in law should be amended to prohibit or restrict the denial of ride requests in the state-mandated service area and whether such a requirement in service can be met with existing resources; (5) suggested improvements to the Metropolitan Council's oversight and management of its reservation and dispatch structure and a detailed analysis and recommendations on a Metropolitan Council-operated centralized reservation system; (6) a comprehensive analysis of the Metropolitan Council's oversight and management of transit providers contracted to provide rides for Metro Mobility, including services plans, payment and bonus structure, and performance standards; (7) recommendations on the adequacy of the Metro Mobility complaints process and an evaluation of whether the Metropolitan Council receives all rider concerns and whether concerns are addressed appropriately; (8) an evaluation of the Metro Mobility enhancement pilot program; (9) an evaluation and assessment of how to implement the use of transportation network companies or taxi services to provide an enhanced service option in which riders may pay a higher fare than other users of Metro Mobility services; (10) an evaluation of the feasibility of nonsubsidized, subsidized, and tiered ride services handled by a dispatching service provider; and (11) an analysis of and recommendations for comprehensive improvements in route coordination, call sequencing and customer service, integration with transportation network company applications, and cataloging rides for maximum efficiency and driver compensation.

Item(s) Received

No items received for this mandate.