In developing the policy, the Minn. Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training must convene a group consisting of representatives from the Minn. Dept. of Public Safety's School Safety Center, the Minn. School Boards Association, the Minn. Association of Secondary School Principals, Education Minnesota, the Minn. Sheriffs' Association, the Minn. Chiefs of Police Association, the Minn. Police and Peace Officers Association, the Minn. Juvenile Officers Association, the National Association of School Resource Officers, Solutions Not Suspensions, the Minn. Youth Council, the Minn. Council on Disability, and one community organization supporting the rights of students receiving special education services. The group must meet at least three times.
The model policy must cover, at a minimum, the following: (1) issues to be addressed in a school resource officer contract, including but not limited to the use of plain clothes, modified uniforms, and other changes to school resource officer attire in order to foster a positive school climate, facilitate the establishment of positive relationships with students, and promote open communication; (2) considerations for the proper use of force on school grounds, including: (i) the prohibitions on choke holds and other restraints established in Minn. Stat. 609.06, subdivision 3; (ii) the prohibition on using force or the authority of the peace officer's office solely to enforce school rules or policies or participating in the enforcement of discipline for violations of school rules; (iii) the use of de-escalation techniques and other alternatives to higher levels of force that are appropriate with juveniles and students in a school setting; (iv) response tactics and strategies that minimize the use and duration of prone restraint, as defined in Minn. Stat. 121A.58, and other physical holds of students; and (v) the duty to render reasonably prompt care, consistent with the officer's training, to a person who an officer physically holds or restrains; (3) alternative procedures that can be used to de-escalate conflicts in schools and students and others in crisis; (4) proper procedures and limitations placed on school districts and charter schools to ensure school resource officers are being utilized appropriately and not for school disciplinary purposes; (5) considerations to build constructive police relationships with students, administrators, and educational staff; (6) proper procedures for protecting student data; and (7) how soon after completing the training required under Minn. Stat. 626.8482 Subd. 3 that a school resource officer must complete a refresher course that covers the learning objectives established in Minn. Stat. 626.8482 Subd. 4.