(May not result in a written report) In consultation with the Minn. Dept. of Public Safety's School Safety Center
Learning objectives must include training on: (1) the juvenile justice system; (2) legal standards for peace officers to use force to detain or arrest students in schools; (3) legal standards for school employees and contractors to use force to detain, discipline, and arrest students in school; (4) de-escalation techniques and using the least restrictive physical intervention strategies for handling conflicts in schools; (5) responding to persons experiencing a mental health crisis in a school setting, with an emphasis placed on juveniles; (6) understanding and working with students with disabilities and students receiving special education services; (7) juvenile brain development, including limitations on impulse control; (8) the impact of childhood trauma on juvenile behavior; (9) responding to threats of violence against students and schools; (10) detecting juvenile exploitation; (11) investigating crimes committed in schools, including student and parental rights; (12) identifying vulnerabilities in school facilities and safety protocols; (13) mandated safety drills and best practices in conducting safety drills; and (14) the topics identified in Minn. Stat. 626.8469 Subd. 1, as they pertain to juveniles or students.