Report on Minn. Climate Innovation Finance Authority activities in the previous year, with: : (1) the amount of capital invested, by project type; (2) the amount of private and public capital leveraged by authority investments, by project type; (3) the number of qualified projects supported, by project type and location within Minnesota, including in environmental justice communities; (4) the estimated number of jobs created for local workers and nonlocal workers, the ratio of projects subject to and exempt from prevailing wage requirements, and tax revenue generated as a result of the authority's activities; (5) estimated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the authority's activities; (6) the number of clean energy projects financed in low- and moderate-income households; (7) a narrative describing the progress made toward the authority's equity, social, and labor standards goals; and (8) a financial audit conducted by an independent party.
Committee/Agency Jurisdiction:
Energy Policy and Finance Governor