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Mandate Details

Description: Report with an itemized list of each expenditure the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association made with the funds received from special law enforcement memorial license plates contributions during the previous calendar year.
Law: 2019 Minn. Laws 1st Spl. Sess. Chap. 3 Art. 3 Sec. 22
Statute: 168.1294 Subd. 6
Agency(ies)/Supplier(s): Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association
Due Date: 01/15/2026
Frequency: Annual
Subjects: Crime & Corrections - Police
Committee/Agency Jurisdiction: Commissioner of Public Safety
Transportation Finance
Transportation Policy
Note: There was no activity in 2020, so no report for that year was published.

Item(s) Received

TitlePublisher(s)Publication DateCoverageDate ReceivedReport LinkCall #
Expenditures Made by the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association From the Law Enforcement Memorial License Plate Fund. Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association January 8, 2025202401/08/2025 25-0055.pdf
Expenditures Made by the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association From the Law Enforcement Memorial License Plate Fund. Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association January 5, 2024202301/08/2024 24-0017.pdf
Expenditures Made by the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association From the Law Enforcement Memorial License Plate Fund. Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association February 1, 2023202202/06/2023 23-0358.pdf
HV8145.M6 E97 2022
Expenditures Made by the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association From the Law Enforcement Memorial License Plate Fund. Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association March 31, 2022202104/06/2022 22-0627.pdf
HV8145.M6 E97 2021
Expenditures Made by the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association From the Law Enforcement Memorial License Plate Fund. Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association February 14, 2020201902/18/2020 20-0286.pdf
HV8145.M6 E97 2019