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Issues Received by the LRL

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago - Economic Perspectives

Expected DateReceived DateIssue YearIssue Months Or SeasonIssue DayVolumeIssueIssue NumberCopy NumberIssue Notes
1/31/20251/31/20252025    11Quarterly industry-level labor productivity data for the U.S.
12/20/202412/20/20242024    71Nowcasting median household income with mixed-frequency models
11/15/202411/15/20242024    61Inequality and shocks to firms' pricing decisions
8/29/20248/29/20242024    51Life insurers' exposure to commercial real estate
7/8/20247/8/20242024    41The emerging geography of electric vehicle production in North America: Revolution or evolution?
5/21/20245/21/20242024    31Insurance on insurers: How state insurance guaranty funds protect policyholders
4/18/20244/18/20242024    21The French public debt in the nineteenth century
2/21/20242/21/20242024    11The labor market impact of Covid-19 on Asian Americans
12/22/202312/22/20232023    51Monetary policy and the stock market in the Covid era
10/20/202310/20/20232023    41What does the CDS market imply for a U.S. default?
8/30/20238/30/20232023    31Microforecasting inflation
8/17/20238/17/20232023    21Electric vehicles, motor fuel taxes, and road funding in the Seventh District and beyond
8/14/20238/14/20232023    11Missing workers and missing jobs since the pandemic
12/2/202212/2/20222022    51North America's rapidly growing electric vehicle market: Implications for the geography of automotive production
8/2/20228/2/20222022    41Monetary policy, inflation outlook, and recession probabilities
7/29/20227/29/20222022    31Confessions of a repentant bubble theorist
7/18/20227/18/20222022    21The relationship between race and ethnicity, type of work, and Covid-19 infection rates
2/2/20222/3/20222022    11Online only Quantitative effects of temporary employment contracts in Spain
10/22/202110/22/20212021    21Online only Yield curve control in the United States, 1942 to 1951
3/31/20214/1/20212021    11Online only The global saving glut and the fall in U.S. real interest rates: A 15-year retrospective
12/6/201912/6/20192019  43 31Can broader access to direct CCP clearing reduce the concentration of cleared derivatives?
7/22/20197/22/20192019  43 21The macroeconomic effects of the 2018 Bipartisan Budget Act
3/1/20193/1/20192019  43 11A new "big data" index of U.S. economic activity
9/11/20189/11/20182018    41Bridging between policymakers' and economists' views on bubbles
8/29/20188/29/20182018    31Seasonal and business cycles of U.S. employment
6/18/20186/18/20182018    21A monetarist view of the Fed's balance sheet normalization period
3/16/20183/16/20182018    11Household inequality and the consumption response to aggregate real shocks
11/20/201711/20/20172017  41 81What explains the decline in life insurance ownership
11/9/201711/9/20172017  41 71Blockchain and financial market innovation
9/14/20179/14/20172017  41 61Mexico's growing role in the auto industry under NAFTA: Who makes what and what goes where
7/27/20177/27/20172017  41 51The expansion of high school choice in Chicago public schools
5/10/20175/10/20172017  41 41Minority-owned banks and their primary local market areas
4/11/20174/11/20172017  41 31The event-study activity puzzle
3/21/20173/21/20172017  41 21Understanding global trends in long-run real interest rates
3/7/20173/7/20172017  41 11The Goldilocks problem: How to get incentives and default waterfalls "just right"
12/2/201612/2/20162016  40 51What we learn from a sovereign debt restructuring in France in 1721
11/7/201611/7/20162016  40 41Cleared margin setting at selected CCPs
9/12/20169/12/20162016  40 31Small business lending after the financial crisis: A new competitive landscape for community banks
5/18/20165/18/20162016  40 21How did the Great Recession affect payday loans?
5/6/20165/6/20162016  40 11What does online job search tell us about labor market?
3/28/20163/28/201620154th Quarter (no.2) XXXIX7 1Auto production footprints: Comparing Europe and North America (pp. 101-119)
3/7/20163/7/201620154th Quarter (no.1) XXXIX6 1Central clearing: Risk and customer protections (pp. 90-100)
12/7/201512/7/201520153rd Quarter (no.1) XXXIX5 1The Chicago Fed Survey of Business Conditions: Qualifying the Seventh district's Beige Book report (pp. 77-89)

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