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Parry, Mike

Senate 2010-2012 (District 26)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Rice, Steele, Waseca


Date of Birth: 1/5/1953
Birth Place: Albert Lea, Minnesota
Birth County: Freeborn
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death:
Gender: Male
Religion: Lutheran
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Waseca
Occupation (when first elected): Owner and Manager, Marketing and Motivation Company, Sterling-Krystel LLC/Family Owned Business, Godfather's Pizza Franchise, Waseca/Former Radio Station Manager/Former Police Officer


University of Minnesota, Duluth; Attended College;
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehensions Peace Officer Standards and Training Academy, Arden Hills; Vocational-Technical School; Licensed Peace Officer, Law Enforcement
Brown Institute of Broadcasting, Minneapolis; Vocational-Technical School; Broadcasting


County Government: Freeborn County , Minnesota (Deputy Sheriff); [Dates Unknown]
Military: Army National Guard (Staff Sergeant); [Dates Unknown]
Municipal Government: Morristown, Minnesota (Police Department); [Dates Unknown]
Municipal Government: Jackson, Minnesota (Police Department); [Dates Unknown]
Municipal Board/Commission: Waseca, Minnesota (Economic Development Authority, Member); ? to 20??
Municipal Council/Aldermen: Waseca, Minnesota (City Council, Member); 2004 to 2008


Spouse: Kathy Carlsen (married in 1972)
Children: Two children: Michelle (daughter), Dustin (son)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


Special Legislative Concerns: business, job growth, education.

He was raised on a farm.

He ran successfully for the Republican endorsement for the United States House of Representatives in Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District in the 2012 primary election. He lost the primary to Allen Quist.

He was a licensed General Aviation Pilot.

He was a member of the Masons.

He was a member of Grace Lutheran Church in Waseca, Minnesota.

Religion provided by his 2010 campaign site.

Total Days Served: 1068


87th Legislative Session (2011-2012)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 26
Elected: 11/2/2010
Residence: Waseca
Term of Office: 1/3/2011 to 1/6/2013
Counties Represented: Rice, Steele, Waseca
Occupation: Small Business Owner, Marketing-Motivation Consultant, Sterling-Krystel, LLC
Party: Republican
Bills Authored: Chief Author     Author
Special Session Bills Authored:  2011 1st Sp.S. - Chief Author    2011 1st Sp.S. - Author
  • Finance
  • State Government Innovation and Veterans (Chair)
  • Transportation

86th Legislative Session (2009-2010) (second half of Senate term)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 26
Elected: 1/26/2010
Residence: Waseca
Term of Office: 2/4/2010 to 1/2/2011 (Special Election)
Counties Represented: Rice, Steele, Waseca
Occupation: Owner and Manager, Marketing and Motivation Company, Sterling-Krystel LLC/Family Owned Business, Godfather's Pizza Franchise, Waseca/Former Radio Station Manager/Former Police Officer
Party: Republican
Bills Authored: Chief Author     Author
Special Session Bills Authored:     2010 2nd Sp.S. - Author
  • Business, Industry and Jobs
  • Capital Investment
  • Finance
  • Finance: Transportation Budget and Policy Division
  • State and Local Government Operations and Oversight
  • Transportation
Session Notes: He won the Senate special election held due to the resignation of Dick Day. He was sworn in on February 4, 2010.
These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.

The Library maintains newspaper clippings on individual legislators during their terms. Clippings are available from 1973 to the present in a variety of formats: 1973-1999, microfiche available at the Library; 2000-2009, scanned in yearly compilations and digitally available on the legislative network; 2009-present, archived in a searchable database maintained by the Library and available on the legislative network.