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Marshall, William Rainey

Territorial House 1849 (District 5)

Party when first elected:  Not Available

Counties Served:  Dakota, Ramsey


Date of Birth: 10/17/1825
Birth Place: Columbia, Missouri
Birth County: Boone
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: 1/8/1896
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Saint Anthony Falls
Occupation (when first elected): None Listed


Quincy Common Schools, Illinois; At Least Elementary School;


U.S. Executive Branch: United States Land Office, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin/Minnesota Territory (Deputy Receiver); 184? to 18?? [Appointed]
State Legislator (Not Minnesota): Wisconsin Legislature; 1848 to 1848 [Elected]
Board of Regents: University of Minnesota (Regent, One of the First Ones); 1851 to 1853
County Government: Ramsey County, Minnesota (County Surveyor); 1853 to 1854
School Board/Administration: St. Paul, Minnesota (Board of Education); 1856 to 1857
Military: 7th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment (United States Civil War and Dakota War of 1862, Wounded at the Advance on Spanish Fort; Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, General, Brevet Brigadier General); 1862 to 08/1865
State Governor: Minnesota; 01/08/1866 to 01/09/1870 [Elected]
Board of Regents: University of Minnesota; 1869 to 1870
Board of Regents: University of Minnesota; 1873 to 1882
State Board/Commission/Council: Minnesota Board of Railroad Commissioners; 1874 to 1883 [Appointed]
State Board/Commission/Council: Minnesota Historical Society (Secretary); 1893 to 01/1895


Spouse: Abby Langford (married on March 22, 1854)
Children: Two children: (at least 1 son)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


He was of Scottish and Irish ancestry on his father's side.

He was born near Columbia, Missouri. He moved to St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin/Minnesota Territory in 1847. He moved to St. Anthony Falls, Minnesota in 1849. He moved to St. Paul, Minnesota in 1851.

He served as the Chair of the convention that founded the Republican party in Minnesota. (MHS Governors of Minnesota) The convention was held in St. Anthony, Minnesota on March 29, 1855. The first RepublicanTerritorial Convention took place in St. Paul, Minnesota on July 25, 1855. Henry M. Rice, William R. Marshall, and David Olmsted were at this convention.

Marshall County, Minnesota was named after him.

He was stricken with paralysis in 1894. He moved to Pasadena, California for health reasons in 1895. He died in Pasadena, California. His funeral was held at Christ Church in St. Paul, Minnesota.

He was a founder of the Swedenborgian Church in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Religion provided by Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897.

Total Days Served: 485


1st Territorial Legislative Session (1849)

  Session Details
Body: Territorial House
District: 05
Elected: 8/1/1849
Residence: Saint Anthony Falls
Term of Office: 9/3/1849 to 12/31/1850
Counties Represented: Dakota, Ramsey
Occupation: None Listed
Party: Not Available
  • Elections (Chair)
  • Enrolled Bills Joint (Chair)
  • Territorial Affairs

Articles & Books About

These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.