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Paige, Mabeth Hurd

House 1923-43 (District 30)

Party when first elected:  Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus

Counties Served:  Hennepin


Date of Birth: ??/??/1870
Birth Place: Newburyport, Massachusetts
Birth County:
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: 8/19/1961
Gender: Female
Religion: Presbyterian, Congregational
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
Former Name: Hurd
City of Residence (when first elected): Minneapolis
Occupation (when first elected): Business Manager; Organization Operating Hospital, Home Club for Girls and Home for the Aged/Lawyer/Former Supervisor of Art, Minneapolis Public Schools


Newburyport Schools, Massachusetts; Elementary School;
Newburyport Schools, Massachusetts; Secondary; Graduate
Normal Art School, Boston, Massachusetts; Attended College;
Julian Art Academie, Paris; Attended College; 1894
University of Nebraska; Attended College; 1 Year, 1870
University of Minnesota, College of Law; B.L.; 1895-1899 or 1900, Admitted to the Minnesota Bar, 1900


State Board/Commission/Council: Minnesota State Constitutional Commission; 19?? to 19??
State Agency: Minnesota Division of Employment and Security (Advisory Council Member); 19?? to 19??
Municipal Government: Minneapolis, Minnesota (Police Survey Committee); 19?? to 19??
Municipal Board/Commission: Minneapolis, Minnesota (Charter Commission); 19?? to 19??
State Board/Commission/Council: Governor's Interracial Commission; 194? to 194?


Spouse: James Paige (married on June 10, 1895; he died in 1940, while she was in office); Widow
Children: One child: Elizabeth (daughter)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


She was one of the first four women to serve in the Minnesota Legislature. The others were: Sue Metzger Dickey Hough, Hannah Johnson Kempfer, and Myrtle Cain. All four were elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives.

She moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1891.

"Rebuffed by the regular Republican party organization, Mabeth Hurd Paige, as her name later appeared on the ballot, ran independently." ("Women Legislators: Mabeth Hurd Paige." Women of Minnesota: Selected Biographical Essays, St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1998, p. 254)

"Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)

She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women)

She was a charter member of the League of Minnesota Women Voters.

She was President of the Women's Christian Association from 1910-1922.

Mabeth Paige Hall in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota was named after her.

She had a stroke in January 1961 and died after a long illness at Masonic Memorial Hospital, one of the University of Minnesota's Hospitals, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

She was raised a Congregationalist but adopted her husband's Presbyterian religion after she got married.

Total Days Served: 8036


53rd Legislative Session (1943-1944)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/3/1942
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/4/1943 to 12/31/1944
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: None Listed
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Civil Administration
  • Education
  • Public Domain
  • Rules
  • Welfare (Chair)

52nd Legislative Session (1941-1942)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/5/1940
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/6/1941 to 1/3/1943
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Practicing Law
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Civil Administration
  • Education
  • Public Domain
  • Public Welfare (Chair)
  • Rules

51st Legislative Session (1939-1940)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/8/1938
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/2/1939 to 1/5/1941
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Practicing Law
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Civil Administration
  • Education
  • Public Domain
  • Public Welfare (Chair)
  • University and State Schools

50th Legislative Session (1937-1938)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/3/1936
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/4/1937 to 1/1/1939
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Practicing Law
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Civil Administration
  • Education
  • Judiciary
  • Public Domain
  • Public Health and Hospitals
  • Public Welfare and Social Legislation
  • University and State Schools

49th Legislative Session (1935-1936)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/6/1934
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/7/1935 to 1/3/1937
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Practicing Law
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Civil Administration
  • Education
  • Emergency Relief
  • Judiciary
  • Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Tax Laws
  • Public Domain
  • Public Welfare
  • University and State Schools (Chair)

48th Legislative Session (1933-1934)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/8/1932
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/2/1933 to 1/6/1935
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Practicing Law
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Cities of the First Class
  • Civil Administration
  • Education
  • Judiciary
  • Public Welfare and Social Legislation
  • Reforestation
  • University and State Schools

47th Legislative Session (1931-1932)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/4/1930
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/5/1931 to 1/1/1933
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Lawyer
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Cities of the First Class
  • Education
  • Elections
  • Judiciary
  • Motor Vehicles and Motor Tax Laws
  • Public Welfare and Social Legislation (Chair)
  • Rules

46th Legislative Session (1929-1930)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/6/1928
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/7/1929 to 1/4/1931
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Lawyer
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Education
  • Elections
  • Judiciary
  • Motor Vehicles and Motor Tax Laws
  • Municipal Affairs
  • Public Welfare and Social Legislation (Chair)
  • Rules

45th Legislative Session (1927-1928)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/2/1926
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/3/1927 to 1/6/1929
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Lawyer
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Crime Prevention
  • Education
  • Elections
  • Judiciary
  • Public Welfare and Social Legislation (Chair)
  • Rules

44th Legislative Session (1925-1926)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/4/1924
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/5/1925 to 1/2/1927
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Lawyer
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240)
  • Appropriations
  • Board of Control (Chair)
  • Crime Prevention
  • Education
  • Judiciary
  • Public Welfare and Social Legislation

43rd Legislative Session (1923-1924)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 30
Elected: 11/7/1922
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/1/1923 to 1/4/1925
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Business Manager; Organization Operating Hospital, Home Club for Girls and Home for the Aged/Lawyer/Former Supervisor of Art, Minneapolis Public Schools
Party: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus Party Notes: "Rebuffed by the regular Republican party organization, Mabeth Hurd Paige, as her name later appeared on the ballot, ran independently." ("Women Legislators: Mabeth Hurd Paige." Women of Minnesota: Selected Biographical Essays, St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1998, p. 254); "Well-anyhow, throughout her incumbency she would be a free lance-a liberal conservative. She would not have the dictators of any party making her decisions for her even though the leaders of the group with which she was associated might sometimes be disappointed in her vote." (Lady in Law: A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige, 1950, p. 240); She was a member of the Republican Party. (Minnesota Legislative Commission on the Economic Status of Women)
  • Appropriations
  • Board of Control and State Institutions
  • Civil Administration
  • Education
  • Judiciary
  • Public Welfare and Social Legislation
  • Temperance

Articles & Books About

These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.

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