House 2005-2012 (District 27B); House 2013-2020 (District 27B)
Party when first elected: Democratic-Farmer-Labor
Counties Served: Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Mower
Houston High School; Secondary; 1975University of Wisconsin, River Falls; B.A.; Sociology and Criminal JusticeWinona State University; M.S.; Counseling
Spouse: Widow; Robert "Bob" Vilt (married in 1984; he passed away in 2017) Children: Three children: Lydia (daughter); Casey and Skyler (sons) Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
She was raised on a family farm.She ran unsuccessfully as the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party endorsed candidate for the Minnesota House of Representatives in the 2002 election.Religion provided by Politics in Minnesota the Directory, 2005-2006.