House 2003-2012 (District 32B); House 2013-2014 (District 34B)
Party when first elected: Republican
Counties Served: Hennepin
Devil's Lake High School, North Dakota; Secondary; University of North Dakota; B.S.; Political Science
Spouse: Kimberly "Kim" (married in December 2002) Children: Two children: Reagan Hope (daughter), William "Will" (son), Bennett (son) Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
He had some German ancestry.He was raised on a farm in Devil's Lake, North Dakota. He moved to Minnesota in 1993.He was on the football team at the University of North Dakota.Religion provided by the 2006 WCCO TV Voters' Election Guide.He unsuccessfully sought the Republican Party endorsement to run for Minnesota Governor in the 2014 election. He lost the endorsement to Jeff Johnson, ran in the primary without endorsement, and lost the primary election.