House 1973-82 (District 39A); House 1983-90 (District 42B)
Party when first elected: Nonpartisan Election-Conservative Caucus
Counties Served: Hennepin
Whitehall High School, Wisconsin; Secondary; St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota; B.A.; Music, 1942
Spouse: Robert Ames Forsythe Sr. (married in 1942, he was a Hennepin County District Court Judge, he ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate in 1966 and for Attorney General in 1970, he died in June 2007) Children: Five children: Robert Ames Jr. (son); Pauline "Polly", Jean, Ann, and Joan (daughters) Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
She was a member of the Republican Party.She was a member of the St. Olaf Choir while attending St. Olaf College.She was a Girl Scout Leader.She was a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.Religion provided by the Catholic Bulletin, 3/21/1975 and the Minnesota Legislative Manual, 1987-88.