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Omar, Ilhan

House 2017-2018 (District 60B)

Party when first elected:  Democratic-Farmer-Labor

Counties Served:  Hennepin


Date of Birth: 10/4/1982
Birth Place: ,
Birth County:
Birth Country: Somalia
Date of Death:
Gender: Female
Religion: Muslim
Reported Minority: Somali-American, Black
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Minneapolis
Occupation (when first elected): Director of Policy Initiatives


Edison High School; Secondary;
North Dakota State University; B.S.; Political Science and International Studies
University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs; Fellowship; Policy Fellow, 2014-2015


U.S. Representative: 5th Congressional District, Minnesota; 2019 to ? [Elected]


Spouse: Married (when first elected)
Children: Three children
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


She is the first Somali-American, Muslim woman in the nation to hold a state legislative office (2016 Campaign Website).

She is the "first Somali-American lawmaker in the United States." (NPR, November 10, 2016)

She is one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congresss. (CNBC, November 7, 2018)

She said in her victory speech that she is "the first woman of color to represent our state in Congress. The first woman to wear a hijab to represent Minnesota ... The first refugee ever elected to Congress. And one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress." (NPR, November 7, 2018)

She was born in Somalia and lived with family friends and then in a refugee camp in Kenya before immigrating to the U.S. when she was 12 years old (City Pages, 10/26/2016).

"I'm Muslim and black" (Elle, March 31, 2017).

She is the youngest of seven children and when she came to the United States in 1995, she spoke only Somali. (NPR, November 10, 2016)

She ran for the 5th Congressional District in the 2018 election after Keith Ellison withdrew from that race to run for Attorney General in Minnesota.

Religion provided by her 2016 campaign website.

Her birth year is correct. It is incorrectly reported as 1981 in other sources. As of May 24, 2019, Rep. Omar's congressional staff are working with Wikipedia and the U.S. House to correct her birth year in those sources.

Total Days Served: 735


90th Legislative Session (2017-2018)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 60B
Elected: 11/8/2016
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/2/2017 to 1/6/2019
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Director of Policy Initiatives
Party: Democratic-Farmer-Labor
Bills Authored: Chief Author     Author
Special Session Bills Authored:     2017 1st Sp.S. - Author
  • Civil Law & Data Practices Policy Minutes
  • Higher Education & Career Readiness Policy and Finance Minutes
  • State Government Finance Minutes
Leadership Position: Assistant Minority Leader
These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.

The Library maintains newspaper clippings on individual legislators during their terms. Clippings are available from 1973 to the present in a variety of formats: 1973-1999, microfiche available at the Library; 2000-2009, scanned in yearly compilations and digitally available on the legislative network; 2009-present, archived in a searchable database maintained by the Library and available on the legislative network.