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Myhra, Pam

House 2011-2012 (District 40A); House 2013-2014 (District 56A)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Dakota, Scott


Date of Birth: 2/18/1957
Birth Place: ,
Birth County:
Birth Country:
Date of Death:
Gender: Female
Religion: Christian
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Burnsville
Occupation (when first elected): CPA, Inactive License; Teacher, Retired


Burnsville High School; Secondary; Graduate
University of St. Thomas; B.A.; Business Administration, With Honors



Spouse: Chuck
Children: Three children: Kristin, Justin, and Kathrin
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


She moved to Burnsville, Minnesota around 1973.

She spent five of the first six years of her life living in Latin America. (House floor session, May 6, 2013)

She unsuccessfully sought the Republican Party endorsement to run for Minnesota Lieutenant Governor as Marty Seifert's running mate in the 2014 election. They lost the endorsement to Jeff Johnson and Bill Kuisle, ran in the primary without endorsement, and lost the primary election.

She announced her candidacy for the United States House of Representatives for Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District in 2015.

In 2018, she ran for state auditor but she lost in the general election.

She was an unsuccessful candidate for the House district 56A seat in the 2020 election.

She ran unsuccessfully for Senate district 55 in the 2022 election.

She was a member of Bethesda Church, Prior Lake, Minnesota. Religion provided by her 2010 campaign website.

Total Days Served: 1463


88th Legislative Session (2013-2014)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 56A
Elected: 11/6/2012
Residence: Burnsville
Term of Office: 1/7/2013 to 1/4/2015
Counties Represented: Dakota, Scott
Occupation: CPA, Inactive License; Teacher, Retired
Party: Republican
Bills Authored: Chief Author     Author
Special Session Bills Authored:     2013 1st Sp.S. - Author

87th Legislative Session (2011-2012)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 40A
Elected: 11/2/2010
Residence: Burnsville
Term of Office: 1/3/2011 to 1/6/2013
Counties Represented: Dakota, Scott
Occupation: CPA, Inactive License; Teacher, Retired
Party: Republican
Bills Authored: Chief Author     Author

Articles & Books About

Session Interviews

These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.


The Library maintains newspaper clippings on individual legislators during their terms. Clippings are available from 1973 to the present in a variety of formats: 1973-1999, microfiche available at the Library; 2000-2009, scanned in yearly compilations and digitally available on the legislative network; 2009-present, archived in a searchable database maintained by the Library and available on the legislative network.